- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 7081
The Lockheed P-3 Orion is a four-engine turboprop anti-submarine and maritime surveillance aircraft developed for the United States Navy and introduced in the 1960s. Lockheed based it on the L-188 Electra commercial airliner. The aircraft is easily distinguished from the Electra by its distinctive tail stinger or "MAD Boom", used for the magnetic detection of submarines.
Over the years, the aircraft has seen numerous design advancements, most notably to its electronics packages. The P-3 Orion is still in use by numerous navies and air forces around the world, primarily for maritime patrol, reconnaissance, anti-surface warfare and anti-submarine warfare. A total of 734 P-3s have been built, and in 2012, it joined the handful of military aircraft including the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and C-130 Hercules that have served 50 years of continuous use by the United States military. The U.S. Navy's remaining P-3C aircraft will eventually be replaced by the P-8A Poseidon.
Incredibly beautiful, close-up and rare takeoff of a Lockheed P-3C Orion from Split airport. (Croatia) Also it's the first ever visit to Croatia. (as a independent country) The last time Orion was on Croatian soil it was in the 70ties, at which point Croatia was part of now former Yugoslavia. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/EdoStuff-Aviation/355006944654032 Photo Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130724040@N02/ Camera: Sony DSC-HX400V (Hand-held) Aircraft: Lockheed P-3C Orion (Germany Navy) Aircraft Registration: 60-03/5745 Airport: SPU/LDSP Split Croatia Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed :)
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force P-3C Orion 平成23年 海上自衛隊 下総航空基地開設記念行事にて HDDから消えたデータを復元した際に、撮影時間等の情報が消し飛んだので、順番が前後している可能性があります ニコニコ動画 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19795839
A beautiful night for a pilot training flight in the Pac NW.
Navy P-3C Orion Mission. Video by Master Sgt. Ryan Kruse | 379th Air Expeditionary Wing | Date: 10.23.2012. The P-3 Orion has been the Navy's frontline, land-based maritime patrol aircraft since the 1960s. Master Sergeant Ryan Kruse reports on how this plane still keeps a watchful eye on the fleet in Southwest Asia. Soundbites from LT Ryan Solomon, AWV1 Jennifer Branning, AWF2 Brandon Bronec, AW02 Ryan Stabelbacher. Produced by MSgt Ryan Kruse. Also available in high definition. HD video.
よろしければ、チャンネル登録をお願いします(#^.^#) http://u0u1.net/yClZ こんにちは、ミリタリー女子の「絢音」です(^_-)-☆ 今回は、 【聞きたくない・・・】 逆の発想で韓国のP-3C対潜哨戒機で 水中にいる海上自衛隊のそうりゅう型潜水艦を破壊することは可能?? という記事について、動画としてアップしました(^^♪ それでは、よろしくお願いします(#^.^#)
國防部長嚴明今天表示,P-3C反潛機不會自我設限不到南海,會研議在C-130執行人道救援任務時,由P-3C掩護。 立法院外交及國防委員會今天審查國防部103年度施政計畫,邀國防部長嚴明報告並備詢答。 中國國民黨籍立委林郁方質詢時說,新採購的P-3C巡航作戰半徑高達2000海里,屏東到太平島只有860海里,足以飛到太平島,和海面艦艇一起從事反潛作戰任務,國防部會不會自我設限絕對不到南海去? 嚴明答詢時表示,「沒有這種設限」,P-3C留空時間達12到17小時以上,在太平島上空還可留置6小時;但它是軍機,要用另一種方式,研議在C-130運輸機執行人道救援任務時,由P-3C掩護。 林郁方問,P-3C有辦法降落太平島跑道嗎?嚴明說, C-130可以降落,P-3C反潛機也可以。 林郁方說,P-3C千萬不能自我設限不到南海,一旦越南新買的潛艦到南海,反潛機就應該往那裡走,到南海巡弋,發揮嚇阻作用。(中央社2013/10/23 )
Darling when we met
You were a pretty little thing
But your body started changing
When I gave you that ring
You’re supersizing, no exercising
Goodbye working out
A double meat with cheese, another helping please
Baby that’s what you’re all about
I pick you up in my pickup truck
But you had to ride in the back
I stopped off at the Sonic Burger
You ate everything in my sack
Darling please, won’t you please think of me
I’d love to have my baby back (baby back)
My baby back (baby back)
My baby back (baby back)
Six months have passed and you’ve gained 50 pounds
And I confess you got a real big rack
But the bad part is when I give you a hug
You got a two more on your back
You’re supersizing, no exercising
Goodbye working out
A double meat with cheese, another helping please
Baby that’s what you’re all about
I played football with the boys last night
And you were all time quarterback
But none of us could ever tackle you
Cause you’re built like a lumberjack
Darling please, won’t you please think of me
I’d love to have my baby back (baby back)
Put down the ribs (baby back)
My baby back (baby back)
And baby come back to me yeah