- published: 31 Aug 2017
- views: 234
District health boards (DHBs) in New Zealand are organisations established by the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, responsible for ensuring the provision of health and disability services to populations within a defined geographical area. They have existed since 1 January 2001 when the Act came into force. There are 20 DHBs (15 in the North Island and 5 in the South Island). From their creation until 1 May 2010, there were 21 DHBs. At that date, Otago DHB and Southland DHB amalgamated their boards to form the new Southern DHB. DHBs receive public funding from the Ministry of Health on behalf of the Crown, based on a formula which takes into account the total number, age, socioeconomic status and ethnic mix of their population.
District health boards were first introduced as an idea in the 1970s in the Green and White Paper suggested by the then Labour government. This was part of a plan to nationalise primary health care as the Social Security Act of 1938 had originally intended. Labour subsequently lost the election to Rob Muldoon's National Party in the 1975 election. Muldoon's government chose however to slowly implement these reforms in trial "area health boards", which can be seen as early predecessors of the district health boards.
Health board may refer to:
Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental or social challenges. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in its 1948 constitution as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition has been subject to controversy, in particular as lacking operational value and because of the problem created by use of the word "complete" Other definitions have been proposed, among which a recent definition that correlates health and personal satisfaction. Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications, including the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to define and measure the components of health. Health is that balanced condition of the living organism in which the integral, harmonious performance of the vital functions tends to the preservation of the organism and the normal development of the individual.
A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by local government. Across the world, areas known as "districts" vary greatly in size, spanning entire regions or counties, several municipalities, subdivisions of municipalities, school district, or political district.
In Afghanistan, a district (Persian / Pashto: ولسوالۍ Wuleswali) is a subdivision of a province. There are almost 400 districts in the country.
Electoral districts are used in state elections. Districts were also used in several states as cadastral units for land titles. Some were used as squatting districts. New South Wales had several different types of districts used in the 21st century.
In Austria, a district (Bezirk) is an administrative division normally encompassing several municipalities, roughly equivalent to the Landkreis in Germany. The administrative office of a district, the Bezirkshauptmannschaft, is headed by a Bezirkshauptmann. It is in charge of the administration of all matters of federal and state administrative law and subject to orders from the higher instances, usually the Landeshauptmann (governor) in matters of federal law and the Landesregierung (state government) in state law. While there are matters of administrative law the municipalities themselves are in charge of, or where there are special bodies, the district is the basic unit of general administration in Austria. Officials on the district level are not elected, but appointed by the state government. There are also independent cities in Austria. They are called Statutarstadt in Austrian administrative law. These urban districts do have the same tasks as a normal district.
Board or Boards may refer to:
การพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตและระบบสุขภาพอำเภอ(District Health Board : DHB) จังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช
PGY1 at Auckland District Health Board
CTV News Story - Canterbury District Health Board Hospital Staff
PGY1 at Waitemata District Health Board
การพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตระดับอำเภอ District Health Board (DHB) (15 ก.ย.60) บ่ายนี้มีคำตอบ | 9 MCOT HD
Dr Nigel Millar, Canterbury District Health Board, New Zealand
HoNOS service improvement at Northland District Health Board
Why Southern District Health Board ♥ Otago Polytechnic
MKM Health, Patientrack implementation at Canterbury District Health Board
Counties Manukau District health Board - Whai Manaaki Overview
Big Data in Healthcare - Canterbury District Health Board & HPE
Phil Cammish, CEO Bay of Plenty District Health Board
Baby hearing tests at Southern District Health Board
สรุประบบสุขภาพอำเภอ (District Health Board : DHB) อำเภอหล่มเก่า
NEMO - Northland District Health Board
Taranaki District Health Board
Canterbury and West Coast District Health Board
Counties Manukau District Health Board
Perioperative harm proof of concept project at Lakes District Health Board
Quality Interviews: Bay of Plenty District Health Board
จัดทำโดย งานสุขศึกษาและประชาสัมพันธ์ สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช
บ่ายนี้มีคำตอบ การพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตระดับอำเภอ District Health Board (DHB) กับ นพ.ยงยศ ธรรมวุฒิ นายแพทย์ทรงคุณวุฒิ กระทรวงสาธารณสุข และ เอกพร จุ้ยสำราญ นายอำเภอแก่งคอย จ.สระบุรี ++++++++++++++ ดูก่อนทุกช่องทาง... ติดตามได้จาก การออกอากาศสดทางโทรทัศน์ : *** ช่อง 9 MCOT HD *** ทั้งระบบดิจิทัลทีวี และระบบเคเบิล-ดาวเทียม *** กดรีโมท หมายเลข 30 *** รับชมสัญญาณได้ ทุกกล่อง ทุกจาน คลิก.. Subscribe จะไม่พลาดทุกคลิปยูทูปย้อนหลัง *** 9 MCOT Official *** แฟนๆ Facebook เกาะติดข่าวสารได้ที่นี่ : - ช่อง 9 MCOT HD หมายเลข 30 : ตามติดทุกรายการเด่น ไม่พลาดทุกกิจกรรม https://www.facebook.com/9mcot ช่องทางเกาะติดข้อมูลฉบับเต็ม : เว็บไซต์ บมจ.อสมท (ช่อง 9 MCOT HD): http://www.9mcot.com เว็บไซต์(หลัก) บมจ.อสมท : http://www.mcot.net
BCS Multimedia Editor, Justin Richards, recently caught up with Dr Nigel Millar, Chief Medical Officer, Canterbury District Health Board, New Zealand, to ask him about the differences in health informatics between the UK and New Zealand, how their new shared care record system stood up in the face of a recent earthquake and what the main challenges will be that face the health sector going forward over the next few years.
Paul Clements, consumer advisor, and Grenville Hendricks, service development manager, discuss Northland District Health Board’s outcomes culture and service improvement in relation to HoNOS (Health of the Nation Outcome Scales).
Southern DHB love Otago Polytechnic graduates. Nurse Director, Sharon Jones, says our Nursing graduates are outstanding, enthusiastic and work-ready. Watch this video and see where an Otago Polytechnic qualification can take you. To find out more visit http://www.welove.op.ac.nz
Patientrack implementation at Canterbury DHB wins inaugural NZ Health IT Innovation Award
The Quality Improvement Unit of CMDHB get stuck intot the processes at Middlemore hospital, creating better flow and cohesion between team members and improved patient care.
Canterbury District Health Board partnered with Hewlett Packard Enterprise to take control of their unstructured data and turn big data analytics and insights into improved outcomes for patients and enabled better healthcare delivery. Learn more about HPE Big Data Solutions at https://www.hpe.com/bigdata SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/HewlettPackardVideos Connect with HPE: HPE on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/hpe HPE on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hewlett-packard-enterprise HPE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HPEnterpriseBusiness
Phil Cammish, CEO Bay of Plenty District Health Board talks about how the organisation services the region's health needs with its first class facilities and strong primary based healthcare infrastructure. He also outlines why the area attracts and retains the best clinical staff.
View the parent whanau information video about the Audiology tests for your baby.
This video describes what it is like to live at Taranaki, New Zealand and work at the Taranaki District Health Board.
Broadening access to care for nearly 80,000 patients in New Zealand and providing a continuity of service. For more Polycom customer stories, visit: http://www.polycom.com/solutions/customer-stories.html
The Health Quality & Safety Commission is working with two district health boards (DHBs) and one private surgical hospital on a 'proof of concept' (PoC) project to test ways of improving teamwork and communication in our operating theatres. Lakes DHB is one of the DHBs taking part. In this video, staff at Lakes DHB talk about the project and the improvements that have been made in teamwork and communication.
Joe Bourne, a GP who also works on the Bay of Plenty District Health Board, talks to us about how they hope to use the BMJ Quality workspace to help their junior doctors work on their own quality improvement projects, the challenges they face in doing so, and how this can bring together other practices in the area.
บ่ายนี้มีคำตอบ การพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตระดับอำเภอ District Health Board (DHB) กับ นพ.ยงยศ ธรรมวุฒิ นายแพทย์ทรงคุณวุฒิ กระทรวงสาธารณสุข และ เอกพร จุ้ยสำราญ นายอำเภอแก่งคอย จ.สระบุรี ++++++++++++++ ดูก่อนทุกช่องทาง... ติดตามได้จาก การออกอากาศสดทางโทรทัศน์ : *** ช่อง 9 MCOT HD *** ทั้งระบบดิจิทัลทีวี และระบบเคเบิล-ดาวเทียม *** กดรีโมท หมายเลข 30 *** รับชมสัญญาณได้ ทุกกล่อง ทุกจาน คลิก.. Subscribe จะไม่พลาดทุกคลิปยูทูปย้อนหลัง *** 9 MCOT Official *** แฟนๆ Facebook เกาะติดข่าวสารได้ที่นี่ : - ช่อง 9 MCOT HD หมายเลข 30 : ตามติดทุกรายการเด่น ไม่พลาดทุกกิจกรรม https://www.facebook.com/9mcot ช่องทางเกาะติดข้อมูลฉบับเต็ม : เว็บไซต์ บมจ.อสมท (ช่อง 9 MCOT HD): http://www.9mcot.com เว็บไซต์(หลัก) บมจ.อสมท : http://www.mcot.net
The Hawkes Bay, and Waikato District Health Boards respond to concerns raised by families exposed to 1080 poison, and animal carcasses in waterways ... Erratum: At 2 minutes 54 seconds into the video the word ‘milligrams’ is used erroneously. The correct word is ‘micrograms’.
Educational Lecture presentation given by Professor Boyd Swinburn at the School of Population Health held on 15th May, 2014 at Auckland City Hospital. The lecture presentation is focussed on improving health outcomes in the Auckland region. ---- Auckland DHB - School of Population Health Project is produced for adhb.govt.nz - Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) - http://adhb.govt.nz Auckland District Health Board - Hospitals and Health Information Video Production by: 90 Seconds NZ - Online Video Production & Video Marketing - Auckland, NZ - http://90seconds.tv 90 Seconds is the Best Video Production company in New Zealand. We have produced over 3,000 online videos in Auckland, Wellington and Nationwide, making 90 Seconds the best online video marketers in NZ. As a leading Video Produ...
MidCentral District Health Board Birthing After a Caesarean Section Complete Video
http:/internationalforum.bmj.com Presenters: a) Elizabeth Plant, Chief Pharmacist, Taranaki District Health Board, New Zealand b) Mark Fitzgerald, Director of Trauma Services, The Alfred Hospital Victoria, Australia; Alfredo Mori, Emergency Physician, The Alfred Hospital Victoria, Australia Clinical decision support and patient safety a) Clinical change associated with implementation of full electronic medication management - Taranaki District Health Board is implementing full end-to-end medication management - eMedication Reconciliation, ePrescribing, eAdministration and Bedside Verifi cation. With a new hospital being built at the same time, this project is seen as an opportunity to drive new models of care. Clinical leadership was identifi ed as essential for project success. This ...
Learn more about Washoe County: www.washoecounty.us Watch WCTV on Charter Channel 193
Learn more about Washoe County: www.washoecounty.us Watch WCTV on Charter Channel 193
www.lakecountyexam.com As a public service the Examiner will film town council, county commissioners, school board, ESD, health board, public and club meetings and post the footage unedited for those unable to attend in person. This is footage of the Lake Health District Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, Sept. 7. www.lakecountyexam.com
Learn more about Washoe County: www.washoecounty.us Watch WCTV on Charter Channel 193
District health board representatives present at the Health Quality & Safety Commission's Safe Surgery NZ workshops. This talk focuses on the DHB experience of introducing briefing and debriefing into surgical theatres.
The Palm Drive Health Care District Board Candidates Forum, held at the Graton Community Club in Graton, California, on October 5, 2016. Sponsored by The League of Women Voters Sonoma County, the Graton Community Club, and the Graton Projects Group. Video production by Visual Story Media, LLC.
Learn more about Washoe County: www.washoecounty.us Watch WCTV on Charter Channel 193
Learn more about Washoe County: www.washoecounty.us Watch WCTV on Charter Channel 193
Learn more about Washoe County: www.washoecounty.us Watch WCTV on Charter Channel 193
Health experts talk about fluoridation at the New Plymouth District Council Meeting 3rd June 2015. http://msof.nz/2015/06/health-experts-talk-about-fluoridation/ Taranaki District Health Board, Rosemary Clement (Chief Executive Officer) 0:03 Taranaki District Health Board, Andrea Kelsen (Dental surgeon) 9:14 Taranaki District Health Board, Deneille Walden (DentalTherapist/Oral Health Educator) 18:13 Taranaki District Health Board, Dr Jonathan Jarman (Medical Officer of Health) 27:24 Board of Taranaki DHB – Pauline Lockett 37:52 Video created by Daniel Ryan.
A group of medical students present a quick-fire synopsis from working within the DHB for senior clinicians involved in research for the summer of 2016. Presented by Associate Professor Peter Gilling, BoPDHB Clinical School.