Welcome to the Initiative Factory Society incorporating the Casa Bar & Venue and the Community Advice Service Agency (CASA)

Initiative Factory Achieves the MATRIX Standard. On behalf of the Initiative Factory/CASA can I thank you all for helping the organisation attain the MATRIX standard for delivering external Information Advice and Guidance on Welfare Rights, Employment Rights, Business Start-up and Consumer Affairs etc......Obtaining The MATRIX standard quality mark puts Initiative Factory in the same category as a Trade Union or a CAB for giving qualified and accredited advice..... It will give all our clients the assurance that the services we provide meet the highest standards possible......Thanks again......Terry Teague


The Initiative Factory/CASA was set-up in the aftermath of the Liverpool Dockworkers Dispute to uphold the aims and objectives of the ‘Sacked Liverpool Dockworkers’ in promoting ‘Fairness and Justice’ for all.

We were established as an Industrial and Provident Society in 1998 with the objectives of relieving poverty sickness and hardship and advancing education in Merseyside. In particular, the community work we do serves unemployed and socially excluded, both working and workless, residents of Liverpool.

The In-house provision we provide includes:

In addition to the in-house delivery, 29 Hope Street accommodates a wide range of organisations that utilise the premises for an array of activities including meetings, public events, training, conferences and functions  

We operate as a social enterprise with all the profits from our Bar/Bistro and Venue being ploughed back into the non-profit side of the organisation to deliver community self-help and voluntary projects.