Monthly Archive for March, 2011

: March, 2011

The Hot and Quick on Digestion

The microwave has led to a dramatic change in cooking and convenience. Although it has become a ubiquitous form of heating food, we should remain diligent regarding its possible implications in our

Do We Need to Cook to be Healthy?

This is a question dietitians are asked frequently. Studies show improved health for individuals who choose a diet high in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, but low in saturated fats and sodium. So can you make healthy choices if you don’t cook or don’t have the equipment to cook? The answer is yes, with a little thought and planning.

What is So Important About Sleep?

The time we spend sleeping is commonly regarded as the time when our bodies get a chance to focus energy expenditure on tissue healing and rejuvenation. While the exact function of sleep still is not

Get Calcium: Food or Supplement

Calcium is a critical component of a healthy diet. It is required for growing and maintaining healthy bones, for muscle contractions and for transmitting messages throughout the nervous system. It is available in an abundance of food products and in nutritional supplements. But how can we ensure that we are getting the maximum benefit from the calcium we ingest? And in what form is it best absorbed?