

How the National Debt Helpline is stopping bullies and giving hope

As a journalist, I've had my share of vicarious experience of the shadowy side of life: sign up for a courts round covering criminal cases and you soon realise how lucky you are.

Not that you need this exposure to be aware of how many people are doing it hard: just read the papers, watch the news, or see the people with their cardboard signs sitting despondently outside railway stations. But if I ever needed a reminder, spending time on the National Debt Helpline forcefully brought home that fact.

Listening to the calls that flood in to the helpline is overwhelming. By and large the callers are ordinary people trying to live ordinary lives in a system that seems to be stacked against them; a system they find impossible to navigate – a system that, often, simply makes no sense.

They generally feel powerless; and often that is because they are powerless. If you can't afford to pay the electricity bill, you almost certainly can't afford to pay for financial advice or the kind of information that keeps you in control of your life.

Because it's not just money such people lack: it is knowledge. Too often, their ignorance of their rights puts them at the mercy of organisations for whom profit is always more important than human wellbeing.

Take the new mother who called the helpline because her gas supply had been cut off while she was in hospital. She had no heating, no means of cooking – and a newborn baby.


The problem was quickly fixed, at least in getting the gas reconnected. One of the 10 financial counsellors working on the helpline advised her to immediately call the Energy and Water Ombudsman. The gas company had to reconnect her supply that day: the ombudsman requires companies to reconnect people where a complaint has been made, no matter how far in arrears the gas bill.

When a disconnection is made unlawfully, the utility provider must compensate the customer $500 for every day they have no power. The provider can also be penalised by the regulator.

Energy retailers pay out compensation in relation to about half the disconnections reported to the ombudsman. Despite the risk of compensation and fines, it can make financial sense for the provider to disconnect a household – simply because most people will never make that complaint.

For every person who calls the ombudsman, hundreds fall back on the only strategy they see open to them. They load up their credit cards or get a payday loan to pay their arrears and in doing so step further into the dark and demoralising world of debt and financial strife.

Every few minutes, every weekday between 9.30am and 5pm, another desperate caller reaches a financial counsellor at the National Debt Helpline. And in an environment of stagnant wages, record underemployment, exorbitant house prices and household debt at an all-time high, people from all sorts of social and financial backgrounds are increasingly needing help.

Unfortunately, credit cards, with their massive interest charges, are being used not just for utility bills but even for mortgage payments.

The counsellors who answer the calls tackle a vast range of problems, drawing on their knowledge of consumer law, credit law and community services. Every day, they help people set up payment plans for overdue bills, fend off aggressive debt collectors, and help people hold on to a roof over their heads.

Sometimes the advice leads to a quick fix, or it offers a plan or strategy that, with luck and care, may eventually help lift someone out of intense poverty. Also invaluable is the information the counsellors give callers of where to go for help with utility bills and school bills, Centrelink allowances, and websites and organisations that provide support.

For example, people with short-term financial difficulties often don't know that under the National Credit Code they have the right to ask creditors to enter into a hardship arrangement. Even a three-month breather from car loan or mortgage payments can mean the difference between holding on to an asset and losing it.

The threat of bankruptcy, real or hollow, hangs over many callers. Sometimes, it turns out to be a practical out: for a single father of two teens it was his best option. He had a low income, he owed $100,000 and he had no assets to be seized. Declaring bankruptcy meant he could make a fresh start.

Other times, it's just a weapon in the hands of unscrupulous debt collectors. A couple with an arrears notice for $4000 had been threatened with bankruptcy – even though you need to owe at least $5000 before a creditor can take court action to bankrupt a person.

The debt collector had breached ACCC guidelines by using this strategy to try to get the debt repaid.

Sometimes, for all their knowledge, counsellors come up against brick walls. They could do little for a caller who had been made homeless because she couldn't pay her water, gas and electricity bills.

If she had still been renting, she would have been eligible for state government utility relief grants of up to $500 towards each bill. But these grants can only be issued to pay current bills, not old ones, and utility providers don't always rush to advise customers in arrears of the availability of these grants.

It doesn't take much imagination to understand the anger and frustration this caller must have felt when she realised these grants, which she had never been told about, could have helped her remain in secure housing – and that having lost her home, she was no longer eligible for them.

State and federal governments fund the national helpline, it is true. But commendable and essential though it is to help those who fall through the cracks, surely it makes more sense to ensure those cracks are as narrow and as few and far between as possible.

The National Debt Helpline is operated by Consumer Action Law Centre in Victoria.