Why Twitter is Awesome

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Launched in 2006, Twitter had an amazing roller-coaster life, starting out as a hit with a skyrocketing number of active users and eventually finding itself surrounded by skeptics lamenting the company’s stock performance, feeding on pessimistic news oozing from every digital channel, and complaining that the famous blue bird is flying low with a wounded wing. The tech pundits have already rushed to predict the company’s allegedly inevitable demise, and many of their followers (ironically, including those on Twitter) believe the company’s fate is not going to be any different from that of MySpace’s. We all know what happened to […]

Twitter The Great

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  Some might say that the good days of Twitter are through. Once it was a leading social media network, but recently all the hype about Twitter dropped, mirroring the trend of the company’s stock price. Yet amidst the growing cynicism few people realize that Twitter offers a unique bouquet of features no other social network can match, no matter how hard they try. Access to Celebrities’ Thoughts A lot of celebrities across the world manage their Twitter accounts on their own, allowing their followers a much closer look into the privacy of their lives and, most importantly, that of […]

Twitter & Politics

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By now, it has become evident that Twitter and Politics go hand in hand. Wait a sec, Twitter goes hand in hand with a lot of things; technology, news (fake or legit), ongoing real life events etc. – politics is just one piece of the puzzle. These days Twitter is battling a lot of skepticism, but there is one thing that even the most vile critics refrain from biting too hard into: the strong link between Twitter and politics. Why? Because in that realm no other social network has even a pale shadow of Twitter’s supremacy. Don’t get me wrong; […]

Why Twitter is Better than Facebook

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Today, everyone’s life is revolving around social media. Every morning there is a tug of war with the snooze button on your phone, which is followed by checking your phone for notifications that are patiently waiting for us on the notification bar. Social Media is the new form of addiction, at least for the younger generation. People have become accustomed to frequently checking their phones for social media updates and notifications. Everyone wants every moment to be shared on the social media. Even when going to a café or a restaurant, we still check our Facebook account and diligently upload […]