- published: 09 Mar 2010
- views: 11193506
Become a fan on facebook and order here: http://on.fb.me/fUYGl1 Tron: Legacy is available now on Four-Disc Blu-ray 3D/Blu-Ray and DVD Combo. Follow TRON: Legacy on Twitter: http://twitter.com/TronLegacy TRON: LEGACY is a 3D high-tech adventure set in a digital world that's unlike anything ever captured on the big screen. Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), a rebellious 27-year-old, is haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his father Kevin Flynn (Oscar®- and Golden Globe®-winner Jeff Bridges), a man once known as the world's leading video-game developer. When Sam investigates a strange signal sent from the old Flynn's Arcade—a signal that could only come from his father—he finds himself pulled into a digital world where Kevin has been trapped for 20 years. With the help of the fea...
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Over the course of the summer and early fall of 2010, Bull Dog Clip Productions created a high level marketing film for West - Ward Pharmaceuticals. The production covered their entire domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing process including warehousing, manufacturing, laboratories, and packaging.