

Retiring Archibald Prize head packer Steve Peters (standing) and his replacement Brett Cuthbertson, with a portrait of ...

'You're not good enough': tough love at Archibald Prize

The paintings arrive at the Art Gallery of NSW's loading dock via courier vans, trucks, maxi taxis, midsize SUVs and on a skateboard. Artist Patrick Hromas lugs a large portrait of his godmother in his arms from St James Station, his forehead dripping great gobs of sweat in the winter sun. It's his first time in the Archibald Prize. "I'm not a big fan of big heads," he says.

Forum pushes feet-first future for Melbourne

CoDesign's vision for a park in inner-city Abbotsford was initially met with resistance.

"I'm walkin' here" may be the ready mantra of every chippy New Yorker. The source of this antagonism is invariably cars. Yet in 2009 when then Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed turning Times Square into a pedestrian plaza, businesses told him to take a hike. No cars surely meant business would suffer. 

The pool room

A young swimmer takes a dip in The Pool installation by Aileen Sage Architects'  in the Australian Pavilion at the 2016 ...

At just 30 centimetres deep, this pool is meant more as a place for deep reflection than actual swimming.