US House passes anti-immigrant measures with Democratic Party green light

By Eric London, 1 July 2017

The two bills slash federal funding for sanctuary cities and drastically expand sentences for immigrants with criminal records who are deported and attempt to reenter the US.

Trump’s travel ban back in effect after unanimous Supreme Court ruling

With polls showing only 12 percent support for Republican bill
Democrats appeal for bipartisan compromise to slash health care costs

By Barry Grey, 1 July 2017

Far from seeking to mobilize popular anger over the assault on health care, Democrats are appealing to Trump and the Republicans to reach an agreement to impose new cuts.

The emerging class struggle over health care in the US

Anger and frustration over Trumpcare at Louisiana town hall meeting

By Tom Hall, 1 July 2017

Republican Senator Bill Cassidy declined to say explicitly whether he supported the Senate bill, but he made clear his support for a reactionary assault on access to health care.

More on health care in the US »

US provocatively approves major arms sale to Taiwan

By Peter Symonds, 1 July 2017

Together with US sanctions on Chinese entities, the arms deal signals a more aggressive stance toward Beijing.

US threatens war with North as South Korean president arrives in Washington

Barclays PLC charged with fraud by UK Serious Fraud Office

By Jean Shaoul, 1 July 2017

The prosecution has nothing to do with the criminal and reckless banking behaviour that precipitated the crash, but instead relates to Barclays’ rescue

Report: UK low-income families cannot afford basic requirements to live

By Alice Summers, 1 July 2017

A survey reveals that many poor families, with stagnating incomes and record levels of personal debt, are unable to afford basics such as food, beds or refrigerators.

Italian local elections see defeat of Renzi’s Democratic Party

By Marianne Arens, 1 July 2017

With turnout below 50 percent, the election result is a huge vote of no confidence in the governing Democratic Party and the entire so-called centre-left camp.

New York City doctor opens fire on former coworkers, killing one

By Isaac Finn

Dr. Henry Bello opened fire Friday on his former coworkers at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital after being fired from his job two years ago.

Hundreds of New York Times workers stage walkout to protest job cuts

By Fred Mazelis, 1 July 2017

The newspaper announced plans to lay off dozens of copy editors, along with “voluntary” buyouts that could also lead to layoffs of reporters.

Perjury charges dismissed against Texas police officer who arrested Sandra Bland

By Nick Barrickman, 1 July 2017

Special prosecutors dropped charges against officer Brian Encinia for falsifying reports of his confrontation with Bland, who was found dead days later in her Texas jail cell.

Two US coal miners killed in June

By Naomi Spencer, 1 July 2017

The deaths of two coal miners last month put 2017 on track to reach fatality figures not seen since the relative boom period of 2011-13.

Australian government ministers make last-minute apology in terrorism contempt case

By Mike Head, 1 July 2017

If the ministers had not retracted their comments, they could have been prosecuted for contempt of court, endangering the Turnbull government’s survival.

Australian Education Union pushes through pro-market workplace agreement in Victoria

By Susan Allan and Linda Tenenbaum, 1 July 2017

Endorsement of the agreement opens the way for an acceleration of the destructive pro-market agenda that has created a systemic crisis in public education.

Australian unions help impose cuts to federal pay and conditions

By Terry Cook, 1 July 2017

The unions’ aim was to wear down workers’ resistance and retain their own position at the negotiating table.

New in Arabic

السير في اتجاه حرب أوسع في الشرق الأوسط

١٣ حزيران يونيو ٢٠١٧

فيما يتجاوز الصراع السياسي الحاد في واشنطن ، و حملة الإعلام التي لا تنتهي التي تنشر ادعاءات هستيرية حول تدخل روسيا في الانتخابات واحتمال تورط دونالد ترامب، ثمة حروب حقيقية للغاية في الشرق الأوسط تهدد بالتحول إلى صدام إقليمي بل وحتى شامل ،تحمل تداعيات مشؤومة للشعوب ليس في المنطقة وحسب بل في الكوكب بأسره.

New in Turkish

Savunduğumuz Miras’ın Türkçe basımına önsöz

David North, 1 Temmuz 2017

David North’un Savunduğumuz Miras adlı kitabının Türkçe basımı, Türkiye'deki Troçkist grup Toplumsal Eşitlik'in yayınevi Mehring Yayıncılık tarafından önümüzdeki ay yayınlanacak.

New in Spanish

La acusación de Trump sobre armas químicas sirias: un castillo de naipes

Por Andre Damon, 1 julio 2017

Las falaces acusaciones de la Casa Blanca sobre un presunto ataque químico que el gobierno sirio está preparando no han sido disputadas por la prensa.

Abogada de trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki: Los tribunales “violaron el fundamento” de la ley

Por nuestros reporteros, 1 julio 2017

Rebecca John, quien representó a los trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki en las últimas etapas de su caso que duro mas de cuatro años, habló con el WSWS el mes pasado cuando completaba su trabajo en una apelación.

Prólogo de la edición turca de The Heritage We Defend

Por David North, 1 julio 2017

Este mes será publicada la edición turca de El legado que defendemos (The Heritage We Defend) de David North por Mehring Yayincilik, la editora del Grupo Socialista por la Igualdad (Toplumsal Esitlik), la organización turca en solidaridad con el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional. The Heritage We Defend se publicó en inglés en 1988. Presentamos aquí el prólogo escrito por North para la nueva edición turca.

New in French

Macron dévoile son offensive contre la classe ouvrière

Par Anthony Torres et Alexandre Lantier, 1 juillet 2017

Macron veut imposer des reculs sociaux et démocratiques sans précédent depuis la destruction du régime collaborationniste de Vichy en 1945.

Le décret anti-immigration de Trump entre en vigueur après décision unanime de la Cour suprême

Par Eric London, 1 juillet 2017

Le nouveau décret équivaut à une peine de mort pour de nombreux réfugiés qui tentent de fuir les guerres déclenchées ou alimentées par l'impérialisme américain dans la région.

Le coût humain du capitalisme : l’incendie de la Tour Grenfell et l’empoisonnement de Flint

Par Jerry White, 1 juillet 2017

À Londres et à Flint – et dans les villes du monde entier – le capitalisme moderne condamne la classe ouvrière à vivre dans des conditions impossibles et à une mort prématurée.

New in German

„Ehe für alle“ im Dienste rot-rot-grüner Kriegspolitik

Von Johannes Stern, 1. Juli 2017

Am Freitag beschloss der Deutsche Bundestag mit großer Mehrheit die sogenannte „Ehe für alle“.

G20-Gipfel in Hamburg: Eine Millionenstadt im Belagerungszustand

Von Sven Heymanns, 1. Juli 2017

Während des zweitägigen G20-Gipfel am nächsten Wochenende proben 15.000 Polizeibeamte die Belagerung einer Großstadt.

Die Opfer des Kapitalismus: der Brand im Grenfell Tower und die Vergiftung von Flint

Von Jerry White, 1. Juli 2017

In London und Flint – und zahllosen anderen Städten auf der ganzen Welt – verurteilt der Kapitalismus die Arbeiterklasse zu unmöglichen Lebensbedingungen und einem frühen Tod.

Nach der Brandkatastrophe in London: Wuppertaler Hochhaus evakuiert

Von Dietmar Henning, 1. Juli 2017

Nach dem Inferno vom Grenfell Tower in London gaben die verantwortlichen Politiker zu Protokoll, dass eine solche Katastrophe durch die strengen Sicherheitsregeln und Bauvorschriften in Deutschland unmöglich sei. Das war gelogen.

Trumps Einreiseverbot wieder in Kraft

Von Eric London, 1. Juli 2017

Das neue Einreiseverbot ist das Todesurteil für viele Flüchtlinge, die den von den USA initiierten Kriegen im Nahen Osten und in Afrika entkommen wollen.

Trump und Modi preisen „strategische Konvergenz“ zwischen Indien und den USA

Von Deepal Jayasekera, 1. Juli 2017

US Präsident Donald Trump und der indische Premierminister Narendra Modi bekundeten bei ihrem ersten bilateralen Treffen im Weißen Haus ihre Absicht, die indisch-amerikanische „globale strategische Partnerschaft“ zu stärken.

Das Erbe von 1905 und die Strategie der Russischen Revolution

Von Fred Williams, 1. Juli 2017

Dies ist der zweite von fünf Vorträgen, die das Internationale Komitee der Vierten Internationale aus Anlass des einhundertsten Jahrestags der Russischen Revolution von 1917 präsentiert.

Other Languages


The Supreme Court and Trump’s anti-Muslim executive orders

1 July 2017

The Supreme Court’s decision on Monday, which permits Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim ban to go into effect, is one of the most significant cases in the history of the institution.

Earlier Perspectives »

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Interview: Fresno youth assaulted by police

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)

By David North, 30 June 2017

This week in the Russian Revolution
June 26–July 2: Bolshevik slogans dominate at massive Petrograd demonstration

26 June 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Mehring Books

Preface to the Turkish edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 23 June 2017

A Turkish language edition of The Heritage We Defend by David North will be released next month by Mehring Yayıncılık, the publishing house of the Socialist Equality Group (Toplumsal Esitlik), the Trotskyist organization in Turkey working in political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International. The Heritage We Defend was originally published in 1988. We are posting the preface for the Turkish edition written by David North.


An assault on free speech
Trinity College suspends professor over Facebook posts

By Josh Varlin, 1 July 2017

Professor Johnny Eric Williams’ suspension after a right-wing media campaign is a grave attack on academic freedom and democratic rights.

150 years of Canadian Confederation: Myth and reality

By Keith Jones, 1 July 2017

The representation of Canada as a progressive antipode to the rapacious dollar republic to the south has long been an important part of the ideological arsenal of the ruling class.

Papers filed in law-and-order recall campaign against judge in Stanford sexual assault case

By Niles Niemuth, 30 June 2017

Grenfell Fire

The human cost of capitalism: The Grenfell fire and the poisoning of Flint, Michigan

By Jerry White, 30 June 2017

Two weeks after London’s Grenfell Tower inferno, real death toll still concealed by Tory government

By Robert Stevens, 29 June 2017

Flint worker: “They’re gonna let Flint die, and they're gonna let London die!”

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"The rich want families with low income out”
On-the-spot report from London: Residents speak on Grenfell fire

The political implications of the Grenfell Tower fire

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

International Amazon Workers Voice

Canadian Amazon workers face low wages and constant speed-up

By our reporters, 1 July 2017

A WSWS reporting team distributed copies of the International Amazon Workers Voice at a fulfillment centre in Brampton, Ontario, where workers reported earning low wages and being exploited twice over by labour contractors.

Amazon pays warehouse workers $233 per month in India

Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods and the case for public ownership

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook


Season Three of Better Call Saul: Objection! Relevance!

By Ed Hightower, 1 July 2017

The prequel to AMC’s hit Breaking Bad has an identity crisis, and in Season Three resolves this by largely becoming another cop drama.

The “forces in power” are sensitive “to art and ideas”
A conversation with award-winning cinematographer Tom Hurwitz

By David Walsh, 29 June 2017

The Jazz Loft According to W. Eugene Smith: A film about music, photography and the postwar world

By David Walsh, 27 June 2017

“All these people worked all night, every night, crazily, obsessively”
An Interview with Sara Fishko, director of The Jazz Loft According to W. Eugene Smith

By David Walsh, 27 June 2017

Workers Struggles

The importance of the VW Strike in Slovakia

By Ulrich Rippert, 1 July 2017

Auto workers at the Volkswagen plant in Bratislava, Slovakia resumed work at the beginning of this week. Eight thousand of the 12,300 workers at the plant had struck for six days and paralyzed production.

Manchester Metropolitan University staff oppose site closure, redundancies

By Margot Miller, 1 July 2017

University bosses plan to shut the Crewe campus, threatening 370 jobs, on the grounds that it is “no longer academically or financially sustainable.”

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

1 July 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

New Zealand: Police suppressed images of bodies in Pike River mine

By Tom Peters, 29 June 2017

Haitian apparel workers continue strike, defying threats and violence

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Lawyer for framed up Maruti Suzuki workers: The court “committed violence” to the “principles” of law

By our correspondents, 27 June 2017

On-the-Spot from New Delhi
Lawyer for Maruti Suzuki workers denounces frame-up

Sri Lankan free trade zone workers call for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 23 June 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »