Former US ambassador Jeff Bleich makes a tilt for governership

Ex-ambassador Jeff Bleich manhandling a marsupial. Or is it a moggy? Kind of odd, either way.
Ex-ambassador Jeff Bleich manhandling a marsupial. Or is it a moggy? Kind of odd, either way. Andrew Meares

Lest anyone be under the illusion that being the US ambassador to Australia is tantamount to being sent to Siberia, witness the meteoric rise (in process) of the former holder of that office, Jeff Bleich.

The former senior adviser to Barack Obama, who called Canberra home from 2009 to 2013, recently announced his candidacy for lieutenant-governor of the mighty state of California. 

Gubernatorial elections in the state once presided over by the Terminator are set down for next year. But as per the norm in US elections, jockeying for position (and finances) has already begun in earnest.

Witness Jeff putting out a call via email and his website for an army of Bleich Ambassadors. What, we hear you ask, is a Bleich Ambassador? 

According to, they are "supporters who are committed to spreading the word about our campaign on social media. We will provide you with videos, pictures and messages, and you take action by sharing it on Facebook and Twitter."

Apparently it's "a fun and easy way to get involved". Sounds more to us like a sure-fire way to annoy your Twitter followers and Facebook friends. But what do we know?

On the subject of Austro-Americans (yes, that's a thing) doing well in the US, a shout out to our very own former president of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn

The Wolf was named last week as the recipient of the prestigious Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy – an award recognising philanthropists who "embody the ideals" of the late and legendary US industrialist Andrew Carnegie. Props to you, sir.

The Wolf will receive his medal at a ceremony at the New York Public Library in October.