- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 609389
A4 and variants may refer to:
Luigi's Mansion (ルイージマンション, Ruīji Manshon, "Luigi Mansion") is an action-adventure game published by Nintendo for the GameCube. It was the first game in the Mario franchise to be released for GameCube. It was released in Japan on September 14, 2001, in North America on November 18, 2001, and in Europe on May 3, 2002. The game was a launch title for the GameCube, and the second title in the Mario franchise where Luigi is the main character, instead of Mario, the first, third, fourth and fifth being Mario is Missing!, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, "New Super Luigi U" and Dr. Luigi, respectively.
The game takes place in a haunted mansion when Luigi wins a contest that he never entered. He told his brother to investigate. Luigi is searching for his brother, Mario, who came to the mansion earlier, but went missing. To help Luigi on his quest, an old scientist named Elvin Gadd or E. Gadd has equipped him with the "Poltergust 3000", a vacuum cleaner used for capturing ghosts, and a "Game Boy Horror", a device used for communicating with E. Gadd. He also uses it as a map and to examine ghosts.
A dark moon describes the Moon during that time that it is invisible against the backdrop of the Sun in the sky. The duration of a dark moon is between 1.5 and 3.5 days, depending on the orientation of the Earth and Sun.
In astronomical usage, the new moon occurs in the middle of this period [source?], when the moon and sun are in conjunction. This definition has entered popular usage, so that calendars will typically indicate the date of the "new moon" rather than the "dark moon". However, originally "new moon" referred to the crescent on the first night it is visible, one or two days after conjunction. Maritime records from the nineteenth century distinguish the dark moon (no moon) from the new moon.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the new moon as “the first visible crescent of the Moon, after conjunction with the Sun”. Dark Moon is a term used for a waning crescent. When the Moon is divided into 30 portions as the ancient Greeks did in the time of Homer, the Babylonians did, and the Indians still do till today (calling them tithi), the last phase of the Moon is called the Dark Moon. In Greek it was called the Old Moon and associated with Hecate. In India it is called Amavasya and associated with Kali. Both of these goddesses have a Dark connotation, hence the Dark Moon.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, known in Japan as Luigi Mansion 2 (ルイージマンション2, Ruīji Manshon Tsū), and in Europe, Australia and Hong Kong as Luigi's Mansion 2, is an action-adventure video game developed by Next Level Games and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS, and is the sequel to the 2001 game Luigi's Mansion for the Nintendo GameCube. The game was first released in Japan on March 20, 2013, and in most other major regions later that same month. It is the third Mario game where Luigi is the protagonist, after Mario Is Missing and the original Luigi's Mansion.
In Dark Moon, the player takes control of the Mario franchise character Luigi, who is equipped with the Poltergust 5000, a specialized vacuum cleaner used to capture ghosts. In the game's single-player mode, the main goal is to retrieve the pieces of the shattered Dark Moon, a magical object that has a pacifying effect on the ghosts residing in the game's setting, Evershade Valley, by seeking them out in the five haunted mansions located therein. Dark Moon offers a cooperative multiplayer mode that can be played locally or online via Nintendo Network.
The Nintendo 3DS (Japanese: ニンテンドー3DS, Hepburn: Nintendō Surī Dī Esu, abbreviated to 3DS) is a portable game console produced by Nintendo. It is capable of displaying stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. Nintendo announced the device in March 2010 and officially unveiled it at E3 2010 on June 15, 2010. The console succeeds the Nintendo DS, featuring backward compatibility with older Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi video games, and competes with the Sony's PlayStation Vita handheld console.
The handheld offers new features such as the StreetPass and SpotPass tag modes, powered by Nintendo Network; augmented reality, using its 3D cameras; and Virtual Console, which allows owners to download and play games originally released on older video game systems. It is also pre-loaded with various applications including these: an online distribution store called Nintendo eShop, a social networking service called Miiverse; an Internet Browser; the Netflix, Hulu Plus and YouTube streaming video services; Nintendo Video; a messaging application called Swapnote (known as Nintendo Letter Box in Europe and Australia); and Mii Maker.
Discovery Wings Great Planes - A-4 Skyhawk
А4 - Тает Срок (Пародия Грибы - Тает Лёд)
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon - Gloomy Manor - A-4 Visual Tricks (Nintendo 3DS Gameplay Walkthrough)
А4 - РукаЛицо (Пародия Скруджи - Рукалицо)
НОЧЬ в закрытой БАТУТНОЙ АРЕНЕ ! 24 hour trampoline park
OCD in a 4 year old
НОЧЬ в закрытом АКВАПАРКЕ!! 24 hour in waterpark
НОЧЬ В ЗАКРЫТОМ ОФИСЕ ВКОНТАКТЕ ! 24 hour in vk office
The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk is a carrier-capable ground-attack aircraft designed for the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps. The delta winged, single-engined Skyhawk was designed and produced by Douglas Aircraft Company, and later McDonnell Douglas. It was originally designated the A4D under the U.S. Navy's pre-1962 designation system. The A-4 is a compact, light-weight design with a maximum takeoff weight of 24,500 pounds (11,100 kg) and has a top speed of more than 600 miles per hour (970 km/h).[1] The aircraft's five hardpoints support a variety of missiles, bombs and other munitions and was capable of delivering nuclear weapons using a low altitude bombing system and a "loft" delivery technique. Prior to the A-4E, power was supplied by the Wright J65; with the A-4E, the inst...
Не только у МС ХОВАНСКОГО проблема за тем, чтобы успевать за трендами. Вот и я решил выпустить пародию на Грибы - Тает Лёд сразу после песни Николая Соболева и Юрия Хованского - Пиво Пьет. Видео снято при поддержке партнерской программы - MediaCube.Network. Стань партнером: http://bit.ly/MediaCubeApply Подтверждаю, что каждый популярный блогер должен сделать свой рэп кавер на "Тает лёд" группы Грибы, попасть в тренды и словить там немного хайпа и лучше поздно чем никогда. Так что... Батя в здании а Бумага в Армии. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a4omg ● VKontakte: https://vk.com/id240651878 ● Паблик VK : https://vk.com/a4_tv ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/a4omg РЕКЛАМА, СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО: a4@hyp...
Thanks for every Like and Favorite! They really help! This is Part 4 of the Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Gameplay Walkthrough for the Nintendo 3DS! It includes A-4 Visual Tricks of the Gloomy Manor. I'm ZackScott! Subscribe if you have not! New videos every day! http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=zackscottgames MORE GAMES: http://youtube.com/user/ZackScottGames/videos?flow=grid&view;=1 BUY ZACKSCOTT SHIRTS: http://zackscott.spreadshirt.com SUBMIT LOL REPLAYS: http://j.mp/LOLReplaySubmit Thanks for watching my Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Gameplay and Walkthrough on the 3DS! The Nintendo 3DS is awesome and Luigi's Mansion is too, so I'm excited to see how this game turns out! You may have seen the trailer or demo, but this playthrough will include everything! If you're a fan of Nin...
Видео снято при поддержке партнерской программы MediaCube.Network http://bit.ly/MediaCubeApply В своей новой видео-пародии Влад Бумага (А4) решил сыграть на хайпе и перечитать участника лейбла BlackStar Скруджи, и его трек "РукаЛицо". В клипе обыгрываются многие хайповые темы, такие как MC Хованский, забывчивость Дмитрия Ларина на Версусе, Руслан Соколовский вернулся на ютуб, заминированный тапок, хайп на Дружко Шоу и сломанные тренды с обилием Индусов. В видео снялись: Икона эстрады Александр Солодуха: https://www.instagram.com/alexander_solodukha/ Бабай, Борода и Гора из IdiotikShow : https://www.youtube.com/user/IdiotikShow Юлия Годунова : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxsWdAqfZfak63rTC6m1XQ Егор Шкред : https://www.youtube.com/user/EgorKvobra Над видео работали: Менеджер проект...
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a4omg В этом видео МАМИКС бросил мне ВЫЗОВ . Я его принял и теперь вы можете посмотреть, 4 эпичных задания! ВЫЗОВ ПРИНЯТ! ► Прошлое видео: https://youtu.be/5LfwVqCj7W4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a4omg ● VKontakte: https://vk.com/id240651878 ● Паблик VK : https://vk.com/a4_tv ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/a4omg РЕКЛАМА, СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО: a4tvshows@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a4omg В этом видео, я со своим другом, выполняю 24 часа челлендж, мы остались на ночь в закрытом батутном центре, спрятались, веселились всю ночь, а утром почти наткнуись на охранника. Это было очень весело и страшно! Смотри ролик, чтобы увидеть как это было! ► Прошлое видео: https://youtu.be/9fY_JeoNKW4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a4omg ● VKontakte: https://vk.com/id240651878 ● Паблик VK : https://vk.com/a4_tv ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/a4omg РЕКЛАМА, СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО: a4tvshows@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
МОЕ ПЕРВОЕ ТАТУ была сделана в честь ВАС, 1.000.000 подписчиков на моем канале! Тату я набил себе прямо на руке, прямо на правой ЛАДОНИ! Весь процесс я записал на видео в виде ВЛОГА, получилось очень интересно, я передал максимум своих эмоций! На все вопросы аля ЗАЧЕМ, ПОЧЕМУ И ЧТО ПОДУМАЕТ МОЯ МАМА, ты можешь получить ответ, посмотрев это видео! Надеюсь на вашу поддержку и понимание! ПИШИ В КОММЕНТЫ СВОЕ МНЕНИЕ, СТАВЬ ЛАЙК НУ А С ВАМИ БЫЛ Я, МЕНЯ ЗОВУТ ВЛАД А4!) ВСЕХ ЛЮБЛЮ!)) ► Прошлое видео: https://youtu.be/-i8h_ZTFCqs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a4omg ● VKontakte: https://vk.com/id240651878 ● Паблик VK : https://vk.com/a4_tv ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/a4omg РЕКЛАМА, СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО: ...
Rafael is 4-years-old. He's been diagnosed with high functioning autism and OCD. Today his OCD was triggered by a baby toy fidget spinner. He didn't want it twisted. He did totally freak out but I cut short of him having a total meltdown. He has several rituals right now that we are not working on because of the every day OCD challenges that pop up randomly. It is exhausting, but we have actually made 100% progress on an elevator ritual and food eating ritual. He is also a hoarder and has at least three more rituals that need to be worked on. When we can find a small OCD trigger like this little fidget spinner, then we jump on the opportunity to help him with it, because it makes breaking the OCD rituals easier when we begin working on them. Our goal is to make him realize that if not ever...
После ночи в БАТУТНОЙ АРЕНЕ, я решил повторить 24 часа ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ и мы с Артемом решили провести ночь в огромном АКВАПАРКЕ! В этом видео, мы сами не поняли как, но АКВАПАРК ЛЕБЯЖИЙ, на целую ночь был в нашем распоряжении. Мы веселились, лазали по горкам, купались и даже сами запустили ВОДНУЮ ГОРКУ! Смотри в видео как это было! Не забывай ставить лайк и поделиться этим видео с друзьями, спасибо!) Главное, вовремя остановиться: https://jetcash.ru/ Ссылки на аквапарк ЛЕБЯЖИЙ ↓ https://vk.com/waterpark2017ny http://waterpark.by/ru/uslugi/ny2017 ↓↓ Артём Сорока ↓↓ https://vk.com/tem_soroka ► Прошлое видео: https://youtu.be/Mh-KQ-o0ljs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● VKontakte: https://vk.com/id240651878 ● Паблик VK : https://vk.com/...
https://jetcash.ru/ - сайт где я зарабатываю деньги!) ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a4omg Ночь в закрытом ОФИСЕ ВКОНТАКТЕ, да да, вам не послышалось!!! ВК пригласили нас в гости и придумали нам интересный КВЕСТ! В этом видео так же можно увидеть Максима Брайана и Эдварда Атеву, мы вместе изучали офис ВК в Питере! Смотри как это было и не забывай подписываться на канал!) Приятного просмотра! C VK Live можно вести трансляции прямо во ВКонтакте, находить новых друзей и зарабатывать за счёт подарков от фанатов https://vk.com/vklive ► Прошлое видео: https://youtu.be/Ta5__2s-OTM Канал Макса - https://goo.gl/1KYJxo Канал Эда - https://goo.gl/Tp7jO3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a4omg ● VK...
Uh check this out ma,
Look I didn't mean to hurt you,
But I thought we had an understanding about how it's gonna be,
You know, (Yeaah Mann!)
You roll through or I roll through, (F to the A-B)
And we just do what we do,
You know what I'm saying, (I-15)
I ain't looking for no relationship,
But I'm goin ahead let my boy Fab holla at you...
Yeah, this is real talk,
I told you there was others,
Now we go to war like soldiers with each other,
I'm trying to let it go not hold you like a lover,
See I'm simply P-I-M-P,
So I gotta stable-a chicks,
Unable to pick,
A babe I can lick out,
And I be labelled a trick,
If you down you can roll and if you not you can stroll,
It's just that easy,
When F-A-B's here...
Girl you got it twisted,
You already know how I get down,
Now you out here trippin',
On some sh*t that we already talked about,
I just want to hit it,
And you said that was cool with you,
Now you here crying to me,
Saying you want to be with a player like me,
That ain't cool...
[Chorus: I15]
My bad, didn't mean you to make you want it like that,
And I hang up, and you call me right back,
It's like you don't even know how to act, (What's going on...)
My bad, baby girl we barely even friends,
I just like to smash it now and then,
Now you got me scared to hit it again,
Now I don't mean to hurt you,
But it's not like you didn't know,
From the beginning,
Now you saying that you can't stand to be without me,
Now girl you talking crazy,
I'm not trying to deal with you,
Gonna keep it real with you,
Shorty I don't want to be with you...
[Chorus: I15]
My bad, didn't mean you to make you want it like that,
And I hang up, and you call me right back, (Back...)
It's like you don't even know how to act, (What's going on...)
My bad, baby girl we barely even friends, (Friends...)
I just like to smash it now and then,
Now you got me scared to hit it again, (Yeah...)
Now you know I come through every now and then,
To see how you been couple of thou' to spend,
But you knows how it goes,
Girls act like you suppose to propose... After a month,
But I choose to refuse,
I'm the kind of the man that do's what I choose,
Whenever I want,
And it's never to front,
It's just to let you know,
It's cheaper to keep her,
I'll still will let you go, girl...
I've lost my patience,
With these ultimatums,
Tryin' to lock me down like incarceration,
I don't cuff 'em when I grab 'em,
I thug them with the passion,
Still running from the last one,
They tugging on my ass clip,
I don't what it is, I'm cool on that "Might Be" tip,
I ain't Damon, I'm too young for a wife and kids,
I kick it "if we", like Vivica and 50,
Like Fab said simply, we P-I-M-P...
[Chorus x2: I15]
My bad, didn't mean you to make you want it like that,
And I hang up, and you call me right back,
It's like you don't even know how to act,
My bad, baby girl we barely even friends,
I just like to smash it now and then,