- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 38216
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (イー・アル・カンフー, Ī Aru Kanfū) is a 1985 fighting game developed and published by Konami. Along with 1984's Karate Champ, which influenced Yie-Ar Kung Fu, it is one of the games that established the basis for modern fighting games.
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Chinese: 一二功夫; pinyin: yī èr gōngfū; literally: "One Two Kung Fu") features the protagonist Oolong (Chinese: 烏龍; pinyin: Wūlóng, Japanese: ウーロン Ūron; see oolong), controlled by the player. Oolong must fight all the martial arts masters given by the game (11 in the arcade version; five to 13 in the home ports) unarmed to win the title of "Grand Master" and honor the memory of his father. On his side is a variety of punch and kick blows reachable by combining the joystick with one of the buttons (punch or kick). He also has the greatest jumping ability of all the game's fighters, with the exception of "Blues".
The player faces a variety of opponents, each with a unique appearance and fighting style. The player can perform up to 16 different moves, using a combination of buttons and joystick movements while standing, crouching or jumping. Moves are thrown at high, middle, and low levels. Regardless of the move that defeated them, male characters (save Feedle) always fall unconscious lying on their backs with their legs apart (players flail their feet), and female characters always fall demurely lying on their sides. Feedle disappears. There are only two female fighters, and the rest are male. When a player gains an extra life, the word "xiè xiè" (Mandarin for "thank you") is heard.
Chinese martial arts, often labeled under the umbrella terms Kung Fu (/ˈkʊŋ ˈfuː/; Chinese: 功夫; pinyin: gong fu) and Wushu (武术), are the several hundreds of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits, identified as "families" (家; jiā), "sects" (派; pài) or "schools" (門; mén) of martial arts. Examples of such traits include Shaolinquan (少林拳) physical exercises involving Five Animals (五形) mimicry, or training methods inspired by Chinese philosophies, religions and legends. Styles that focus on qi manipulation are called internal (内家拳; nèijiāquán), while others that concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness are called "external" (外家拳; wàijiāquán). Geographical association, as in northern (北拳; běiquán) and "southern" (南拳; nánquán), is another popular classification method.
Kung fu and wushu are loanwords from Chinese that, in English, are used to refer to Chinese martial arts. However, the Chinese terms kung fu and wushu ( listen (Mandarin) ; Cantonese: móuh-seuht) have distinct meanings. The Chinese equivalent of the term "Chinese martial arts" would be Zhongguo wushu (Chinese: 中國武術; pinyin: zhōngguó wǔshù) (Mandarin).
Yie Ar Kung-Fu- one credit clear
NES Longplay [415] Yie-Ar Kung Fu
Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Arcade) - Longplay - [0019] - HD - CHEAT MODE
Let's Compare ( Yie Ar Kung-Fu )
1985 [60fps] Yie Ar Kung-Fu 9999900pts ALL Perfect
【 Yie Ar Kung Fu - Theme】Classical Fingerstyle Guitar Cover
Yie Ar Kung Fu (NES) (By Sting)
C64 Longplay - Yie ar Kung Fu
Hyadain - Yie Ar Kung-Fu Rap (Español)
[NES on Piano] Yie Ar Kung - Fu NES
Konami's Yie Ar Kung FU arcade from 1985 one credit clear challenge. Played by sneekyweezel. Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Chinese: 一二功夫; pinyin: yī èr gōngfū; literally: "One Two Kung Fu") features the protagonist Oolong (Chinese: 烏龍; pinyin: Wūlóng, Japanese: ウーロン Ūron; see oolong), controlled by the player. Oolong must fight all the martial arts masters given by the game (11 in the arcade version; five to 13 in the home ports) unarmed to win the title of "Grand Master" and honor the memory of his father. On his side is a variety of punch and kick blows reachable by combining the joystick with one of the buttons (punch or kick). He also has the greatest jumping ability of all the game's fighters, with the exception of "Blues".-don't forget to click the "like" button and subscribe! ツ
YIE AR KUNG-FU (イー・アル・カンフー) © 1985 Konami. Yie Ar Kung-Fu ("uno due Kung fu" in cinese) è un videogioco arcade (coin-op) della Konami, uscito in sala giochi nel 1985, ma poi anche per molte piattaforme domestiche tra cui Commodore 64, MSX, ZX Spectrum, NES. È un picchiaduro a incontri 1 contro 1, il protagonista (chiamato Oolong, "drago nero") usa il Kung fu ed affronta avversari specializzati in diverse discipline di arti marziali, incluse quelle con armi. Anche se in qualche modo limitato nel gioco, Yie Ar Kung-Fu era molto innovativo nel suo genere: era il primo picchiaduro uno contro uno a proporre una vera e propria sequenza di avversari realmente diversi uno dall'altro, da sconfiggere per poter procedere nel gioco. Questo venne poi ripreso da Capcom nella sua leggendaria serie "St...
1. Arcade 0:45 2. Acorn Electron 2:29 3. ZX Spectrum 4:13 4. Commodore 64 5:58 5. MSX 7:41 6. Saturn ( Konami Antiques Collection ) 9:25 7. Amstrad 11:10 8. Colecovision ( Opcode Games ) 12:54 9. Famicom 14:54 10. Genesis ( Home Brew ) 16:28 11. Gameboy Color ( Konami GB Collection Vol. 4 ) 18:12 12. Gameboy Advance ( Konami Collectors Series -- Arcade Advance ) 19:57 13. Playstation Konami Classics collection ) 21:41 14. Nintendo DS ( Konami Classics Series -- Arcade hits ) 24:05 Commodore 16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOmWYnukFY Atari 8 bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un8pIcq6ZlQ Music by: https://www.youtube.com/user/XTheDeAThBrINgErX Another version that is still in the works for the Atari 8 bit can be found here. http://yiear.atari8.info/ I didn't include it ...
イーアルカンフー / Yie Ar Kung-Fu (set 1) Konami 1985 9,999,900pts Player MAI-N 収録Ver uoMAME0.37b14 ノーマルランク設定。1coin ALL Round ALL Perfects Playです。set1は俗に言うNew Ver.でして、2周目以降のブルースが強くなっていて開幕から開脚突きが当たらなくなっているのが特徴です。このリプレイは以前のパターンを数カ所マイナーチェンジした2nd ver.です。FEEDLEは現在最新の3rd ver.では完成度の高いパターンになっていますが。このプレイ内ではまだまだ不安定なお頃で少々恥ずかしいです。NUNCHA&TONFUN;はゲーム内のランク変動によりサギパの発生度が上がるようです。これらのキャラでパーフェクトパターンを安定して取るなら残機潰しを行うしかない現状です。こんな遊び方もあるんだな、と楽しんで見てくれれば嬉しいです。 ※動画では捨て残機をカット編集しています。 mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/ イーアルカンフー 発売年:1985.01 開発元:コナミ工業 発売元:コナミ ジャンル:アクション コントローラ:8方向レバー+2ボタン システムボード:専用基板 CPU構成[M6809] 音源チップ[SN76496, VLM5030] ゲーム内容は、ウーロンを待ち受ける11人の強敵を倒し、王座を手に入れることを目的とした格闘アクションゲームである。8方向レバーと2つのボタンの組み合わせで、実に16もの技を繰り出すことができる。時間制限はなく、先に体力がなくなった方が負け。一度もダメージを受けなかった時には、パーフェクトボーナスが手に入る。 ストーリー: ウーロンの尊...
Visit my Blog for Free Guitar TAB! http://mister-asbun.blogspot.com/ http://on.fb.me/danielasbun (Check on Photo Album) Yie Ar Kung-fu Theme song - Classical Fingerstyle Guitar Arr. by Kusumo Sutowo Played by Daniel Asbun I'm sorry Shifu Kusumo Sutowo, If it's not perfect! ----------------------------------- Yie Ar Kung-Fu (イー・アル・カンフー Ī Aru Kanfū?) is a 1985 arcade fighting game developed and published by Konami. It was considered by many gamers in Japan to be the basis for modern fighting games. It pit the player against a variety of opponents, each with a unique appearance and fighting style. The player could perform up to sixteen different moves,using a combination of buttons and joystick movements while standing, crouching or jumping.
100 rounds beating + no one losing + beating the highest score
Traducción al español del tema remix hecho por Hyadain del juego de pelea de la vieja escuela Yie Ar Kung Fu. Uno de los mejores temas de Hyadain para un juego que trae tanta nostalgia a los que alcanzamos a jugarlo en su época =') ... Disfruten! =D Gracias a YogoTailsPower por enviarme la letra en Kanji para aclarar las partes que no entendía :D ... Música por Hyadain. Más en: http://www.youtube.com/hyadain2525 Animación por DNA. Más en: http://dna-doublog.blogspot.com/ Traducción y subtitulado por Zeromux. Más en: http://www.youtube.com/zeromux Notas: 1)-. Lo de S o M puede referirse a Sádico o Masoquista, como en el video se muestra; pero dado que habla después de lo de Sailor Venus, podría referirse también a Small o Medium (chico o mediano) xD... 2)-. Oolong, ade...
Konami's Yie Ar Kung FU arcade from 1985 one credit clear challenge. Played by sneekyweezel. Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Chinese: 一二功夫; pinyin: yī èr gōngfū; literally: "One Two Kung Fu") features the protagonist Oolong (Chinese: 烏龍; pinyin: Wūlóng, Japanese: ウーロン Ūron; see oolong), controlled by the player. Oolong must fight all the martial arts masters given by the game (11 in the arcade version; five to 13 in the home ports) unarmed to win the title of "Grand Master" and honor the memory of his father. On his side is a variety of punch and kick blows reachable by combining the joystick with one of the buttons (punch or kick). He also has the greatest jumping ability of all the game's fighters, with the exception of "Blues".-don't forget to click the "like" button and subscribe! ツ
YIE AR KUNG-FU (イー・アル・カンフー) © 1985 Konami. Yie Ar Kung-Fu ("uno due Kung fu" in cinese) è un videogioco arcade (coin-op) della Konami, uscito in sala giochi nel 1985, ma poi anche per molte piattaforme domestiche tra cui Commodore 64, MSX, ZX Spectrum, NES. È un picchiaduro a incontri 1 contro 1, il protagonista (chiamato Oolong, "drago nero") usa il Kung fu ed affronta avversari specializzati in diverse discipline di arti marziali, incluse quelle con armi. Anche se in qualche modo limitato nel gioco, Yie Ar Kung-Fu era molto innovativo nel suo genere: era il primo picchiaduro uno contro uno a proporre una vera e propria sequenza di avversari realmente diversi uno dall'altro, da sconfiggere per poter procedere nel gioco. Questo venne poi ripreso da Capcom nella sua leggendaria serie "St...
1. Arcade 0:45 2. Acorn Electron 2:29 3. ZX Spectrum 4:13 4. Commodore 64 5:58 5. MSX 7:41 6. Saturn ( Konami Antiques Collection ) 9:25 7. Amstrad 11:10 8. Colecovision ( Opcode Games ) 12:54 9. Famicom 14:54 10. Genesis ( Home Brew ) 16:28 11. Gameboy Color ( Konami GB Collection Vol. 4 ) 18:12 12. Gameboy Advance ( Konami Collectors Series -- Arcade Advance ) 19:57 13. Playstation Konami Classics collection ) 21:41 14. Nintendo DS ( Konami Classics Series -- Arcade hits ) 24:05 Commodore 16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOmWYnukFY Atari 8 bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un8pIcq6ZlQ Music by: https://www.youtube.com/user/XTheDeAThBrINgErX Another version that is still in the works for the Atari 8 bit can be found here. http://yiear.atari8.info/ I didn't include it ...
イーアルカンフー / Yie Ar Kung-Fu (set 1) Konami 1985 9,999,900pts Player MAI-N 収録Ver uoMAME0.37b14 ノーマルランク設定。1coin ALL Round ALL Perfects Playです。set1は俗に言うNew Ver.でして、2周目以降のブルースが強くなっていて開幕から開脚突きが当たらなくなっているのが特徴です。このリプレイは以前のパターンを数カ所マイナーチェンジした2nd ver.です。FEEDLEは現在最新の3rd ver.では完成度の高いパターンになっていますが。このプレイ内ではまだまだ不安定なお頃で少々恥ずかしいです。NUNCHA&TONFUN;はゲーム内のランク変動によりサギパの発生度が上がるようです。これらのキャラでパーフェクトパターンを安定して取るなら残機潰しを行うしかない現状です。こんな遊び方もあるんだな、と楽しんで見てくれれば嬉しいです。 ※動画では捨て残機をカット編集しています。 mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/ イーアルカンフー 発売年:1985.01 開発元:コナミ工業 発売元:コナミ ジャンル:アクション コントローラ:8方向レバー+2ボタン システムボード:専用基板 CPU構成[M6809] 音源チップ[SN76496, VLM5030] ゲーム内容は、ウーロンを待ち受ける11人の強敵を倒し、王座を手に入れることを目的とした格闘アクションゲームである。8方向レバーと2つのボタンの組み合わせで、実に16もの技を繰り出すことができる。時間制限はなく、先に体力がなくなった方が負け。一度もダメージを受けなかった時には、パーフェクトボーナスが手に入る。 ストーリー: ウーロンの尊...
Visit my Blog for Free Guitar TAB! http://mister-asbun.blogspot.com/ http://on.fb.me/danielasbun (Check on Photo Album) Yie Ar Kung-fu Theme song - Classical Fingerstyle Guitar Arr. by Kusumo Sutowo Played by Daniel Asbun I'm sorry Shifu Kusumo Sutowo, If it's not perfect! ----------------------------------- Yie Ar Kung-Fu (イー・アル・カンフー Ī Aru Kanfū?) is a 1985 arcade fighting game developed and published by Konami. It was considered by many gamers in Japan to be the basis for modern fighting games. It pit the player against a variety of opponents, each with a unique appearance and fighting style. The player could perform up to sixteen different moves,using a combination of buttons and joystick movements while standing, crouching or jumping.
100 rounds beating + no one losing + beating the highest score
Traducción al español del tema remix hecho por Hyadain del juego de pelea de la vieja escuela Yie Ar Kung Fu. Uno de los mejores temas de Hyadain para un juego que trae tanta nostalgia a los que alcanzamos a jugarlo en su época =') ... Disfruten! =D Gracias a YogoTailsPower por enviarme la letra en Kanji para aclarar las partes que no entendía :D ... Música por Hyadain. Más en: http://www.youtube.com/hyadain2525 Animación por DNA. Más en: http://dna-doublog.blogspot.com/ Traducción y subtitulado por Zeromux. Más en: http://www.youtube.com/zeromux Notas: 1)-. Lo de S o M puede referirse a Sádico o Masoquista, como en el video se muestra; pero dado que habla después de lo de Sailor Venus, podría referirse también a Small o Medium (chico o mediano) xD... 2)-. Oolong, ade...
I take a look at various home versions of the classic Konami fighter "Yie Ar Kung-Fu".
i practiced harder but i can't more
100 rounds beating + no one losing + beating the highest score
Branching out of the fighting games, There are tons of arcade games to play out there, so let's start playing them!!
Performance by Erik Kaufman on Yie Ar Kung-Fu, the arcade version. Submitted to and verified by Twin Galaxies. Currently one of two arcade version maxouts on the TG scoreboard. Recorded Sept. 2, 2012.
Kung Fu do what you do to me
I haven't been the same since my teenage lobotomy
Full on, I moved to Hong Kong
With Bruce Lee's brother and Johnny Wong
I think it's strange
He's friends with Fu Manchu
And he thinks he knows you
Uh uh uh uh uh oh
Oh Daniel San made in Taiwan
Come on Jackie Chan
Uh uh uh uh uh oh
Last night Jackie Chan came around
I played pool with him and we hung out
Mr. Miagi and the X-men
Called in for a while as well
I think it's strange
He's friends with Fu Manchu
And he thinks he knows you
Uh uh uh uh uh oh
Oh Daniel San made in Taiwan
Come on Jackie Chan
Uh uh uh uh uh oh
Gary Glitter!
Scooby Doo!
Rock McMurray!
And last but not least
Ladies and gentleman
I give you...
Kung Fu do what you do to me
I can't live without my Kung Fu movies
'Shanghai Killers' and 'Deadly Road'
My life was ruined when the Green Dragon closed
Oh I think it's strange
He's friends with Fu Manchu
And he thinks he knows you
Uh uh uh uh uh oh
Oh Daniel San made in Taiwan
Come on Jackie Chan
Uh uh uh uh uh oh
I think it's strange
He's friends with Fu Manchu
And he's in love with you
Uh uh uh uh uh oh
Oh Daniel San made in Taiwan
Come on Jackie Chan