This week, Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (that movie you had to be convinced actually exists) was released on digital video. In the same week as the original film's anniversary, you might be asking: How the hell do a fighting cat and mouse fit into Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? I can tell you with absolute certainty, having watched the film (with the help of copious amounts of alcohol)... I have no idea.


Looking at my DVR for the coming weeks and things are bleak. American Gods and The Handmaid's Tale are done, Game of Thrones isn't on the air yet, and Preacher and Orphan Black are brutally murdering fun characters and all our feelings. Winter is supposed to be the fun time, when colourful superheroes punch each other and landmarks inexplicably explode in a CG orgy and shows don't take themselves too seriously. Which is why I'm so happy watching Syfy's Wynonna Earp.


Video: Don't waste your time trying to make sense of director Kouhei Nakama's music video for Broke For Free's Hella, because hyper-realistic action figures breaking apart and randomly exploding into hundreds of doppelgangers isn't meant to be a understood. It's eye candy for the sake of eye candy, with a sick beat tossed in for good measure.


The human body isn't just your cells, but a home for trillions of bacteria. We know that many of those bacteria serve important purposes, and imbalances or a lack of diversity could lead to illness. But research into this field is pretty new. At least, new enough that you shouldn't just transplant someone else's gut bacteria into your own colon without good reason.


Every few months, a journalist asks a scientist about the looming threat of Armageddon. That scientist's quotes are then predictably blown out of proportion and turned into some iteration of "The End Is Nigh". In light of Asteroid Day, which was yesterday, we'd like to clarify some of the apocalyptic misinformation that's spreading. As badly as we all want an asteroid to strike us squarely in the face at this point, that probably won't be happening any time soon.


Take two big pillars of your childhood and mash them together. What do you get? Super Mario Monopoly, of course. Monopoly Gamer, as it's called, will feature characters like Mario and Peach and Bowser, and has power-ups and boss battles as well as a Nintendo take on the usual property tycoon and cash battles


The New York Times just dropped a lengthy and detailed report on Silicon Valley's oft-rumoured, rarely spoken about sexual harassment problem. More than two dozen women working in the technology industry spoke to the Times, following a report about a week ago in The Information about how venture capitalist Justin Caldbeck routinely preyed upon female entrepreneurs in his line of work.


Netflix has been rolling out a steady stream of updates recently, and latest in the list is the ability for users with high-def home theatre systems with Dolby Atmos support to listen to a select few movies with full 7.1.2-channel surround sound audio.


Earlier this week, David Kenny, IBM Senior Vice President for Watson and Cloud, told the US Congress that Americans have nothing to fear from artificial intelligence, and that the prospects of technological unemployment and the rise of an "AI overlord" are pernicious myths. The remarks were as self-serving as they were reckless, revealing the startling degree to which IBM is willing to forfeit the future for the sake of the present.


Rapid developments in brain-machine interfacing and neuroprosthetics are revolutionising the way we treat paralysed people, but the same technologies could eventually be put to more generalised use — a development that will turn many of us into veritable cyborgs. Before we get to that point, however, we'll need to make sure these neural devices are safe, secure, and as hacker-proof as possible.