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Shame addiction: Neuroscientist Alex Korb explains why guilt makes us feel good

Guilt. It's that unpleasant combination of remorse and shame. It should push us to be better people, although usually all it leads to is emotional paralysis. But did you know it's also addictive?

In his book, The Upward Spiral, neuroscientist and writer, Alex Korb, has found evidence to suggest that feeling crap about ourselves actually makes us feel good – in the short term.

Korb writes, "Pride, shame and guilt all activate similar neural circuits ... interestingly, pride is the most powerful of these emotions, except in the nucleus accumbens, where guilt and shame win out. This explains why it can be so appealing to heap guilt and shame on ourselves – they're activating the brain's reward centres."

And just like any addiction, this compulsive need to feel guilt and shame might explain why so many women like to confess their sins to one another. Raise your hand if you've ever sent a shame text to a friend.

"OMG I ate a whole pack of Tim Tams last night. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?"

"I just finished off my fourth glass of pinot and the kids are still awake."


"You guys have nothing on me – I can't even get a swipe right."

"Societal and personal expectations can amplify the sense of guilt that women experience," says psychologist Alison Hill.

"For those who have a family and work, there's guilt that you are not doing either well. For those who don't have family, there can be a societal pressure that you 'should' want a family."

Or, let's be real, societal pressure that you should have a loving partner who immediately wants you to have his babies. And if you don't land this guy, there must be something deeply wrong with you.

"Often, for women, there is a sense that they need to be seen to be doing it all, coping amazingly well and never let anyone see them sweat," says Hill. "When they feel like they are not, guilt sets in."

This might also explain the popularity of social media mavens like Constance Hall (who has over 1 million Facebook followers and urges women to see themselves as "queens") and Glennon Doyle, (who has close to 700,000 followers, a best-selling book and a friendship with Oprah​ Winfrey).

Both women have children, they both write. They're also extremely skilled at minimising the guilt that often goes with motherhood, and the daily job of avoiding self-hatred as a woman.

Only a week ago Doyle spoke to Arianna​ Huffington​ via podcast about the different ways women are shamed for using their voice online.

The first is (predictably) an attack on appearance.

"You're too fat, you're too ugly."

The second is an attack on relationships – "You're a bad mother, a bad girlfriend."

The third is an attack on personality. "You're too emotional, you're too cold ..." says Doyle. "People don't say that to men."

The reason, she believes, is because when men use their voice, they're criticised for what they're saying. But when women do, it's about "whether or not they have a right to say anything at all."

"There are subtle [societal] messages that women are required to look after others, say the right things, make sure [everyone around them] is OK and cared for," says Hill, who adds that this becomes especially taxing when women are urged to take up leadership roles at work, while still taking care of admin, and then do most of the chores at home as well.

The result, says Hill, is that women, driven by guilt and societal shame to be all things to all people, can experience burnout. You know that thing where we deny ourselves our basic needs, like sleep and self-care? And then feel embarrassed that we aren't coping. Is it any wonder that women experience higher rates of depression and anxiety than men?

We are told that women are more emotional than men, but perhaps the reason we feel what we feel is because we are expected to do everything, all the time, and look exceptional while we do it.

How then, do we stop ourselves from the compulsion to feel guilt and shame? Especially when society, (let's not even get into advertising or body image) is essentially our drug dealer?

The solution, according to our neuroscientist friend, Korb, is to shift perspective. It may sound trite, but gratitude can re-wire your brain.

"Feeling grateful activates the brain stem region that produces dopamine. Additionally, gratitude toward others increases activity in social dopamine circuits, which makes social interactions more enjoyable."

But what if you don't have anything to be grateful for? Great news: it doesn't matter!

"It's not finding gratitude that matters most" writes Korb. "It's remembering to look in the first place.

"Remembering to be grateful is a form of emotional intelligence ... [and] as emotional intelligence increases, the neurons in [your brain] become more efficient. With higher emotional intelligence, it simply takes less effort to be grateful."

If that sounds like too much right now, consider this: if guilt worked, nobody would ever fall short of the ideal, question it, and eventually discard it. And that's something to be grateful for.