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The unapologetic Christopher Pyne apologised – what have we come to?

 The world has changed.

Change is ever afoot, of course, but in this past week something happened that was both unprecedented and enormous, those two words somehow too spindly and inadequate to convey the extent to which this particular event deeply, intimately rearranged the globe on its customary axis.

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The Pyne saga: How it happened

A secretly recorded speech from Christopher Pyne has opened up old wounds within the Liberal Party including factional tensions and the PM's leadership.

Social scientists will puzzle for years over what might have triggered things.

Was it climate change? Is it possible that the creeping fingers of warmth tickling the animal kingdom in its innermost parts (waking marmots early from hibernation, and playing hell with the flight schedule of the arctic tern) could also have brought about this entirely unanticipated aberration in human behaviour?

Was it the international, inexorable slide of ancient institutions into the sea? The ragged global tide of instability that wrecked the hunchback minaret of the al-Nuri mosque, brought police to the Vatican, drove the Australian Greens to suspend someone for being too left-wing and emboldened the 45th President of the United States to use the term "bleeding badly from a facelift" in an official Tweet? Could that be to blame?

I don't know. All I know is the bald fact of what happened.


Christopher Pyne apologised for something. And things will never be the same again.

Ladies and gentlemen, people of non-binary gender identification, children, all the creatures of the land, air and sea: I repeat. Christopher Pyne has apologised for something. Which means it's probably time to start looting.

Mr Pyne has been in federal parliament for 24 years, a career that commenced in boyhood with his remorseless political field-slaughter of the long-standing Member for Sturt, Ian Wilson. A subsequent decade in which he was kept in the potting-shed by John Howard and fed entirely on grass clippings honed Mr Pyne's lean and hungry style, and he has long appeared in the Collins Illustrated Dictionary under "S" for "shameless".

Like the Fonz, Mr Pyne does not do apologies.

But this week, he did – starting with a round of phone calls to colleagues on Tuesday, and continuing into Wednesday with a speech to his constituents, contritely circulated to all and sundry.

The apology was for his now-infamous speech to colleagues in Sydney's Cherry Bar, in which Mr Pyne proclaimed the internal success of the Liberal Party's left-wing faction, reminded the crowd that he voted for Malcolm Turnbull in every leadership vote in which Mr Turnbull was an option, and hinted that legislated same-sex marriage "might even be sooner than everyone thinks".

The leaked recording of these remarks caused certain elements of the Liberal Party's frustrated right wing to take a quick break from loudly decrying Australia's escalating offence industry and queue up at Sky News to complain about how offensive Mr Pyne's remarks were.

A wounded Mr Abbott sought solace in the arms of broadcaster Ray Hadley, and confessed himself stunned to learn that Mr Pyne had not voted for him (thus joining a select group of Amazonian tribespeople and earless lizards similarly ignorant of this historical detail).

He then went forth in anger and made a speech calling for Australia to develop its own nuclear-powered submarines.

Now, for anyone outside the batshit-crazy world of politics, this sequence of events (Man A makes series of accurate remarks in a bar. Man B gets upset. Man A apologises. Man B makes lengthy speech about defence procurement) would seem unremarkable. But within the Liberal Party, each of these developments carried its own explosive significance.

Mr Abbott's choice of speech title "Why Settle For Second Best?" was pointed. His topic choice (submarines; Defence Industry Minister Pyne's special bailiwick) was provocative.

Mr Abbott's particular personal experience with submarine procurement as prime minister is a tangled affair involving flirtations with the Japanese, hastily retooled on the eve of a 2015 leadership vote to secure the votes of wavering SA colleagues, made even more memorable by his former defence minister's avowal that he wouldn't trust the Australian Submarine Corporation "to build a canoe". At best, critics felt his observations were bold in scope. At worst, Mr Abbott is a new contender for the "Shameless" photoslot in the Collins Illustrated.

Mr Abbott mentioned that his biggest regret from his time as prime minister was not having taken on the anti-nuclear mindset in this country. Elon Musk is now understood to be working on a revolutionary negative-entropy trial in which the city of Port Augusta would be powered entirely by the former prime minister's poor self-awareness.

The current Prime Minister, meanwhile, repaired to South Coogee Public School, where he entranced a group of ten-year-olds by drawing plans for the expanded Snowy Hydro Electric Scheme on a whiteboard and reminiscing about his childhood plans to become a ferry driver.

All these accusations that he is a tool of the Left must provide a nice break for Mr Turnbull from the customary accusations that he's been captured by the Right. You don't get that kind of variety in the ferry business.

Twitter: @annabelcrabb

Originally published on as 'The unapologetic Christopher Pyne apologised – what have we come to?'.