School holiday program: Story Camp

Sept bookings open

26 September 201728 September 2017
Free for young people from eligible schools
LocationMeet in front foyer
Accessibility Has wheelchair access

Do you have big dreams of writing a novel, penning a poem or publishing your own zine?

Or do you have something to say, but you're not quite sure how to get it out into the world?

This is your chance to meet and learn from some of Australia’s most exciting and inspiring storytellers in a free school holiday workshop for 12 to 15-year-olds.

Over three days you'll explore story, poetry and performance, building your creative skills and finding out how to turn your passion into a career.

Lunch and transport costs are provided.

Check your eligibility and register today!

September Story camp program

Slam poetry with Alia Gabres

Stories not only help us understand the world around us, but they also help us understand who we are and who we want to be. Alia Gabres is a Melbourne-based poet and creative producer who believes storytelling is a tool for sharing ideas about identity, knowledge and culture. No one gets to tell you who you are; find out from Alia about making your own mark on the world.

Zines with Simmone Howell

Simmone Howell is the award-winning author of novels Notes from the teenage underground, Everything beautiful and Girl defective, but she doesn’t only write amazing YA novels. When it comes to storytelling formats, you name it and Simmone has most likely written it. She’s also a small press publisher, so she knows how to make words into a real-life, printed, pick-up-able zine. She’ll show you everything you need to know to launch your first zine.

Fiction with Penni Russon

Penni Russon is an award-winning children’s and young adult writer with a whopping imagination. Ever since she was a kid in a bush suburb of Hobart, she’s been wandering into the wilderness, navigating the boundary between real life and fantasy, and her novels Little bird, Indigo girls and Only ever always are where she continues to explore. Penni has the skills to turn daydreams into written stories, and she’ll take you along for the adventure. She also blogs at Eglantine’s cake.