radical jewish voices

Birthwrong 2017

“BirthWrong is probably the pinnacle of all human achievement. Everyone who’s anyone will be there.”


Two years ago, Jewdas launched a Birthwrong trip to Andalusia, to visit MI, Rabbi Moses ben Maimonides, el Rambam myself!


Birthwrong is a trip for anyone who’s sick of Israel’s stranglehold on Jewish culture and wants to get away on a raucous holiday in France.


We do plenty of cultural stuff, party, pray, dance, sing, chat and make bonds that will last a lifetime.


This year we went to Marseille to eat May Day sardines with locals, get pissed, Havdallah on the beach, get pissed, learn about the 1000 year history of Jews in Marseille and get pissed.

Learn more

Listen to an interview with someone who went this year.

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