John Singleton has a Twitter doppelganger. And he's good.

Singo: Someone get that man a Twitter account. Stat.
Singo: Someone get that man a Twitter account. Stat. DEAN LEWINS

The amount of drivel that gets flicked about on Twitter on a daily basis is enough to make even Alex Malley blanch – which is why we are in paroxysms of delight at the appearance on the social media platform of the wit and wisdom of Singo.

Tweeting under the handle @Singo_luv to a relatively paltry 1834 followers (which is frankly criminal), the ad-man (or rather, someone who sounds very much like him) has been letting rip daily at a grab bag of disparate gibberers. The only thing required, it seems, to attract Singo_luv's ire is a moment of stupidity or hypocrisy. A person after our own hearts.

To wit, the tweet reacting to the release last week of Mr Roxy Jacenko, insider trader Oliver Curtis from Cooma Correctional Centre. "Ripped jeans and a private jet.  Far to say this smug little f#ckwit has learnt nothing in jail."


Or perhaps the response to Labor MP Tony Burke's calls for the sacking of ministers Alan Tudge, Michael Sukkar and Greg Hunt for their criticisms of the Victorian judiciary is more your speed? And we quote: "Shit Burkey.  Didn't you get caught taking the family on luxury taxpayer trip to Uluru?? All these blokes did – stick it to stuck up judges."

Personally, we love the take down of the ABC's Charlie Pickering. Responding to Pickering's so-right-on-it-hurts tweet: "We need to have civics tought in schools. The lack of understanding of our laws and systems of government is terrifying #Yarra3" – the Twitter version of the ad-man retorts: "It's 'taught' mate. Not sure you should ride the intellectual high horse when you can't spell."

A call to Singo's office cruelled our hopes that it was in fact the great man himself who had taken to social media. "It's definitely not him," said a PA - adding that they were trying to establish the origins in an attempt to shut it down. Kill joys.

Whoever it is: we salute you. It takes a deft touch to produce the sort of quality smack downs that could otherwise only come after an extended session of beers and nags at the Bellevue Hotel. We dips our lid.