ATO's Chris Jordan keeps it real on tropical getaway

What's a man got to do to get his holiday leave approved around here? Chris Jordan, ATO Commissioner, does Budget Estimates.
What's a man got to do to get his holiday leave approved around here? Chris Jordan, ATO Commissioner, does Budget Estimates. Andrew Meares

It's been a busy couple of weeks for the ATO's top dog Chris Jordan. What with all the shenanigans involving his former deputy commissioner, Michael Cranston and those entrepreneurial offspring of his Adam and Lauren – it's fair to say Jordan has had his hands full.

So it's heartening to see the country's top tax man taking time out for a bit of "me" time. There he was on Sunday morning, aboard a Virgin flight to Fiji, the wider Jordan clan in tow, heading off on a family holiday.

Our swaying palm spies faithfully report the Tax Commissioner was appropriately seated in an economy class seat: as befits a man whose life is spent parsing dodgy tax returns.

Jordan's former deputy dog, Cranston has found himself in a spot of bother of late, with two of his children caught up in the Plutus Payroll tax fraud ring – widely considered the biggest alleged tax fraud this country has ever seen.

Chris Jordan settles in for the flight to Fiji.
Chris Jordan settles in for the flight to Fiji. Fairfax

Jordan recently told a senate economics committee he was aware the AFP were investigating his deputy as far back as February, but had to maintain a poker face in the office so as not to tip off his subordinate. No wonder the man needs a holiday.