29 June 2017

Two weeks after London’s Grenfell Tower inferno, real death toll still concealed by Tory government

By Robert Stevens, 29 June 2017

As with the victims of their policies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and elsewhere, those killed in the Grenfell Tower fire are looked upon by the ruling class as “collateral damage.”

Flint worker: “They’re gonna let Flint die, and they're gonna let London die!”

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"The rich want families with low income out”
On-the-spot report from London: Residents speak on Grenfell fire

The political implications of the Grenfell Tower fire

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Petya ransomware attack shuts down computers in 65 countries

By Kevin Reed, 29 June 2017

In the second massive cyberattack in 44 days, both originating from malicious software developed by the NSA, personal computers in at least 65 countries were shut down Tuesday.

Gulf confrontation worsens as deadline looms for Saudi ultimatum to Qatar

By Peter Symonds, 29 June 2017

The standoff in the Gulf has led to an open rift in Washington as Secretary of State Tillerson seeks to end the conflict triggered by President Trump’s support for Saudi action against Qatar.

Saudi ultimatum to Qatar brings Middle East to brink of wider war

Latest fatal house fire kills one adult and two small children in Detroit

By Tim Rivers, 29 June 2017

An apparent electrical fire took the lives of an adult and two small children in a working-class neighborhood of Detroit Tuesday.

Electrician falls 75 feet to his death at Detroit construction site

By Kathleen Martin, 29 June 2017

Michael Morrison, 46, died after falling from a catwalk at the Little Caesars sports arena currently under construction in Detroit.

Chicago police officers indicted for covering up murder of Laquan McDonald

By Alexander Fangmann, 29 June 2017

Rather than striking a blow against the Chicago Police Department’s code of silence, the charges against the three officers are an extension of a cover up that extends to Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

New York City subway train derailment leaves 34 injured

By Isaac Finn, 29 June 2017

On June 27, an A train in upper Manhattan derailed, injuring 34 riders, including 17 who were taken to the hospital.

Factional conflict wracks Australian Greens

By James Cogan, 29 June 2017

While the majority faction seeks to demonstrate its parliamentary “relevance,” another faction fears that the entire political establishment—including the Greens—could be by-passed by an eruption of popular discontent.

Australian state government and unions collaborate in teacher’s dismissal under “TIP”

By Erika Zimmer and Linda Tenenbaum, 29 June 2017

The New South Wales Teachers Federation and the state government are using the Teacher Improvement Program (TIP) procedure to victimise highly-experienced teachers and replace them with lower-paid younger teachers on short-term contracts.

New Zealand: Police suppressed images of bodies in Pike River mine

By Tom Peters, 29 June 2017

Families of the 29 men who died in the 2010 mine disaster have obtained footage showing at least two intact bodies in the mine.

New in Spanish

El acceso a la salud y la lucha por el socialismo

Por Barry Grey y Kate Randall, 29 junio 2017

El factor más importante de los proyectos de ley del Senado y la Cámara de Representantes es que desmantelan Medicaid como garantía social, un hito en la ofensiva burguesa para destruir lo que queda de las reformas sociales del siglo XX.

La compra por Amazon de Whole Foods y el caso a favor de la expropiación pública

Por Eric London, 29 junio 2017

La expansión del monstruo corporativo que es Amazon es una expresión de la concentración sin precedentes de poder económico entre un puñado de corporaciones que dominan la economía capitalista mundial.

El infierno de la Torre Grenfell de Londres: un crimen contra la clase trabajadora

Por Laura Tiernan, 29 junio 2017

El incendio catastrófico se declaró poco después de la medianoche del miércoles, en el segundo piso de un edificio de viviendas municipales de 24 pisos en Kesington, al oeste de Londres, que era hogar de aproximadamente 500 personas.

Sobre la muerte del excanciller alemán Helmut Kohl

Por Peter Schwarz, 29 junio 2017

Las alabanzas generalizadas para Helmut Kohl, quien fue canciller de Alemania entre 1982 y 1998 y falleció el 15 de junio, tienen menos que ver con el verdadero Kohl que con la actual agenda de la clase gobernante.

Las autoridades chinas lanzan una investigación sobre el sistema financiero temiendo un “momento Lehman”

Por Nick Beams, 29 junio 2017

Beijing está preocupado sobre la compra de activos en el extranjero con medios financieros fuera de su control.

El Banco de Pagos Internacionales advierte sobre el régimen de tasas de interés bajas

Por Nick Beams, 29 junio 2017

A pesar de reportar una leve alza en la economía global, el BPI indica que las expectativas repuntaron más que los hechos y que quedan “tensiones” y paradojas”.

Golpe palaciego en Arabia Saudí

Por Jean Shaoul, 29 junio 2017

Este paso que da el rey Salman presagia un gobierno aún más autocrático, dificultades económicas y una intensificación de las guerras regionales.

Arabia Saudita da a Qatar un ultimátum provocador

Por Peter Symonds, 29 junio 2017

Qatar recibió diez días para aceptar una lista de demandas que lo transformarían en un Estado vasallo de Arabia Saudita.

Sobre el terreno de New Delhi
Abogada de trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki denuncia montaje

Por nuestras corresponsales, 29 junio 2017

”La policía no buscaba a sospechosos,” le dijo al WSWS abogada principal Rebecca John. “Su interés era detener al mayor número posible de trabajadores”.

New in French

Un bombardement américain tue des dizaines de civils en Syrie

Par Bill Van Auken, 29 juin 2017

La frappe mortelle contre la province de Deir al-Zour dans l’ouest de la Syrie est liée à l’intervention militaire de plus en plus agressive de Washington dans la région.

La Cour suprême rétablit à l’unanimité l’interdiction d’entrée des musulmans aux États-Unis

Par Tom Carter, 29 juin 2017

Le décret présidentiel islamophobe de Donald Trump, rédigé par ses conseillers fascisants Steve Bannon et Stephen Miller, sera autorisé à entrer en vigueur.

Les éboueurs grecs en grève contre des licenciements massifs

Par Christoph Vandreier, 29 juin 2017

Le gouvernement Syriza licencie 10 000 éboueurs afin d’équilibrer le budget et de répondre aux demandes potentielles des créanciers du pays.

Qui est Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, l’étoile montante de Québec solidaire ?

Par Louis Girard, 28 juin 2017

Depuis son arrivée à QS, l’ex-leader étudiant Nadeau-Dubois a poussé ce parti nationaliste et pro-capitaliste encore plus à droite.

Le Canada augmentera ses dépenses militaires de 70% au cours de la prochaine décennie

Par Roger Jordan, 29 juin 2017

Une journée après que le ministre canadien des Affaires étrangères a affirmé que la guerre serait centrale dans l'avenir du pays, le ministre de la Défense Sajjan a annoncé un plan de réarmement ainsi qu'une coopération accrue avec les États-Unis

New in German

Trump sucht Vorwand für Eskalation in Syrien

Von Andre Damon, 29. Juni 2017

Medien verbreiten die fadenscheinige Behauptung des Weißen Hauses, die syrische Regierung bereite den Einsatz von Chemiewaffen vor.

Milliardenstrafe gegen Google verschärft transatlantische Spannungen

Von Ulrich Rippert, 29. Juni 2017

Wenige Tage vor Beginn des G20-Gipfel in Hamburg hat die EU-Kommission eine Rekordstrafe gegen den US-Internetkonzern Google verhängt.

Zahlreiche tote Zivilisten bei US-Luftangriffen in Syrien

Von Bill Van Auken, 29. Juni 2017

Der mörderische Angriff auf die ostsyrische Provinz Deir ez-Zor ist Teil der zunehmend aggressiven Militäraktionen Washingtons in der Region.

Bombardier-Aufsichtsrat entscheidet über massive Stellenstreichungen

Von Verena Nees, 29. Juni 2017

Der Aufsichtsrat von Bombardier will heute massive Stellenstreichungen bekanntgeben. Die IG Metall hat dieses brutale Umbauprogramm mit vorbereitet und jeden Arbeitskampf dagegen blockiert.

Other Languages


The emerging class struggle over health care in the US

29 June 2017

The Democrats and Republicans are continuing their stage-managed debate over measures that will have devastating consequences for millions of Americans.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

Preface to the Turkish edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 23 June 2017

A Turkish language edition of The Heritage We Defend by David North will be released next month by Mehring Yayıncılık, the publishing house of the Socialist Equality Group (Toplumsal Esitlik), the Trotskyist organization in Turkey working in political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International. The Heritage We Defend was originally published in 1988. We are posting the preface for the Turkish edition written by David North.


What drove Darren Osborne to commit the London anti-Muslim terrorist attack?

By Richard Tyler, 29 June 2017

The acres of press coverage of this disturbing attack do not provide any serious explanation as to why a man with no evident background of racism would suddenly commit such a heinous crime.

Dalai Lama visits San Diego: US Pivot to Asia cloaked in spirituality

By Norisa Diaz, 29 June 2017

The Dalai Lama travels the world stoking anti-Chinese and anti-communist sentiment under the banner of “peace and compassion.”

Trump’s Syrian chemical weapons claims: A house of cards

By Andre Damon, 28 June 2017

British PM agrees to £1 billion deal for Democratic Unionist Party’s support

By Julie Hyland, 28 June 2017

Flint residents again face home foreclosures if they do not pay for poisoned water

By Jerry White, 28 June 2017

More on the Flint water crisis »

US Senate Republicans delay vote on draconian health care bill

By Kate Randall, 28 June 2017

Health care and the fight for socialism

More on health care in the US »

Part 2: The reactionary origins of the incoming National Union of Students executive

By Stephen Alexander, 27 June 2017


The “forces in power” are sensitive “to art and ideas” …
A conversation with award-winning cinematographer Tom Hurwitz

By David Walsh, 29 June 2017

Hurwitz is one of the most honored documentary cinematographers in the US. His many credits include work on Harlan County, USA (1976), Wild Man Blues (1997), Dancemaker (1998), The Turandot Project (2000) and The Queen of Versailles (2012).

The Jazz Loft According to W. Eugene Smith: A film about music, photography and the postwar world

By David Walsh, 27 June 2017

“All these people … worked all night, every night, crazily, obsessively”
An Interview with Sara Fishko, director of The Jazz Loft According to W. Eugene Smith

By David Walsh, 27 June 2017

Megan Leavey: Oblivious to Iraqi suffering

Netflix drama strikes a nerve …
A spook comes out of the woodwork to attack Brad Pitt’s War Machine

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon pays warehouse workers $233 per month in India

By Sasi Kumar and Moses Rajkumar, 28 June 2017

Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods and the case for public ownership

California Amazon worker speaks out:
“Amazon fired me because I complained about age discrimination”

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
June 26–July 2: Bolshevik slogans dominate at massive Petrograd demonstration

26 June 2017

From the archives of the Revolution
Declaration of the Bolshevik Faction at a session of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets on the Question of the Offensive

By Leon Trotsky, 23 June 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Lawyer for framed up Maruti Suzuki workers: The court “committed violence” to the “principles” of law

By our correspondents, 27 June 2017

On-the-Spot from New Delhi
Lawyer for Maruti Suzuki workers denounces frame-up

Sri Lankan free trade zone workers call for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 23 June 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Workers Struggles

Greek waste disposal workers strike against mass layoffs

By Christoph Vandreier, 28 June 2017

The way forward for New Zealand meat workers

By the Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand), 27 June 2017

Socialist Equality Party

German Socialist Equality Party holds meeting on its election program

By our correspondents, 24 June 2017

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