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Posts Tagged with "BET"

Rapper Beeda Weeda talks “Revolution” remix w/ M1, Killa Mike, and Jay Rock

August 23, 2016 interviews Oakland’s lyrical kingpin Beeda Weeda right after BET picked up his song “Revolution”, that is currently the West Coast anthem against police terrorism. We also discuss Beeda’s relationship with Too Short and his camp Pushing the Beat, and his upcoming “Revolution” remix that will feature the frontline revolutionary rapper M1, T.D.E.’s Jay Rock, and one of the biggest political voices in rap music today, Killa Mike. Tune in for more at

Jesse Williams: ‘a system built to divide and impoverish and destroy us cannot stand if we do’

July 4, 2016

Beginning with thanks to people who inspire him, Jesse Williams launched into this riveting acceptance speech June 27 for BET’s Humanitarian Award: “Now, this award, this is not for me. This is for the real organizers all over the country. The activists, the civil rights attorneys, the struggling parents, the families, the teachers, the students that are realizing that a system built to divide and impoverish and destroy us cannot stand if we do. All right?”

Manifesto on rebuilding New Afrikan people, families and communities

July 28, 2015

I introduce this manifesto to all New Afrikans (i.e. Blacks) and any human beings who are SERIOUS about changing the inhumane living conditions that we see the people being subjected to in oppressed, impoverished communities throughout Amerika. It is crucial that we assess our conditions based on what is in our power to do, opposed to what someone can do for us.

Filed Under: Prison Stories

‘Love, Peace, and Soul’: an interview wit author Ericka Blount

December 19, 2013

“Love, Peace, and Soul” by the award-winning writer and WPFW broadcaster Ericka Blount is a documented history of the show that helped to launch and sustain the careers of such musical giants as James Brown, the Jackson 5, Marvin Gaye, Barry White, Ike and Tina, Aretha Franklin and more.

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Filed Under: Culture Stories

Alima Olga Kasongo, the Boondocks and the Congo

December 7, 2013

Twenty-six year-old Congolese American science student Alima Kasongo should inspire anyone facing enormous odds, most of all her own Congolese people, who have faced the most enormous odds thrown at any people in the world for so many years. For good reason, many have said that if there were peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), there would be peace on earth.

Filed Under: Africa and the World

Meet Black Girls Rock! Award winner Ty-Licia Hooker

November 20, 2013

Ty-Licia Hooker was a recent winner at the Black Girls Rock! awards ceremony, which aired on BET, for her work with the Stockton based non-profit that she co-founded for under-achieving students, called the Summer Success and Leadership Academy. Still in her early 20s, this dynamic young leader is on the rise and getting ready to take her project national.

Black radio, Black power!

May 11, 2013

Raise your voice and the voices of our people – the voice of truth. Until we get the big mikes, we gotta hit a lot of little mikes. Bring back the doo woppers on street corners and concerned citizens speaking on footstools like Malcolm and Black New Yorkers used to do in the ‘60s – and even today. Support your local poetry, spoken word and open mike scenes where – at least there – we still have a voice.

Filed Under: Culture Stories

‘Watch Phoenix Rise’: wit’ film-maker Ramasses Head

March 6, 2013

Ramasses Head has been a pillar of the Oakland film scene for the last half decade at least, with hood classics under his belt like “Town Biz” and “Basketball 3:16.” Now he is premiering his new film, “Watch Phoenix Rise,” at the Oakland International Film Fest on Thursday, April 4, at 2:30 p.m. at the Grand Lake Theater and on Sunday, April 7, at 9 p.m. at the Black Repertory Group Theater in Berkeley.

Rock the vote! Rock the boat!

November 5, 2012

In this country they sing, “God Bless America,” but they mean, “except if you live south of the border or in the hood or if you’re a person of color, a woman, poor or an activist for the common good.” Rock the vote and rock the boat by shopping locally! My Buy Black Wednesday Business of the Month is MG Enhancez Hair Shop.

Hustlin in the City: an interview wit Frisco rapper Sellassie

November 13, 2010

The Frisco native and conscious rapper Sellassie has to be one of the hardest working men in independent Bay Area rap music. He has been a big promoter of unifying the Bay Area’s rappers and he has started a campaign against “house nigga” rap. He also hosts a regional up and coming artists’ showcase called “We All We Got.”

The Kaos Network: an interview with owner Ben Caldwell

October 16, 2009

Ben Caldwell is a mainstay in Los Angeles’ Black cultural district known as Leimert Park. He has had a part in assisting in the careers of many of LA’s most talented artists over the last 20 years, but most notable would be the influence that he and his venue, the Kaos Network, had on the legendary LA artist collective known as Project Blowed.

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Filed Under: Culture Currents
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