- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 20021
The fishing village of Vitt lies on the German Baltic Sea island of Rügen, more precisely on the Wittow peninsula near Cape Arkona. The village is part of the municipality of Putgarten. Because of its location in a coastal gully on the cliffed coast, called Liete, Vitt is not visible from afar. However, from the edge of the gully there is a view over the thatched roofs of the village. It is a popular tourist destination; often described as "the most romantic place on Rügen". The Marco Polo guide rates it as one of the top 15 highlights on the island of Rügen.
The name Vitt is derived from the word Vitte(n)/Witte (German: "depot of a Hanseatic town where fish was processed"; Swedish: vittja = "landing place, trading post and stockyard"). Actually Vitt was only a temporarily occupied Vitte from the outset where fish that had been caught were processed (c.f. Vitte). The name could however also come from Vit, a common Slavic name (for the founder of a settlement), or witt for "white" because of its white houses.
vitt squalo R231 exhaust system
Daniel Adams-Ray - Vitt (ORIGINAL) + Lyrics
Papa Trunk - Chrome Svart Vitt (Official Video) 2016
Stort och tomt och vitt
Vitaa - Ça les dérange ft. JuL
El bus - Dela Vitt (Audio)
SL550(R231)のVITT exhaust sound!
En av låtarna från Daniel Adams-Rays nya album ''Svart Vitt Och Allt Däremellan''. Njut av låten, lyrics kommer snart, Subscriba gärna ;) . Kom ihåg att jag inte äger rättigheter, ge all kredit till Daniel Adams-ray och LagomRecords med mera. Ni kan dessutom köpa hela albumet med hjälp av länken neden. Enjoy http://itunes.apple.com/se/album/svart-vitt-och-allt-daremellan/id400897070 *LYRICS* I Japan finns det pandor Men alla bor på hem Vi skriver brev på papper Och spelar instrument Ibland ses folk på riktigt Och minns det som fragment Rika leker fattiga Men bor i sköna hem I Polen finns det punkare Men ingen president Alla spelar skivor nu Utan BPM I orten bor det blattar Och en och annan svensk Nu kan man vara ensam Och aldrig få vara själv Refräng När jag blir stor Ska vi bo Ska vi...
↓↓↓↓↓↓ INFO ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓LÄS↓↓↓↓↓↓(detta är Ej en sponsrad video) HEJ VÄNNER! I denna video testar jag att färga mitt hår vitt hemma. Kan ju säga att jag inte är den vassaste kniven i lådan när det gäller detta men, haha. GILLA klippet om du gillar den. KRAM♡♡♡ Detta hårfärg använde jag : http://www.lyko.se/directions/directions-hair-colour-white-toner ❥Instagram: ehrencronas ❥Kontakt/Sponsring: ehrencronas@hotmail.com ❥Ålder: 21år. ❥Musiken är tagen från: https://player.epidemicsound.com ❥Redigeringsprogram: imovie. ❥Kamera: Canon LEGRIA HF R406. ❥VloggKamera: Canon Legria mini
Hoppas att ni tyckte om de! För mer bilder, checka bloggen! Vill ni se fler såna här skönhets videor? Let me know! Kommentera här eller skriv i kik: bellislove
Single disponible : http://smarturl.it/vitaacalesderange Restez connectés avec VITAA : https://twitter.com/Vitaa https://www.facebook.com/VitaaOfficiel https://instagram.com/Vitaa Snapchat : VitaaOfficiel Indifference Prod under exclusive licence to PlayOn
Interpreta: Leandro Sabogal y David Mayho (Dela Vitt) Grabado en Audición Pro ingeniero Nelson Ramirez Santoyo Producción y arreglos: Diosmel "Jota" Ramirez y Leandro Sabogal Guitarras y cuatro: Diosmel "Jota" Ramirez y David Mayho Percusión: Diosmel "Jota" Ramirez beat box: Jhon Edwar Arrechea Mina Bogotá Colombia https://www.facebook.com/DelaVitt https://twitter.com/DelaVitt Descarga gratis: https://delavitt.bandcamp.com/track/el-bus lyrics: Coro: Te amo, te amo te amo porque tú eres mi luz yo elegí subirme a tu bus y el que no sabe para dónde va cualquier bus le sirve tanto tiempo te estuve soñando y al fin te encontré. 1. Tanto tiempo estuve tentado a seguir el camino errado fascinado con luces vacías pero fracasé. No perdía la esperanza mi corazón hablaba él s...
Take a tour of Giovinazzo in Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Its role as a place of commerce and naval trade has existed for thousands of years. The town of Giovinazzo was a fortified centre called Natolium by the Romans. But the town may be built on an even older Peucezio city, destroyed in the Punic Wars. Whatever its origins, Giovinazzo is a beautiful seaside town with an enormously rich history. It passed from Roman hands to the Byzantines, to medieval rulers, to the nation of Italy. Many aspects of its older days are still visible and the town retains its historic charm. While wandering among the old stone buildings, don't forget to visit the scenic port.
TRIP to INSEL RÜGEN VITT Zeitraffer kleines Fischerdorf village VITT Germany Timelapse OSTSEE schönes Ausflugsziel in Deutschland :) Zum Abonnieren hier klicken. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvwBysEWGDK3R1FQq6vB-yg Herzlichen Dank :)
Istituto Vitt. Emanuele II Giovinazzo flash del 1999-1944-2010 ( fùr Malihta und Staff- BRD)
la medesima perdita nelle ore notturne si raddoppia; e siamo già a 2 settimane di fila...
Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venice (nr 72675) Övrigt starkvin Frankrike Frankrike, Rhonedalen, Muscat de Beaumes de Venise Årgång 2012 Producent Vidal Fleury 129:- Vouvray Hélène Dorléans Brut (nr 87268) Mousserande vin , Vitt torrtFrankrike Frankrike, Loiredalen, Touraine, Vouvray Årgång 2009 Producent Bourillon Dorléans 139:- Cami Salié (nr 5385) Vitt vin , Friskt & FruktigtFrankrike Frankrike, Frankrike sydväst, Jurançon, Jurançon Sec Årgång 2012 Alkoholhalt 14,0 % Sockerhalt Mindre än 3,0 gram/liter 109:- Din guide om vin med Fredrik Schelin och Magnus Reuterdahl
Um mês para mudar a vida toda e fazer amigos para sempre! Bravos amigos-aventureiros-alunos-viajantes do ST-Julho (AKA: Aline, Miss Bruna, Bruninha Dotto, Carol Bibi, Cati, Diego, Fábio, Flavinha, Gabiii, Géssy, Ju, Ká(ri), Katita, Laila, Léo, Lu, Muri, Natye, Pedro, Raquele, Sandro do Turvo, Thamiro Ramiro, Vini e Vitt-Linda!) Londres nunca mais será a mesma!!! Ahhhhhhhh se eu te pego!
Välkommen till min första Travel Edition video i Oslo! När jag var i Oslo för någon månad sedan besökte jag och min bästa vän Sandra Oslos bästa kosttillskottsbutik Røtter. Det är en kombinerad butik/cafe och det säljer allt du kan tänka dig för hälsan. En fantastisk butik så jag tycker du ska besöka om du bor i Oslo eller tänkte åka på besök. Du hitta även flera härliga bilder på bloggen. Klicka dig vidare här -http://www.naturligtsnygg.se/mayanest... HÄR HITTAR DU MIN ONLINE ♥ - Blogg: http://www.naturligtsnygg.se/mayanest... - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayanestorov/ - Facebook Rawfit by Maya Nestorov: https://www.facebook.com/rawfoodkoket/ - Facebook, my official fan page: https://www.facebook.com/mayanestorov... - Snapchat: Maya Nestorov - Twitter: https://twitter.com/ma...
Se och lär känna vintillverkaren Contratto med legenden Giorgio Rivetti i spetsen.
Hello guys, here the newest vlog. We are on a road trip to Nuremberg/Germany to visit friends for a housewarming party. And of course to check out the city. We hope you enjoy the trip with us, thanks for watching and PLEASE like and subscribe to our channel. Lots of love, CoCoMo and Chris Music Credits: "Cold Funk" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Business Inquiries: CoCoMoandChris@gmail.com
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
I'm in the mood
The rhythm is right
Move to the music
We can roll all night
Slow ride
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow down, go down
Got to get your lovin' one more time
Hold me, roll me
Slow ridin' woman, you're so fine
I'm in the mood
The rhythm is right
Move to the music, yeah
We can roll all night, yeah
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow down, go down
Got to get your lovin' one more time
Hold me, roll me
Slow ridin' woman, you're so fine
Slow ride, easy, slow ride, sleazy
Slow ride, easy, slow ride, sleazy
Slow down, go down
Got to get your lovin' one more time
Hold me, roll me
Slow ridin' woman, you're so fine
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow ride, take it easy
Slow down, go down
Slow down, go down
Come on baby, take a slow ride with me
Come on baby, take a slow ride
Oh, feels good, feels so good, I like it, yeah
I feel good, oh, I feel alright
You know the rhythm is right
You know the rhythm is right
We gotta rock all night
We gotta rock all night
You know the rhythm is right, yeah
We gotta rock all night
You know the rhythm is right
We gotta rock all night, oh, come on now
Elevate me, mama, elevate me, mama
Elevate me, mama, elevate me, mama