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AFL diversity chief Ali Fahour red-carded for punching opponent on Saturday

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UPDATED: Dale Saddington, the Whittlesea footballer who was "king hit" by AFL diversity manager Ali Fahour, has no memory of how long he was unconscious and says his family was traumatised by the incident. 

Saddington, a 300-game veteran and premiership player, was knocked unconscious after being punched by Fahour during a scuffle in the third quarter in a game against West Preston on Saturday. 

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AFL diversity chief Ali Fahour throws punch

Dale Saddington suffered a delayed concussion and bruising in a scuffle with Ali Fahour, who was red-carded.

Fahour will now face a tribunal hearing at the Northern Football League on Wednesday night, where he is expected to receive a hefty suspension. 

An emotional Fahour read a statement to media on Monday afternoon, apologising, and indicating he would plead guilty at the tribunal. 

"I'm deeply ashamed of my actions. There is no explanation or excuse," Fahour said. "I accept that at no time is this kind of action acceptable on the football field or anywhere else."

Saddington, who works as a tradie, said he will be left out of pocket because of the time off work he will have to take. It is believed that West Preston and Whittlesea are negotiating possible financial compensation for Saddington.


But the matter could also be referred to the police.

"Just before he hits me, I got hit in the back of the ribs by No.5, then I turned and then No.18 comes from nowhere and king hits me obviously," Saddington told Fairfax Media. 

"I can't actually remember being hit. Even after the game, the boys were telling me I dropped, and I said, 'Nah, I didn't drop'. Then I watched the video and I saw me drop from the knees. 

"I watched the video and I can't remember it."

Saddington said he couldn't sleep on Saturday night and went straight to the doctor on Sunday, where he had head scans. His family was sitting near where the incident occurred.

"I'm pretty sore and swollen, I feel like my head's getting better. I'm on a lot of Panadeine Forte," he said. 

 "My wife was right there, she always sits at that end of the ground. 

 "She can't talk about it, she just starts crying every time it's brought up. I have two little girls; a two-and-a-half year old and a three-month-old."

 "I'm not too sure when I came to, I just can't remember."

Vision has emerged of Fahour punching Saddington, in an incident that could threaten his career.

The vision shows Fahour approaching the scuffle at speed and appearing to floor an unsuspecting opponent with a right hook to the head.

He will face a tribunal hearing for the Northern Football League on Wednesday night, where he is expected to be handed a lengthy suspension.

"It would be inappropriate for us to comment before a tribunal hearing because we need to respect the processes of the leagues below us," AFL media spokesperson Patrick Keane told Fairfax Media.

Fahour, who is the brother of former Australia Post CEO Ahmed Fahour, was immediately red-carded for the incident, which shocked and outraged players and local onlookers.

"It was an unprovoked punch," Janan Daniel, a senior player for Whittlesea told Fairfax Media.

"You could hear the sound of the hit all around the ground.

"He just came out of nowhere and whacked him.

"He's one of our best defenders; I've never seen him shirk a contest, but to see him put on his arse with a king hit like that was rattling."

It was only a week ago that Fahour gave Richmond defender Bachar Houli a glowing character reference for his AFL tribunal hearing.

It's not the first time that Fahour has been caught up in an ugly incident in local football.

He was charged with misconduct and handed a severe reprimand in 2012 after leaving the field of play to go to the assistance of a relative, who became involved in a brawl among spectators.

"I've apologised to Dale and hope the he accepts my apology," Fahour said in his statement. "His health is the most important issue.

"I understand that my action reflect on my employer, the AFL, and the programs that I oversee.

"The AFL's work in the community is so important, and I'm extremely sorry that my actions take away from that work.

"I've spoken with my manager from the AFL and they will not make any comment before the hearing on Wednesday night.

Whittlesea has four former AFL players on its books this year, including Matthew Stokes, Ahmed Saad, Patrick Karnezis and Andrew Walker.

All were playing when Fahour struck Saddington, except for Walker. 

Fairfax Media understands that Fahour was personally involved in all four players signing for the club.