Attacks on the Press

2017 Edition

Introduction: The New Face of Censorship

by Joel Simon

Governments and non-state actors find innovative ways to suppress the media.

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Where I've Never Set Foot

by Alessandria Masi

Barred from Syria, a journalist must make sense of what she's told.

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From Fledgling to Failed

by Jacey Fortin

Even as the country collapses, South Sudan's government will brook no criticism.

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What Is the Worst-Case Scenario?

by Alan Huffman on May 4, 2016

American journalists grapple with the Trump presidency.

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A Loyal Press

by Ursula Lindsey

Independence means isolation for journalists in Sisi's Egypt.

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Thwarting Freedom of Information

by Jason Leopold

Agencies exploit every loophole to evade disclosure requirements.

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Case in Point

by Michael Pell

A journalist details one fight over records requests in the United States.

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Disrupting the Debate

by Alexandra Ellerbeck

Governments use copyright laws and Twitter bots to curb criticism on social media.

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by Yaqiu Wang

Journalists' online activity could hurt their financial standing under a new Chinese plan.

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Chinese Import

by Emily Parker

Russia tries to emulate Beijing's model of information control.

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Willing Accomplice

by Andrew Finkel

Collusion by the Turkish media compounds the country's crisis.

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Edited by Drug Lords

by Elisabeth Malkin

Mexican journalists navigate threats and censorship by cartels.

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Self-Restraint vs. Self-Censorship

by Jean-Paul Marthoz

How much should journalists hold back when covering terrorism in Europe?

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Women on the Frontlines: Watch a panel discussion about gender-related threats to journalists.

Fiscal Blackmail

by Alan Rusbridger

The Kenyan government withdraws advertising when newspapers step out of line.

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Attacks on the Press is published by Bloomberg Press, and imprint of Wiley.

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Connecting Cuba

by Carlos Lauría

Outdated laws and limited, expensive internet access slow the island nation's progress.

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Supervised Access

by Jessica Jerreat

North Korea masks deep censorship by admitting foreign reporters.

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Right Is Might

by David Kaye

We have the laws and institutions to fight attempts at information control.

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Being a Target

by Rukmini Callimachi

A reporter learns how to dodge terrorist threats to get the story.

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Eluding the Censors

by Karen Coates

For all its faults, Facebook is a lifeline for journalists in less developed countries.

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Zone of Silence

by Robert Mahoney

The public is robbed of information when journalists are murdered.

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Fighting for the Truth

by Christiane Amanpour

Journalists have a huge amount of work to do.

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Attacks on the Press for the Year:   

Social Media

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