- published: 13 Apr 2017
- views: 1929
S.C. Compania Națională de Transporturi Aeriene Române TAROM S.A., doing business as TAROM, is the flag carrier and oldest currently operating airline of Romania, based in Otopeni near Bucharest. Its headquarters and its main hub are at Henri Coandă International Airport. It is currently the largest airline operating in Romania based on fleet size, international destinations, international flights and the second largest measured by passengers carried.
The brand name is an acronym for Romanian: Transporturile Aeriene Române (Romanian Air Transport). Over ninety-seven percent (97.05%) of TAROM is owned by the Romanian Government (Ministry of Transport). The airline transported almost 2.4 million passengers in 2015, with an average load factor of 68%. The airline joined SkyTeam on 25 June 2010.
The history of Romanian National Air Transport Company can be traced back from 1920, when CFRNA - (French-Romanian Company for Air Navigation) was founded. The airline used French-built Potez 15 aircraft for its passenger/mail service between Paris and Bucharest via several cities in Central Europe. In 1925, the city of Galați became the first destination in Romania served by regular flights followed, from 24 June 1926, by an extended service to Iași and Chișinău. Ten de Havilland DH.9 and five Ansaldo A.300, in addition to the Potez aircraft, operated the service. In 1928 the airline changed its name to SNNA (Serviciul Național de Navigație Aeriană, The National Air Navigation Service). In 1930, the company adopted the name LARES (Liniile Aeriene Române Exploatate de Stat, Romanian State-Operated Air Lines) while 1937 saw the merger of LARES with its competitor, SARTA (Societatea Anonimă Română de Transporturi Aeriene).
The Airbus A318 is the smallest member of the Airbus A320 family of short- to medium-range, narrow-body, commercial passenger twin-engine jet airliners manufactured by Airbus. The A318 carries up to 132 passengers and has a maximum range of 3,100 nmi (5,700 km; 3,600 mi). Final assembly of the aircraft takes place in Hamburg, Germany. It is intended primarily for short-range service, although British Airways uses them on their London City Airport to New York-JFK Airport route with a stopover in Shannon for fuel on the westbound leg.
The aircraft shares a common type rating with all other Airbus A320 family variants, allowing existing A320 family pilots to fly the aircraft without the need for further training. It is the largest commercial aircraft certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency for steep approach operations, allowing flights at airports such as London City.
The A318 entered service in July 2003 with Frontier Airlines. Relative to other Airbus A320 family variants, it has sold in only small numbers with total orders for only 80 aircraft placed, with the order book currently being empty.
The Boeing 737 Next Generation, commonly abbreviated as 737NG, is the name given to the −600/-700/-800/-900 series of the Boeing 737 airliner. It is the third generation derivative of the 737, and follows the 737 Classic (−300/-400/-500) series, which began production in the 1980s. They are short- to medium-range, narrow-body jet airliners. Produced since 1996 by Boeing Commercial Airplanes, the 737NG series includes four variants and can seat between 110 to 210 passengers.
A total of 5,419 737NG aircraft have been delivered by the end of May 2015, with more than 6,800 ordered. The -700, -800, and -900ER have unfilled orders and are being produced, but orders for -600 and -900 have been filled. The 737NG's primary competition is with the Airbus A320 family. Upgraded and re-engined models in development as the 737 MAX series will eventually supplant the 737NG.
Prompted by the development of the Airbus A320, which incorporated ground-breaking technologies such as fly-by-wire, in 1991 Boeing initiated development of an updated series of aircraft. After working with potential customers, the 737 Next Generation (NG) program was announced on November 17, 1993. The 737NG encompasses the −600, −700, −800 and −900 variants, and is to date the most significant upgrade of the airframe. The performance of the 737NG is essentially that of a new airplane, but important commonality is retained from previous 737 generations. The wing was modified, increasing its area by 25% and span by 16 ft (4.88 m), which increased the total fuel capacity by 30%. New quieter and more fuel-efficient CFM56-7B engines were used. These improvements combine to increase the 737's range by 900 nmi, permitting transcontinental service. A flight test program was operated by 10 aircraft: 3 -600s, 4 -700s, and 3 -800s.
Cavalerii de la manșă - TAROM rămâne la înălțime. Pentru cât timp? Nu știm
TRIPREPORT | Tarom (Economy) | Bucharest - Vienna | Airbus A318
TAROM Boeing 737-800 NG "Sarmizegetusa" - first landing on Bucharest Intl Airport
TRIP REPORT | TAROM Boeing 737-300 | Bucharest to Madrid | Economy [Full HD]
ROMÂNIA FURATĂ - TAROM, la un pas de faliment
Căzuți în cursă (III) (30.06.2013) - Ancheta avionului Tarom prăbușit în 1989
TAROM Airbus A318 - Low Landing & Takeoff at Skiathos - Second St Maarten Plane Spotting
Aeronavă de ultimă generaţie, în flota TAROM
Compania TAROM - Transporturile Aeriene Române - a fost înfiinţată la 18 septembrie 1954, iar la câţiva ani după lansare, TAROM opera deja către aproape toate ţările europene. În 1966 TAROM a efectuat primul zbor peste Atlantic. În 1969 a avut loc ocolul Pământului în 80 de ore de zbor pe o distanţă de 47.000 km, cu un avion IL-18, cu plecare din Bucureşti spre Delhi, Bangkok, Tokio, Honolul, Los Angeles, Ciudad de Mexico, New Zork, Las Palmas, Roma, Istanbul, Bucureşti. În anul 1974 TAROM a realizat primul zbor către Sydney via Calcutta şi a introdus zboruri regulate spre New York şi Beijing. În 1980, capacitatea de transport a companiei era dublă faţă de anul 1975 şi de zece ori mai mare faţă de anul înfiinţării. La acea dată, TAROM opera zboruri către 15 destinaţii interne. O nouă pe...
Don't forget to check out our other social media outlets! :) https://www.facebook.com/Simplyaviation/ https://www.twitter.com/simply_aviation https://www.instagram.com/Simply_Aviation Airline: Tarom - Romanian Air Transport Aircraft: Airbus A318 Registration: YR-ASD Seat: 21A From: Bucharest Henri Coanda To: Vienna Schwechat Date: March 4th, 2016 For comments or enquiries contact: info(at)simply-aviation.com COPYRIGHT 2016 www.simply-aviation.com
Boeing 737-800 NG "Sarmizegetusa", escorted by two RoAF F-16 landed on Bucharest International Airport to enter service with Tarom, the Romanian national air carrier. The plane is dry-leased for a 10 year period. Another plane is set to enter service in the coming weeks.
Join me on this Trip Report flying a TAROM Boeing 737-300 classic aircraft from Bucharest OTP Airport to Madrid, Spain. I really enjoyed this flight especially because i was seated in the emergeny exit row which offers AMAZING Legroom and a great wingview on top ;) Also I really liked Tarom's Onboard Service which turned to out to be a full warm breakfast service included in Economy Class. Subscribe for more weekly Trip Report's on my channel! Support me on Patreon: https://patreon.com/PlaneSpottingBerlin ──────────────────────────────────────── ───────► Visit my website: http://www.planespottingberlin.com ──────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────── ───────► Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PlanespottinginBerlin ──────────────────────...
În timpul Revoluţiei, în România, s-a produs o tragedie aviatică, despre care nu vrea să vorbească nimeni, iar rudele supravieţuitorilor au fost ameninţate cu atâta violenţă în anii de după accident, încât şi astăzi se tem să vorbească. Rezultatul anchetei a fost plin de neadevăruri, iar dosarul, evident, a fost făcut pierdut. S-a întâmplat pe 28 decembrie 1989, când un avion Tarom a decolat de pe Aeroportul Otopeni, deşi era interdicţie aeriană. Iar la bord erau, nu se ştie de ce, şase membri ai echipajului, deşi nu duceau decât un singur pasager. Acest pasager a fost ales, potrivit martorilor, dintr-o mulţime de călători care vroiau să părăsească România, un jurnalist britanic, care ducea cu el imagini preluate de toţi colegii lui, în locuri cheie din Bucureştiul sub asediu.
This 100-seat jetliner is the smallest airplane manufactured by Airbus, with only 49 of them flying today! TAROM's Airbus A318-111, an airplane just 7 years old, which deserves to be concidered as a special catch at the second St Maarten, Skiathos Airport. Watch it fly two low approaches and touch down right in front of you on runway 02, then taxi and line up for takeoff blowing you away! It's the Babybus in action at Skiathos! If you'd like to see more similar videos, then please make sure you click on the "subscribe" button. It only takes a single moment, though it is extremely helpful! This a channel devoted to aviation, where you will find tons of HD aviation footage for you to enjoy, for absolutely free! Make sure to... Like my page on Facebook! http://tinyurl.com/p7p2ydb Join my ...
This is the story of the final flight of TAROM's last Airbus A310. The aircraft registered YR-LCA operated it's last commercial service as RO416 from Madrid to Bucharest on October 29th, 2016. The 181 passengers onboard witnessed a historic moment.
Compania TAROM a prezentat, miercuri, aeronava "Sarmizegetusa", de tip Boeing 737-800 NG, fiind prima de acest tip, dintr-o serie anunţată de 30 de astfel de aparate, la eveniment participând, printre alţii şi premierul Sorin Grindeanu, ministrul Transporturilor, Răzvan Cuc, şi liderul PSD Liviu Dragnea.https://goo.gl/alH75A
And no matter how many things I have
No one will ever love me your way
No matter what love invades my space
One things for sure
You won't be replaced
Oh oh oh oh singing
If you can't see the tears running down my eyes
I guess I gotta make the sun cry
If you can't see the tears running down my eyes
I guess I gotta make the sun cry
It hurts me just to see your name
And that tattoo runs right through my veins
My sister misses you the same
And it hurts me cuz I know she just can't say it
And what I would give to see your face yea
Where ever you are I pray your safe yea
Forgive me for my selfish ways yea
For I know that you're better off these days yea
Baby I miss you every time it rains
And no matter how bright the sun may shine
It never dries away the pain
Singing oh oh oh oh
Singing oh oh oh oh
And you're written all over me
So much so I can't believe
Your grandchildren are a sight to see
Every day there more of you and less of me
And what a cliché I know you're here
No fear I know you're near
And no matter how manny things I have
No one will ever love me your way
And no matter what love invades my space
One things for sure
You won't be replaced
Baby I miss you every time it rains
And no matter how bright the sun may shine
It will nerver dry away this pain
And I'm singing oh oh oh oh
And I'm singing oh oh oh oh
If you can't see the tears running down my eyes
I guess I gotta make the sun cry
If you can't see the tears running down my eyes
Shit I guess I gotta make the sun cry
Oh yea oh yea...
Oh yea oh yea...
Oh yea oh yea...
Momma I miss you every time it rains
No matter how bright the sun may shine
It will never dry away this pain
And I'm singing oh
And I'm singing oh oh oh oh
And I'm singing oh