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Turnbull's anniversary party crashed by Abbott firing up the base

The one-year anniversary of Malcolm Turnbull's election was overshadowed on Sunday by continuing infighting over policy interventions from former Prime Minister Tony Abbott who spent the weekend stoking dissent among NSW's conservative Liberal base.

Sunday marked one year since Malcolm Turnbull's first election as Prime Minister with a razor-thin majority. The Prime Minister's office was keen to talk about a "year of delivery" and education funding, visa reform, planned intervention on gas exports and a second Sydney airport.

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The former prime minister has detailed the policies he would like the Turnbull government to take on at a speech to the Institute of Public Affairs.

But a week of anger about policy interventions from former prime minister Tony Abbott continued to overshadow political conversation, with a minister and former ally of Mr Abbott's delivering him a dressing down.

Mr Abbott has made several speeches and other policy contributions leading up to the government's anniversary, including calling for an end to all new spending except on national security and infrastructure and freezing the renewable energy target.

Conservative WA Senator Matthias Cormann claimed Mr Abbott's suggestions were divorced from his actions while in office.

"[If] the government now is supposedly more left-wing than he would like, that would have applied equally to his government at the time," Senator Cormann said in a television interview on Sunday. "I don't think these are useful observations."


On Sunday Mr Turnbull's office marked his "year of delivery" in a video that nominated achievements such as a new plan for education funding, visa reforms, plans for an intervention on gas exports and action on a second Sydney airport.

"My government has achieved real results, strong outcomes, not just headlines and press statements," Mr Turnbull said in a statement posted to social media.

Senator Cormann's rebuke came after Mr Abbott spoke to what organisers claimed were 400 party members on Saturday night at an event organised by a group aligned to the Liberals' conservative-right faction entitled a "Call to Arms for the Forgotten People of our Party".

Mr Abbott said he was not seeking to stoke opposition to Prime Minister Turnbull and remained a "servant" of the party that he wanted to win the next election.

But his speech was warmly received by members of a group that includes the party's disaffected conservative-right wing and which is seeking changes to preselection rules.

Mr Abbott said NSW party headquarters increasingly expected its members to "turn up, to pay up, and to shut up".

"It's just wrong and it must finish," Mr Abbott said. "Let's take our party back and then we can win the next election."

The event was put on by organisers of the Movement for Democratic Reform, which organised speakers including Hume MP Angus Taylor and retired general Jim Molan to join Mr Abbott.

Mr Turnbull addressed the same forum via video and was booed by some attendees.

The event was focused on an internal NSW Liberal Party debate over the introduction of "plebiscites" to vote on party candidates for office. 

Under the current model a proportion of preselectors are allocated by the party's ruling state executive.

NSW MP Angus Taylor stressed that the convention should not be viewed as a "Turnbull versus Abbott" battle. 

Critics of the "plebiscite" model argue it may feed branch stacking or other means of engineering preselection outcomes. 

The NSW Liberal party is seeking consensus on a preselection model, and other questions, at its Party Futures Convention later this month, to which Saturday's event was designed as a prelude. 

In remarks that he said were not aimed at anyone in particular Mr Turnbull told News Corp newspapers he had no plans to retire but would not hesitate to walk away if he lost the top job.

"When I cease to be prime minister, I will cease to be a member of Parliament," he said.

Mr Abbott's spokesman denied reports that he was planning to speak at another event aimed at conservatives in Melbourne on Sunday night. 


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