- published: 05 May 2017
- views: 74
In the Abrahamic religions, Gabriel (Hebrew: גַּבְרִיאֵל, Modern Gavri'el, Tiberian Gaḇrîʼēl "God is my strength"; Biblical Greek: Γαβριήλ, Gabriēl) is an angel who typically serves as a messenger sent from God to certain people.
Gabriel is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. In the Old Testament, he appears to the prophet Daniel, delivering explanations of Daniel's visions (Daniel 8:15–26, 9:21–27). In the Gospel of Luke, Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and the Virgin Mary, foretelling the births of John the Baptist and Jesus, respectively (Luke 1:11–38). In the Book of Daniel, he is referred to as "the man Gabriel", while in the Gospel of Luke, Gabriel is referred to as "an angel of the Lord" (Luke 1:11). Gabriel is not called an archangel in the Bible, but is so called in Intertestamental period sources like the Book of Enoch. In the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches, the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel are also referred to as saints. In Islam, Gabriel is considered an archangel whom God is believed to have sent with revelation to various prophets, including Muhammad. The 96th chapter of the Quran, al-Alaq, is believed by Muslims to have been the first chapter (surah) revealed by Gabriel to Muhammad.
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Amanda MacKinnon Gaiman Palmer (born April 30, 1976), sometimes known as Amanda Fucking Palmer, is an American singer-songwriter who first rose to prominence as the lead singer, pianist, and lyricist/composer of the duo The Dresden Dolls. She has had a successful solo career, is also one-half of the duo Evelyn Evelyn, and is the lead singer and songwriter of Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra.
Palmer was born Amanda MacKinnon Palmer in New York City's Mount Sinai Hospital, and grew up in Lexington, Massachusetts. She attended Lexington High School, where she was involved in the drama department, and attended Wesleyan University where she was a member of the Eclectic Society. She staged performances based on work by the Legendary Pink Dots, an early influence, and was involved in the Legendary Pink Dots electronic mailing list, Cloud Zero. She then formed the Shadowbox Collective, devoted to street theatre and putting on theatrical shows (such as the 2002 play, Hotel Blanc, which she directed). Another early influence is Judy Blume, an author of children books.
Andres Levin is a Venezuelan-born American record producer, bandleader, filmmaker, recording engineer and philanthropist. Levin won a Grammy Award in 2009 for his production of the In the Heights Cast Recording. His Grammy-nominated Latin fusion band Yerba Buena was founded along with Cuban-American singer Cucu Diamantes.
Levin has been called the "master-chef of urban fusion" by the Los Angeles Times.
Levin was born in Caracas, Venezuela. Since his father is a musician and producer as well, Levin was surrounded by music. He began playing guitar at age 10 and was soon immersed in the musical world. In 1988, Levin took advantage of a full scholarship at Berklee School of Music in Boston, Massachusetts before studying composition at Juilliard in New York City. While in New York, Levin worked at Skyline studios and was soon hired by producer Nile Rodgers as a full-time Synclavier programmer and arranger. With Rodgers, Levin worked with artists such as the B-52's, Diana Ross, INXS, and The Vaughan Brothers.
Big Sean - Bounce Back (Gabriel Gascon Choreography)
Rihanna - Yeah, I Said It (Gabriel Gascon Choreography)
ANTI (Gabriel Gascon Choreography)
Magia Copa América
Mago Gabriel Gascón "Bubblegume"
Sean Paul - Body feat. Migos (Gabriel Gascon Choreography)
Winter Blanco
AMANDA PALMER - THE ANGEL GABRIEL (postcard from havana)
Nouvelle chorégraphie créée par moi-même, enjoy! 🎧Moves x Bounce Back Special thanks to: Gabii 😏 🉐 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvscvn_/ ㊙️ Tumblr: http://gvscvn.tumblr.com/ ABONNE-TOI!
Me voilà déjà de retour pour une nouvelle chorégraphie! Oui, encore sur du Riri..! Enjoy! 🎧Rihanna - Yeah, I Said It 💃Michelle, Laeticia, Marie-Ève 🉐 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvscvn_/ ㊙️ Tumblr: http://gvscvn.tumblr.com/ ABONNE-TOI!
[REPOST] Bonjour à tous, Voici une chorégraphie créée par moi-même sur des chansons de l'album ANTI de Rihanna. J'attends vos retours! N'hésitez surtout pas à me donner des commentaires positifs, autant que des critiques constructives afin de m'améliorer. Enjoy! 🎧Desperado x Sex With Me x Pose Special thanks to: Gabii 😏 🉐 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvscvn_/ ㊙️ Tumblr: http://gvscvn.tumblr.com/ ABONNE-TOI!
Mon projet intégrateur prend bientôt fin... Aujourd'hui, je danse, bien accompagné, sur du SEAN DA PAUL! 🎧Sean Paul - Body feat. Migos 💃Michelle: https://www.instagram.com/michellesaghbini/ Gabriella: https://www.instagram.com/gabriellatrimarco/ 🉐 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvscvn_/ ㊙️ Tumblr: http://gvscvn.tumblr.com/ ABONNE-TOI!
a video postcard from havana, december 24th, 2016. This video production was made with funds from 9,000+ patrons. THANK YOU TO ALL YOU PATRONS...i mean, look at this. using your patronage, we employed about 50 local havana artists, actors, painters, costume designers, dancers and film crew to make this, and we also filmed a ton of behind the scenes and we’re currently doing interviews with a ton of these (and other) havana locals…we’ll release that documentary soon. if you want to become part of this amazing art family and support more work, we would LOVE TO HAVE YOU. join at: https://www.patreon.com/amandapalmer ……… CREDITS: Havana, Cuba December, 2016 This project, which brought together over 50 Cuban and American crew and visual/performing/costume artists, was made possible through...
Nouvelle chorégraphie créée par moi-même, enjoy! 🎧Moves x Bounce Back Special thanks to: Gabii 😏 🉐 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvscvn_/ ㊙️ Tumblr: http://gvscvn.tumblr.com/ ABONNE-TOI!
Me voilà déjà de retour pour une nouvelle chorégraphie! Oui, encore sur du Riri..! Enjoy! 🎧Rihanna - Yeah, I Said It 💃Michelle, Laeticia, Marie-Ève 🉐 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvscvn_/ ㊙️ Tumblr: http://gvscvn.tumblr.com/ ABONNE-TOI!
[REPOST] Bonjour à tous, Voici une chorégraphie créée par moi-même sur des chansons de l'album ANTI de Rihanna. J'attends vos retours! N'hésitez surtout pas à me donner des commentaires positifs, autant que des critiques constructives afin de m'améliorer. Enjoy! 🎧Desperado x Sex With Me x Pose Special thanks to: Gabii 😏 🉐 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvscvn_/ ㊙️ Tumblr: http://gvscvn.tumblr.com/ ABONNE-TOI!
Mon projet intégrateur prend bientôt fin... Aujourd'hui, je danse, bien accompagné, sur du SEAN DA PAUL! 🎧Sean Paul - Body feat. Migos 💃Michelle: https://www.instagram.com/michellesaghbini/ Gabriella: https://www.instagram.com/gabriellatrimarco/ 🉐 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gvscvn_/ ㊙️ Tumblr: http://gvscvn.tumblr.com/ ABONNE-TOI!
a video postcard from havana, december 24th, 2016. This video production was made with funds from 9,000+ patrons. THANK YOU TO ALL YOU PATRONS...i mean, look at this. using your patronage, we employed about 50 local havana artists, actors, painters, costume designers, dancers and film crew to make this, and we also filmed a ton of behind the scenes and we’re currently doing interviews with a ton of these (and other) havana locals…we’ll release that documentary soon. if you want to become part of this amazing art family and support more work, we would LOVE TO HAVE YOU. join at: https://www.patreon.com/amandapalmer ……… CREDITS: Havana, Cuba December, 2016 This project, which brought together over 50 Cuban and American crew and visual/performing/costume artists, was made possible through...
Gabriel Gascón (PP), Joaquín Hernández (PSOE) y Mariola Rodríguez (Renovación).
Lien de téléchargement: https://goo.gl/tk3ye6 (Vous aurez besoin de nGlide pour jouer à ce jeu sur les ordinateurs plus récents) Introduction Il y a bien longtemps, les fées vivaient librement dans les forêts les plus denses et sur les montagnes les plus hautes. Un jour, une fée nommée Lumina survola une de ces montagnes. Sur le versant le plus escarpé, elle découvrit l’entrée d’une petite grotte. Lumina entra pour s’y reposer quelques minutes. Mais un orage éclata dès qu’elle fut à l’intérieur. Elle décida d’attendre la fin de l’orage. Épuisée par son long trajet et calmée par la beauté du décor, Lumina s’endormit... La nuit était fraîche. Dans son sommeil, Lumina se couvrit de ses ailes. Son geste fit tomber de son sac un superbe diamant rouge et lumineux. C’était le diamant po...
bon son Il n'y a pas de bonnes ou de mauvaises chansons. Ce qui y est dit importe peu quelquefois. La musique peut être de piètre qualité. Certaines nous touchent, nous émeuvent, nous font vibrer à un moment donné de notre vie. Elles viennent du passé, se projettent dans le futur, nous racontent notre histoire. Elles sont là pour nous connecter à nos émotions. Toutes ont le mérite d'exister. lan de la Reula A Bordèu rondeau d'Alexis a las juenas polka de Mirepoix anuéit, toquéram rondeau en fa quan Gargantua merci, grand-père sus la lana de Bordèu suite de rondeaux la mair e la hilha fot me lo camp, canalha
For more news, visit: ►http://news.ptv.ph Subscribe to our DailyMotion Channel: ►http://www.dailymotion.com/peoples-television-incorporated Subscribe to our YouTube channel: ►http://www.youtube.com/ptvphilippines Like our facebook page: ►PTV: http://facebook.com/PTVph ►Bagong Pilipinas: https://www.facebook.com/PTVBagongPilipinas Follow us at Twitter: ►http://twitter.com/PTVph Follow us at Instagram: ►https://www.instagram.com/ptvph Follow our livestream at ►http://ptv.ph ►https://www.dailymotion.com/PTVPhilippines Watch our News Programs, every Monday to Friday Bagong Pilipinas - 7:00 am - 7:45 am Daily Info - 7:45 am - 8:15 am Sentro balita - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Ulat Bayan - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PTV NEWS Head Lines - 9:15 pm - 10:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: ►PTV News - 6:00 p...
www.airesdemilonga.com difunde gratis el baile del tango. Te agradezco si te suscribes al CANAL. Si te suscribes GRATIS al newletter semanal recibes en tu mail los videos de la semana (www.airesdemilonga.com/es/newsletter)
El programa de Cadena Ser "Negra y Criminal" (http://www.ivoox.com/podcast-negra-criminal_sq_f1274027_1.html ) adapta El Mono, uno de los más célebres relatos del escritor estadounidense Stephen King.
Two truly multi-dimensional singers, Joy Askew and her brother Roger Askew, joined John Slattery on the show and sang some of their favourite songs. Joy, who worked closely with the likes of Peter Gabriel and Joe Jackson, and fronted the all-girl rock band called Bitch, told her story of life as a song-writer and touring musician.
Andreas Kalcker de www.mmsmineral.com con la charla “El milagroso Dioxido de Cloro” II Congreso Ciencia y Espíritu celebrado en Noviembre 2009 www.cienciayespiritu.com Grabado y Editado por Iván MG de LA CAJA DE PANDORA www.lacajadepandora.eu www.aulaspandora.com ________________________________________________________ Si quieres colaborar con nosotros aceptamos donaciones, cualquier importe es bienvenido, muchas gracias. Cta Corriente: IBAN: ES67 2100 3136 4722 0022 7941 LA CAJA DE PANDORA SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX ( Concepto: DONACION PANDORA ) PAYPAL: cajapandora1@gmail.com ----------------------------------------------------- Si te ha gustado el vídeo haz un "me gusta" Suscríbete a nuestro canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/lascajasdepandora Visita nuestra web y apúntate a la...