- published: 18 Apr 2011
- views: 23264
Salem Ludwig (July 31, 1915 – April 1, 2007) was an American character actor and acting instructor.
Born in Brooklyn, New York, Ludwig was blacklisted in 1957 and could only find minimal stage work. He had many film and television credits and remained active, even after his 90th birthday, until his death at age 91. A biographical film, An Actor's Life was made by budding director/actress Carol Schaye, who wanted to portray actors as talented, working individuals rather than just the character they see. He was represented by Theatrical Agent Archer King.
He is known for many films including: Life on the Ledge (2005, Grandfather), Unfaithful (2002, Man with Suitcase), Fast Food, Fast Women (2001, Leo), The Business of Strangers (2001, Man at Pool), The Object of My Affection (1998, Mr Shapiro), I'm Not Rappaport (1996, Walter), For Love Or Money (1993, Customer), Family Business (1989, Nat), Heartburn (1986, Judge), Endless Love (1981, Mr Switzer), The Arab Conspiracy (1976, Ghassan Kaddara), I Love You, Alice B. Toklas (1968, Mr Fine), What's So Bad About Feeling Good? (1968), Three Sisters (1966, Ferapont), America, America (1963, Odysseus Topouzoglou), and Never Love a Stranger (1958, Moishe Moscowitz).
Salem Hospital is a non-profit, regional medical center located in Salem, Oregon, United States. Founded in 1896, the hospital has 454 beds. Salem Hospital's emergency department is among the busiest in Oregon. A Level II trauma center, the community hospital is the largest employer in Salem and the only hospital in the city.
In 1896, Salem General Hospital was incorporated at the Glen Oak Orphanage. Situated on 10 acres (4.0 ha) of land donated to the orphanage by the Oregon Children's Aid Society, the hospital opened a school of nursing with the first class graduating in 1899. The original building for Salem General burned in 1920, with a new building completed the following year. Salem General expanded in 1926 and 1953.
In 1916, Frank B. Wedel and wife started the Deaconess Home and Hospital in a former hotel on Winter Street. Started with four nurses, the hospital grew and was expanded in 1920, becoming Deaconess Hospital. The hospital was expanded again in 1924 to 1925, with administration staying in the Wedel family until it was converted into a community hospital and renamed as Salem Memorial Hospital. In 1969, Salem Memorial Hospital and Salem General Hospital merged to create Salem Hospital.
Salem often refers to:
Salem may also refer to:
Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental or social challenges. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in its 1948 constitution as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." This definition has been subject to controversy, in particular as lacking operational value and because of the problem created by use of the word "complete" Other definitions have been proposed, among which a recent definition that correlates health and personal satisfaction. Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications, including the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to define and measure the components of health. Health is that balanced condition of the living organism in which the integral, harmonious performance of the vital functions tends to the preservation of the organism and the normal development of the individual.
Family Business - Trailer - (1989) - HQ
Ludwig's Luna
CAN'T...... STOP................ DYING.............................. - Bloodborne DLC - Part 3 FINAL
Kim Stanley, Geraldine Page, Sandy Dennis - THREE SISTERS
Salem Health Update 02072017
Sierra Armstrong - 2015 Prix de Lausanne Finalist - Classical variation
Allies in Deafhood in Salem, Oregon
Mario Ludwig kennt die Sprache der Tiere | Gast in der Landesschau
Moscow Grand Prix: Hou Yifan Defeats Hammer
Trailer for Sidney Lumet's film starring Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman, Matthew Broderick, Rosanna DeSoto, Janet Carroll, Victoria Jackson, Rex Everhart, Salem Ludwig, Marilyn Cooper, Tony DiBenedetto, B.D. Wong, Luis Guzmán, Deborah Rush
Watch All Episodes (Bloodborne): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qmwPvvkUBw Watch All Episodes (Bloodborne DLC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soUrtxiCyVU&list;=PLYH8WvNV1YElyuwMPujdE4P2Vv4IkYaRy Game: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/games/bloodborne-game-of-the-year-edition/cid=EP9000-CUSA03173_00-BLOODBORNE0000EU Click Here To Become A Bro! ► http://bit.ly/JoinBroArmy Get Awesome Games: http://www.g2a.com/pewdiepie MERCHANDISE: PewDiePie Clothing: http://bit.ly/ShopBro My Game: PewDiePie: Legend Of The Brofist Apple: http://apple.co/1Kxi8rQ Android: http://bit.ly/1Pxt8Xw My Book: This Book Loves You http://www.pewdiepie.com/go/book My App: Apple: http://bit.ly/AppleBro Android: http://bit.ly/AndroidBro SOCIALS: Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pewdiepie Facebook ► http://...
Anton Chekhov's classic play, THE THREE SISTERS, is brought to brilliant life by some of the greatest actors of the American, Russian and Yiddish theatre: Kim Stanley, Geraldine Page, Sandy Dennis, Shelley Winters, Luther Adler, Kevin McCarthy, Robert Loggia, Gerald Hiken, James Olson, Bill Burns, Tamara Daykarhanova, John Harkins, Marcia Haufrecht, Salem Ludwig, Janice Mars, Mary Mercier, Brooks Morton, Albert Paulsen, David Paulsen, Delos Smith, James Tolkan and Nadyne Turney, in this Actors Studio production. Directed by Paul Bogart for the Actors Studio. *** If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up, leave positive feedback and subscribe to my channel. Tnanks! *** https://youtu.be/sE1JFOCmd6M
Salem Health Update 02-07-2017 Hello everybody! I’m Chad A. Ludwig, President of Oregon Association of the Deaf. I wanted to talk with you about Salem Health Hospital based in Salem. Salem Health has many offices throughout the Salem metro area. On Friday, January 28th, Salem Health asked me to meet with them. I looked forward to the meeting. We started our relationship after we expressed our community's concern about their interpreting accommodations. The instances began about 2-3 years ago and we have kept in touch since that time. They asked if I would come meet with them. During the meeting we focused on two issues: The first issue was providing interpreting services for nights and weekends. The second issue was regarding complaints that the hospital received about the gender of an int...
ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΓΙΣΔΑΚΗΣ ΑΚΚΟΡΝΤΕΟΝ ΕΝΤΥ ΣΟΛ - Από την ταινία "America America" (1963) του Elia Kazan music:manos hatzidakis,lyrics:aris davarakis,singer:vasilis gisdakis 1989 live sirius.mousiki ap tin tainia america america tou elia cazan (Ξάνθη 23 Οκτωβρίου 1925 Αθήνα 15 Ιουνίου 1994) ήταν ένας από τους σημαντικότερους Έλληνες μουσικοσυνθέτες. Ο Χορός του Βαρτάν Στίχοι: Άρης Δαβαράκης Μουσική: Μάνος Χατζιδάκις Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Βασίλης Γισδάκης Παίξε, μέτρα τους σφυγμούς σου... Κάνω να κρατηθώ, προσπαθώ να σωθώ και μεθώ στους ρυθμούς σου! Παίξε, κι έφτασε η ώρα... Του Θανάτου η ορμή μου τρυπάει το κορμί, με πετάει στη μπόρα... Μένει λίγη ελπίδ' ακόμα... Μελαγχολώ, στο χορό κατρακυλώ... Κόψε το μαγικό λουλούδι, να μεθύσουν οι εχθροί, να ξεφύγω απ' τη γη σαν πουλί, σαν τραγούδι! Πα...
Sierra Armstrong - University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Winston Salem, USA - La Bayadère, 3rd soloist variation - Léon Minkus - Marius Petipa
Transcript Allies in Deafhood GUTHRIE AND CHAD: Hello! GUTHRIE NUTTER: My name is Guthrie Nutter. I am Oregon's ASLTA president. CHAD A. LUDWIG: And I'm Chad A. Ludwig, Oregon Association of the Deaf President. GUTHRIE NUTTER: We'd like to ask those of you who are hearing: Do you have Deaf friends? Deaf family? People in your community who are Deaf? Deaf colleagues? Are you interested in learning more about how to better support, partner with, and engage with those Deaf individuals that you know? If so, there is a great opportunity open to you. Deafhood Allies Workshop will offer a forum to have valuable in-depth group discussions to address this topic. Chad will give the details. CHAD A. LUDWIG: The workshop will be held Wednesday, February 24, in the Oregon School for ...
Der Biologe ist Deutschlands Experte für Kurioses aus dem Tierreich. Mit viel Humor hat er 23 Bücher über tierische Phänomene geschrieben, zuletzt über die Sprache der Tiere.
Hou Yifan scored a lengthy victory against GM Jon Ludwig Hammer in the Moscow Grand Prix. GM Robert Hess shows you all the twists and turns in this back and forth battle. Sign up for FREE online play: http://www.Chess.com Follow us on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/chess Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chess Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/chesscom
Écoutez et téléchargez Hélène Grimaud : http://www.qobuz.com/album/helene-grimaud-brahms-piano-concertos/0002894791781 « Brahms m'est plus intime que n'importe quel autre compositeur et il est celui sans qui je ne pourrais vivre. » Cette phrase forte, Hélène Grimaud l'écrit à la page 77 de son nouveau livre "Retour à Salem" (Albin Michel). Un Brahms également au cœur de son nouveau disque qui parait chez Deutsche Grammophon, sur lequel elle a gravé ses deux concertos pour piano avec, à la baguette, le chef letton Andris Nelsons... Ce rapport unique avec son compositeur romantique fétiche, son regard sur la pianiste qu'elle est aujourd'hui, mais aussi l'écologie qui est au cœur de son livre, Hélène Grimaud les évoque le temps d'un podcast où elle a également accepté de jouer, en exclusivi...
Sendung "Zur Person" vom 4. März 1965. "Zur Person" war eine deutsche Fernseh-Sendereihe, in der Günter Gaus Prominente, insbesondere Politiker, interviewte. 1963 wurde die erste Sendung ausgestrahlt. Ab 1965 wurde die Reihe unter der Bezeichnung "Zu Protokoll" im SWR, ab 1980 im WDR unter "Deutsche" weitergeführt. 1990 erhielt sie beim DFF wieder den Titel "Zur Person". Von 1992 bis 2003 wurde sie unter demselben Titel im ORB ausgestrahlt, der 2003 im RBB aufging. In 40 Jahren wurden über 200 Interviews geführt. Günter Gaus zählte zu den bedeutendsten Journalisten der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte. Geboren 1929 in Braunschweig als Sohn eines Obsthändlers, wuchs er ebenda heran. Nach einem abgebrochenen Studium der Germanistik und Geschichte in München, widmete er sich für viele Jahre g...
Interview of co-founder, Daniel Crooke of Healthy Living and Gluten Free Expo held each year in Salem, Oregon. He was interviewed by Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) at the 2012 Expo. He talks about why he and his wife, Becky, the Gluten Free Nana (glutenfreenana.com/about-nana/) started this annual event to provide value to the gluten-free community and promote health and wellness. The 2013 Expo is November 2, 2013 at the The third annual Healthy Living & Gluten Free Expo will be held at the beautiful new Salem conference center facility located in downtown Salem Oregon (healthylivingandglutenfreeexpo.com/). Nancy Ludwig will be a featured presenter. Check out the video of the cooking demonstration she made on preparing gluten and dairy-free soups here on her YouTube Ch...
Die Paar- und Sexualtherapeutin Katharina Klees interviewt den Leiter der "Schule des Seins" und Autor des Buches "Lustvoll Mann sein" Saleeem Matthias Riek zu Themen rund um männliche Sexualität, Orgasmuserleben, müssen Männer "richtige Männer" sein und wie ist ein befriedigender Dialog der Geschlechter möglich.
Daria Morgendorffer returns to Lawndale and discovers her shallow classmates have grown into shallow adults. See more http://www.collegehumor.com LIKE us on: http://www.facebook.com/collegehumor FOLLOW us on: http://www.twitter.com/collegehumor FOLLOW us on: http://www.collegehumor.tumblr.com
Piano protege Emily forms a plan to kick-start her grandpa's stuck life and rescue her piano teacher from the brink of dark despair. Directed by Fritz Eberle Starring Elise Eberle, Betsy Burke and Wayne Wilkinson Won numerous awards including Runner Up Best Film, Best Actress, Best Writing
Hou Yifan scored a lengthy victory against GM Jon Ludwig Hammer in the Moscow Grand Prix. GM Robert Hess shows you all the twists and turns in this back and forth battle. Sign up for FREE online play: http://www.Chess.com Follow us on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/chess Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chess Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/chesscom
Zu Gast bei Kurt Aeschbar ist Ben Salem , Karin Betz, Isabelle Kölbl, Daniel Wernli und der Jungtenor Mauro Peter. SRF 1, 20 März 2014 mit Kurz Aeschabcher Mehr zur Sendung: http://www.srf.ch/sendungen/aeschbacher/ein-heisser-flirt Kurt Aeschbacher turtelt mit Kamelen und talkt mit illustren Gästen: Karin Betz lässt keinen Tanz aus, wenn argentinischer Tango gespielt wird. Und als Tango-DJane gibt sie weltweit den Ton an. Die Bernerin Isabelle Kölbl hat eine Internetseite für Prostituierte lanciert, die sich auf Menschen mit einer körperlichen oder geistigen Behinderung spezialisieren. Und der Romanze auf der Opernbühne ist der Jungtenor Mauro Peter verfallen. Karin Betz Liebe, Sehnsucht, Lebensgier -- Karin Betz ist dem Tango ganz und gar verfallen. Sie taucht nicht nur in jeder freie...
Trailer for Sidney Lumet's film starring Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman, Matthew Broderick, Rosanna DeSoto, Janet Carroll, Victoria Jackson, Rex Everhart, Salem Ludwig, Marilyn Cooper, Tony DiBenedetto, B.D. Wong, Luis Guzmán, Deborah Rush
Watch All Episodes (Bloodborne): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qmwPvvkUBw Watch All Episodes (Bloodborne DLC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soUrtxiCyVU&list;=PLYH8WvNV1YElyuwMPujdE4P2Vv4IkYaRy Game: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/games/bloodborne-game-of-the-year-edition/cid=EP9000-CUSA03173_00-BLOODBORNE0000EU Click Here To Become A Bro! ► http://bit.ly/JoinBroArmy Get Awesome Games: http://www.g2a.com/pewdiepie MERCHANDISE: PewDiePie Clothing: http://bit.ly/ShopBro My Game: PewDiePie: Legend Of The Brofist Apple: http://apple.co/1Kxi8rQ Android: http://bit.ly/1Pxt8Xw My Book: This Book Loves You http://www.pewdiepie.com/go/book My App: Apple: http://bit.ly/AppleBro Android: http://bit.ly/AndroidBro SOCIALS: Twitter ► https://twitter.com/pewdiepie Facebook ► http://...
Anton Chekhov's classic play, THE THREE SISTERS, is brought to brilliant life by some of the greatest actors of the American, Russian and Yiddish theatre: Kim Stanley, Geraldine Page, Sandy Dennis, Shelley Winters, Luther Adler, Kevin McCarthy, Robert Loggia, Gerald Hiken, James Olson, Bill Burns, Tamara Daykarhanova, John Harkins, Marcia Haufrecht, Salem Ludwig, Janice Mars, Mary Mercier, Brooks Morton, Albert Paulsen, David Paulsen, Delos Smith, James Tolkan and Nadyne Turney, in this Actors Studio production. Directed by Paul Bogart for the Actors Studio. *** If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up, leave positive feedback and subscribe to my channel. Tnanks! *** https://youtu.be/sE1JFOCmd6M
Salem Health Update 02-07-2017 Hello everybody! I’m Chad A. Ludwig, President of Oregon Association of the Deaf. I wanted to talk with you about Salem Health Hospital based in Salem. Salem Health has many offices throughout the Salem metro area. On Friday, January 28th, Salem Health asked me to meet with them. I looked forward to the meeting. We started our relationship after we expressed our community's concern about their interpreting accommodations. The instances began about 2-3 years ago and we have kept in touch since that time. They asked if I would come meet with them. During the meeting we focused on two issues: The first issue was providing interpreting services for nights and weekends. The second issue was regarding complaints that the hospital received about the gender of an int...
ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΓΙΣΔΑΚΗΣ ΑΚΚΟΡΝΤΕΟΝ ΕΝΤΥ ΣΟΛ - Από την ταινία "America America" (1963) του Elia Kazan music:manos hatzidakis,lyrics:aris davarakis,singer:vasilis gisdakis 1989 live sirius.mousiki ap tin tainia america america tou elia cazan (Ξάνθη 23 Οκτωβρίου 1925 Αθήνα 15 Ιουνίου 1994) ήταν ένας από τους σημαντικότερους Έλληνες μουσικοσυνθέτες. Ο Χορός του Βαρτάν Στίχοι: Άρης Δαβαράκης Μουσική: Μάνος Χατζιδάκις Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Βασίλης Γισδάκης Παίξε, μέτρα τους σφυγμούς σου... Κάνω να κρατηθώ, προσπαθώ να σωθώ και μεθώ στους ρυθμούς σου! Παίξε, κι έφτασε η ώρα... Του Θανάτου η ορμή μου τρυπάει το κορμί, με πετάει στη μπόρα... Μένει λίγη ελπίδ' ακόμα... Μελαγχολώ, στο χορό κατρακυλώ... Κόψε το μαγικό λουλούδι, να μεθύσουν οι εχθροί, να ξεφύγω απ' τη γη σαν πουλί, σαν τραγούδι! Πα...
Sierra Armstrong - University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Winston Salem, USA - La Bayadère, 3rd soloist variation - Léon Minkus - Marius Petipa
Transcript Allies in Deafhood GUTHRIE AND CHAD: Hello! GUTHRIE NUTTER: My name is Guthrie Nutter. I am Oregon's ASLTA president. CHAD A. LUDWIG: And I'm Chad A. Ludwig, Oregon Association of the Deaf President. GUTHRIE NUTTER: We'd like to ask those of you who are hearing: Do you have Deaf friends? Deaf family? People in your community who are Deaf? Deaf colleagues? Are you interested in learning more about how to better support, partner with, and engage with those Deaf individuals that you know? If so, there is a great opportunity open to you. Deafhood Allies Workshop will offer a forum to have valuable in-depth group discussions to address this topic. Chad will give the details. CHAD A. LUDWIG: The workshop will be held Wednesday, February 24, in the Oregon School for ...
Der Biologe ist Deutschlands Experte für Kurioses aus dem Tierreich. Mit viel Humor hat er 23 Bücher über tierische Phänomene geschrieben, zuletzt über die Sprache der Tiere.
Hou Yifan scored a lengthy victory against GM Jon Ludwig Hammer in the Moscow Grand Prix. GM Robert Hess shows you all the twists and turns in this back and forth battle. Sign up for FREE online play: http://www.Chess.com Follow us on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/chess Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chess Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/chesscom
Anton Chekhov's classic play, THE THREE SISTERS, is brought to brilliant life by some of the greatest actors of the American, Russian and Yiddish theatre: Kim Stanley, Geraldine Page, Sandy Dennis, Shelley Winters, Luther Adler, Kevin McCarthy, Robert Loggia, Gerald Hiken, James Olson, Bill Burns, Tamara Daykarhanova, John Harkins, Marcia Haufrecht, Salem Ludwig, Janice Mars, Mary Mercier, Brooks Morton, Albert Paulsen, David Paulsen, Delos Smith, James Tolkan and Nadyne Turney, in this Actors Studio production. Directed by Paul Bogart for the Actors Studio. *** If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up, leave positive feedback and subscribe to my channel. Tnanks! *** https://youtu.be/sE1JFOCmd6M
We check out the ten games we are most excited about for Gencon 2015. We will anounce the winners and notify them AFTER Gencon, Just a heads up! Be sure to check out our Amazing Sponsors! AJ's Top 10 List Honroable Mentions- Chaos Cove, Terra 10-SHH 9-Deck Building: The Deck Building Game 8- Ghost Busters: The Board Game 7- Castles Of Mad King Ludwig: Secrets 6-Extra! Extra! 5- New Salem 4- Jolly Roger: The Game of Piracy and Mutiny 3- The Princess Bride: The Battle Of Wits 2-Stockpile 1- Between Two Cities Eric's Top 10 List Honorable Mentions: Cheap Ass Games & Drinking Dice 10- Rattle, Battle Grab The Loot 9- Viceroy 8- Legendary: Predator 7- City Of Gears 6- Medieval Academy 5- Three Cheers For Master 4- Flick Em Up! 3- The Kings Armory 2- Risk: Game Of Thrones 1- Mr. Game Forrest's T...
The Medical Value of Digital Pathology Dr. Ralf Huss CMO, Definiens AG, Munich Surgical pathology is still largely conducted manually while the complexity in clinical diagnostics grows almost exponentially. Clinicians increasingly challenge the pathologist to reasonably stratify each particular patient according to the patient's individual cancer biology. Although new molecular technologies provide additional data based on the tumor's genotype and other -omics tools, only the sustained integrity of the tumor and the surrounding tissue provides pivotal information on the tumor heterogeneity and the potential co-localization of highly proliferative areas and areas with chemo-sensitivity or resistance, which might have a significant influence on the treatment response and disease outcome. T...