W3C logoWeb Accessibility Initiative

WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

Education & Outreach Working Group (EOWG)

Page Contents

Current Work and recent Publications are listed lower on this page.

Announcements and Meetings for EOWG Participants


EOWG teleconferences are open to participants of EOWG; Participating in EOWG has information about joining EOWG.

Face-to-Face Meetings

Meeting Minutes with Agendas

Current and Upcoming Work

EOWG primarily works through GitHub and weekly surveys (W3C "WBS"), in addition to teleconferences. We use a wiki for some things like developing requirements and organizing project documentation. (We don't use e-mail much.)


EOWG deliverables announcements since 2005 are listed in the Highlights Archive and include:

Additional infomation on deliverables:

About EOWG

The mission of the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) is to develop strategies and resources to promote awareness, understanding, and implementation of web accessibility; and to support the work of other Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Working Groups. EOWG is chartered to work collaboratively with other WAI Working Groups to support public awareness, understanding, and successful implementation of WAI guidelines, specifications, Notes, and other resources.

Work of the EOWG is in accordance with the W3C Process. EOWG work is funded in part by the WAI-Core 2015 Project, WCAG TA Project, and WAI Sponsors.


EOWG primarily conducts work through:

(EOWG does not use e-mail or W3C Tracker much.)

Chair and Contacts


EOWG Task Forces

  1. WAI Site (Redesign) Task Force - WSTF main page (wiki)
  2. [inactive] Before/After Demo Task Force (BADTF) Work Statement and BAD Requirements
  3. [inactive] User Materials Task Force Work Statement
  4. [inactive] WCAG 2.0 Materials Support Task Force Work Statement
  5. [inactive] Lexicon Task Force Work Statement (LTF) Work Statement and Lexicon/Glossary Requirements
  6. [drafted] Evaluation Resource Suite Task Force (ERS TF) Work Statement and ERSTF Requirements
  7. [closed] Web Accessibility and Ageing Task Force (WAI-AGE TF) Work Statement
  8. [closed] WAI Site Task Force (WSTF) Work Statement and WAI Web Site Redesign Project page

Mailing Lists
