Arnold Bloch Leibler golden boy Leon Zwier turns 60

Arnold Bloch Leibler's Leon Zwier.
Arnold Bloch Leibler's Leon Zwier. Josh Robenstone

A very happy 60th birthday to Melbourne litigator and Arnold Bloch Leibler's indefatigable bad cop Leon Zwier. Who could've imagined the boy wonder with a Seniors Card?

Bleak City's legal fraternity turned out on Saturday night at St Kilda's Newmarket Hotel for a roast that relied heavily on audience participation. Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten turned up, as did the fourth estate's favourite jurist Ray Finkelstein, corporate undertakers Mark Mentha and Mark Korda, Gilbert + Tobin's distressed debt partner Dominic Emmett, former Slater & Gordon principal Peter Gordon and Victorian Court of Appeal judge Simon Whelan, who presided as master of ceremonies. They all must have had plenty of material to work with ...