KPMG's David Heathcote: The rise of other providers has come as the banks have stepped back a little.

Alternate providers adding liquidity

The manufacturing and hospitality sectors remain bearish on funding but there's more optimism in the energy, technology and transport sectors.

Philippa Stone from Herbert Smith Freehills says there's active Chinese encouragement to go and invest in other economies.

Chinese Virgin move not the only play

There is no doubt that China is becoming a global M&A; player: foreign M&A; deals by Chinese firms totalled $US95 billion in the first three months of the year.

Geoff Hutchinson from Pacific Equity Partners says activism can shake up boards.

Shareholder activism on the march

As anyone who watches Game of Thrones knows, "winter is com-ing". So is shareholder activism, and the consequences could be just as alarming.