Related Posts for WordPress Sites

Keep visitors on your site by showing them related content they will be interested in.

How can I get more pageviews?

When somebody visits your site, a great way of increasing your pageviews is to persuade them to stay on your site for longer by reading more content that’s relevant to them.

One common way of doing this is to link to other pages or posts on your site from within your content body. This however has three disadvantages: 1) it is manual and time-consuming, 2) readers often don’t want to click away before they’ve finished reading, and 3) it is very hard to go back and update old posts to link to newer content.

Our related posts services does away with these problems for you and you benefit from:

  • Genuine related content is cleverly shown to readers at the bottom of the post.
  • Newer content is automatically included in the pool of related posts available to readers.
  • All analysis, processing, and indexing takes place on our servers which means you don’t incur additional hosting costs.
  • Most sites see a sustained increase in pageviews (read case study).

Many hosts only allow Jetpack’s related posts and disallow similar plugins because we take on the processing and bandwidth burden for you.
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Feature Detail

  • No additional load on your server.
  • One-click activation and posts will start being indexed immediately.
  • New posts and content are automatically synchronized, processed, and indexed.
  • Use a header or larger visual layout.
  • Various customization options.

Part of Jetpack’s suite of traffic tools for WordPress sites including stats, sharing, automatic promotion, related posts, and more.

Frequently Answered Questions

Answers to common questions we get asked. We’d be more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have!

How much does the related posts service cost?

Related posts are provided for free to all WordPress sites running Jetpack.

How do I turn it on?

Simply install Jetpack and enable it with one click from your Jetpack dashboard. For advanced settings and trouble-shooting read our detailed support document.

Get Started

Whatever sort of site you’re running, Jetpack’s features are designed to keep your site secure, elevate your brand, and engage with more readers better.

Don’t have Jetpack?

If you don’t currently have Jetpack install it now so you can begin taking advantage of our features. Installation is easy and free — you don’t need a paid subscription.

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Undecided about paid plans?

Visit our plans page if you’re still undecided. (We’ve kept it simple: there are only three.) You are guaranteed a full refund within thirty days for whatever reason should you be dissatisfied.

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