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/wooo/ - Pro Wrestling

Predetermined and Gay


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File: acf1688b5012172⋯.jpg (389.51 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, modal.jpg)


Night 1 Preview: https://www.njpw1972.com/10943

Live 8:00pm EST

In the United States, the only way to watch is via AXS TV. To confirm if AXS is available in your area, please visit this link: http://www.axs.tv/subscribe/

Fans across Canada and over 30 countries globally will be able to watch on television via The Fight Network. For more information on The Fight Network, please visit http://fightnetwork.com/.

Subscribers to NJPW World in Canada will be able to watch Night 1 live as well.

Night 1 will air on delay, on demand through NJPW World after July 1, 2017.

Card: https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/4417?showCards=1

Night 2 Preview: https://www.njpw1972.com/10952

Live 8pm EST

The only way to watch the G1 Special in USA live will be through our NJPW World subscription service. Subscribe now to avoid the rush http://njpwworld.com/ .This is a fantastic value at less than $10.00 USD A month to watch major events, live events, matches and shows from the archives of NJPW, documentaries and specials that you can only see on NJPW World.

Card: https://www.njpw1972.com/tornament/4419?showCards=1

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File: ae5176714c00111⋯.png (133.91 KB, 500x522, 250:261, big boy season.png)

File: 658b2e6f5ce429f⋯.jpg (181.88 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Jeff Jarrett.jpg)


>It appears that Impact Wrestling is rebranding as Global Force Wrestling. A report from The Tennessean confirmed the story with it saying that the move is to distance the company from the financial trouble and legal drama that had surrounded it under previous ownership.

>The report said that the company's weekly TV show will still be called Impact and their offices will remain in Nashville.

>Among other items from the article, it was mentioned that the new GFW is developing an on-demand streaming app for North America to make use of TNA's video library and that they're further working on finding their place in India and the United Kingdom.

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WWE in 1994 was already pretty well in the ground thanks to Vince.


File: 5330553a2c1cd11⋯.png (160.49 KB, 202x354, 101:177, jarrett's life history.png)


>WWE in 1994 was already pretty well in the ground thanks to Vince.

Vince may be out of touch recently, but he can handle himself even when the company is on the shitter.

Jeff Jarrett however still can't get no dimes.


>No AJ

>No Booker T

>No Samoa Joe

>No Kevin Nash

>No Kurt Angle

>No Broken Hardys

>Only real talent left are quickly aging Lashley and Steiner

>Attempted rebrand after attempted rebrand

It may have taken 15 years, but it looks like the wrestling organization formerly known as TNA is finally in its wCw 2000 stage. Expect a buyout before 2020.



>People are actually attracted to fat women because of a nigger meme

WEW. Current sunny should be right up your alley too.


File: 403c19c3be05c72⋯.png (195.87 KB, 424x318, 4:3, 1464377107915.png)


I get it, you like fat men!

File: e5035b6b863cbe5⋯.jpg (77.73 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Baron_Corbin_bio--6c99b7d8….jpg)

File: 90bb23f3a0acbae⋯.png (594.04 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, Baron_Corbin_pro--d39fcfc5….png)

File: a5b4549a2de0cba⋯.jpg (120.66 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Baron Corbin - I plan on c….jpg)


Is their more Edgy wrestlers besides Baron Coldsteel?

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File: 7b464e80c630b06⋯.webm (5.88 MB, 352x264, 4:3, Jerry Lawler vs Jake Robe….webm)




just be lieve


File: 02bb6cd73fd5f35⋯.jpg (74.82 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 02bb6cd73fd5f3516af1e85eff….jpg)


>he's assblasted he can't call people NERD



I want nerd to word filter to "IN JAPAN" now too


File: eb9a7b616fc779e⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 686x384, 343:192, NWO-07.jpg)

The original Edgy faction.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I can see people doing a realistic Tiger Fangs, just like that one dude in a Kinnikuman-themed event that did realistic Kevin Mask moves.

That Big Ben Edge is a miracle of the universe.


And it's finally over. Fun episode with Haruna and the girls to finish things up.


File: eafcd05b86b6055⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tiger meltz.jpg)

Dave and best tiger.


>Takuma and Kevin in the last episode





What about Sacrafice? Truth be told I can't see anyone doing it without some serious injury risk.


File: 80f98163f4ceedb⋯.jpg (122.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kebin nd takuma.jpg)

File: 57e5da3f57a00a3⋯.jpg (134.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kebin.jpg)


Takuma is straight and managed to cuck out Naoto for that qt nurse without even doing anything. Kevin is gay community for Takuma and those scenes of them in the last episode were just Ms. X's yaoi imaginations about them.

File: e24ceb0910d764c⋯.png (650.22 KB, 1177x515, 1177:515, ClipboardImage.png)


It brought us The Shield and BO DALLAS, so there must be something good here. R-right?

Latest show:

NXT results, June 28, 2017: Mayhem reigns in historic Last Woman Standing Match

NXT Women’s Champion Asuka and SAnitY’s Nikki Cross tore a warpath through Full Sail University, dueling over The Empress of Tomorrow’s title in NXT’s first-ever Last Woman Standing Match.

<The Velveteen Dream def. HoHo Lun

>Hideo Itami def. Oney Lorcan

>NXT Women’s Champion Asuka def. Nikki Cross in a Last Woman Standing Match

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File: b826a7074e21d8b⋯.png (42.28 KB, 846x592, 423:296, b826a7074e21d8b85cce288ece….png)


And he's the only guy that's still stuck there, while everyone else was promoted.



>"There he is…."

>Roman shows up

>"Samoa Joe"

This fits together too well.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Kairi Sane


Well, at least she got to keep her first name. Heard that she won't be allowed to do her diving elbow drop finishing move for some reason, wonder what will her new finish be then.

>Speaking Japanese

Don't think she knows much English, not even as much as Asuka so wonder about that too.



>won't be allowed to do her diving elbow drop finishing move for some reason

because it's Bayley's move


File: 3d3464e415c5cf1⋯.jpg (63.6 KB, 840x473, 840:473, Bayley_flying_elbow_on_Cha….jpg)


>Bayley's move

>Muh Macho Man is mai favorit wrestler

She's only done it a few times to begin with and heck SO many people use the diving elbow drop, I guess Zack Ryder is banned from doing it as well or what? Jeez, Fuck this company.

File: df41fda4ea37869⋯.png (152.51 KB, 300x389, 300:389, boot.png)


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>that laugh

Is that thing even human?


File: 4651dc1e0403b00⋯.jpg (151.65 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1458165917445.jpg)

For his finisher he has to place his opponent on the top rope because he only punches up


I'd love to see how he reacts to fighting an African-American. Will he just lie down and wait to get pinned?



Imagine him against Daren Young.



I would love to see him wrestle conservatives wrestlers like Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan

File: c670dcef0a943cc⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot_20170701-140707.png)



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File: 7068155922c65be⋯.png (297.71 KB, 677x337, 677:337, ClipboardImage.png)


>WWE threads

>TNA thread

>NJPW thread

Any ROH fans on /wooo/?

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File: 5df4a74121e0f6b⋯.webm (8.27 MB, 1920x816, 40:17, James vs Jax - ZOOMING IN….webm)

File: b807710cf688623⋯.jpg (128.43 KB, 1233x733, 1233:733, RAW Set with Royal Rumble ….jpg)


WWE production is more about the wrestlers than the actual wrestling.

NJPW/ROH feels more like a sporting event while WWE lives up to the 'E'ntertainment aspect.

The only criticism I have of WWE's style is how they constantly zoom in and out during every move although NJPW have started to do it


This. They just change the titantron theme.



By "The lighting doesn't hurt" I meant that it is a detractor from WWE and makes everything look fake as well, sorry, that wasn't very clear.


File: 55f1fa3a780bc3c⋯.gif (901.15 KB, 146x200, 73:100, 55f1fa3a780bc3ca76d33f165d….gif)


Cell phones are the worst possible thing to record with next to mid-2000s photo cameras with crappy video capabilities tossed into sell better. The world isn't black and white, this isn't a binary "4k pro grade rig with $6000 boom mic or potato and NOTHING ELSE" thing. A consumer-grade sony handycam would be fine, just not a fucking cell phone. Makes you look like a faggot hipster that decided to take an interest in photography and youtube vlogging and asked the gay community what version of the iphone you should get for that purpose.

At least they aren't filming vertically.


It's because they cheaped out starting in the PG era. Used to be crazy elaborate changes for PPVs back in the days when the titantron was just the one video screen and the rest of the entrance wasn't just shitty LCD bendy screens. Used to be a lot of other, better PPVs that got abandoned and retired for probably retard reasons.



What do you mean by this? we were comparing WWE and NJPW in terms of just production techniques not booking, so I have no idea why you brought up the whole "more about wrestling then wrestler's argument".


>youtube vlogs

That's what it's for, it's their behind the scenes youtube show.


Phrase you're looking for is "The lighting doesn't help" but don't worry about it dude made me re evaluate my point and specifically nail down what I was trying to say.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I meant it in a way that the cameras are always zooming into the wrestlers faces getting reaction shots and crowd shots instead of having stationary camera shots and the occasional ring camera for weird angles. Then they do jumpcuts and switch cameras 20 times while zooming into each punch etc.

I guess thats more style than production.

Prince Balor said on Jericho that he found it hard adjusting to WWE's style, like standing still for camera shots etc

File: 1412139741489.gif (782.22 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 1384581639437.gif)


Post em.
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Great find!!!



It's gone, anon!



Criminally underrated post.



Karlee Perez



TNA lives up to its name for once.

File: 4a58dc8ac3ef4d1⋯.jpg (147.6 KB, 1024x500, 256:125, chrisbenoittimeline[1].jpg)


guess what today is the 10 year anniversary of?

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File: 5a6eba0bc5421b2⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 300x223, 300:223, 00.gif)



>greentexting everything

Post last edited at


File: 1a50863443e9ebd⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Benoit German Suplex.mp4)

File: 8a95ea7eb517174⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 320x240, 4:3, TOOTHLESS AGGRESSION.gif)


oh shit the rin community


File: be484803b928eb5⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1073x862, 1073:862, tfw fired by mick foley.png)


Other than cucking for the NEW ERA and WYMYN'S REVOLUTION just like Daniel Bryan is, how?



did you see any of his promos from his latest run as GM? it constantly looked like he was struggling to understand what's going on, and I don't think that was part of his character



<did you see

>image is from that exact era and is even labeled in the filename in reference to that era

That seemed plenty in-character, considering Haich and Staph were bringing it up in the storyline.

File: b0707d991c0daba⋯.jpg (121.62 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Braun Poem.jpg)


Where were when Braun is not finished?

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File: 4e00e2722be793f⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 4e00e2722be793fa15be5fb2aa….jpg)


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File: 7a9ba5d509eeb29⋯.png (661.4 KB, 425x585, 85:117, 0rMQ4gM.png)


who is debra



Austin's wife/cousin


File: 38b7a65c4fe727f⋯.png (233.48 KB, 399x453, 133:151, 38b7a65c4fe727f53b2b2e304d….png)


>monster tits

>no proportional size increase elsewhere

File: 545a6062bb92497⋯.jpg (31.02 KB, 345x425, 69:85, oldizzi.JPG)

File: b0784d23b7f53d4⋯.jpg (54.02 KB, 506x511, 506:511, newizzi.JPG)


Even her bayley's biggest fan is a blissfag now.

Bayleyfag on suicide watch.

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File: 7909bc5a52b4ae3⋯.jpg (11.85 KB, 401x302, 401:302, patrick2.jpg)


That little spic sure has a punchable fucking face.



if by punchable you mean huggable, sure



>wanting to punch children

Wow, bayleyfags are this degenerated.


File: 42a7774bd433027⋯.mp4 (234.43 KB, 480x270, 16:9, STICKED.COM.mp4)



What's wrong Bayleyfag?

Still upset about Bayley getting STICKED?


File: e8bbf5bbe520ea3⋯.jpg (21 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1429567904865.jpg)

File: e558ecfbaa90f99⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE-004-(2017)-(digital)-(….jpg)

File: f2327349f76b369⋯.jpg (567.78 KB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE-004-(2017)-(digital)-(….jpg)

File: 4158a0b1b6f0897⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE-004-(2017)-(digital)-(….jpg)

File: 011e93da55b4a82⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE-004-(2017)-(digital)-(….jpg)

File: 72234659035e860⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE-004-(2017)-(digital)-(….jpg)


We're back with issue #4, which is really #5 but welcome to comic books. The hack/crash/whatever killed the old thread so here's a fresh one.

To recap, this is the story of Seth Rollins turning heel, getting the title, hurting his knee with a dozen montages an issue while Hunter got more and more annoyed at Seth for not doing what he said and being weak. Last issue New Day broke into Seth's apartment and gave him a bunch of VHS tapes while stealing his food, inspiring Seth to new heights as everything gets sillier and sillier.

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File: cbfae7a21429a5b⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE 006-019.jpg)

File: 5169b311d73cfc2⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE 006-020.jpg)

File: 44a0b0c7c66ef43⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE 006-021.jpg)

File: 2ad957a84f054b5⋯.jpg (923.98 KB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE 006-022.jpg)

File: 12e63db82d0cd7a⋯.jpg (879.28 KB, 1988x3056, 497:764, WWE 006-023.jpg)

So there we have it, it turns out Sasha is the perfect being afterall. Also if you want to be scary, get a little anchor tattooed onto your finger.

New Day backup has vanished again, this time for Cena to be incredibly boring.



what? why was there a pinfall victory when Dean was doing a submission?


File: 4498b99adabf92d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 61.35 KB, 564x828, 47:69, 4498b99adabf92d5e37d40242b….jpg)


>the new gay are members of the pic related community


File: f8e2e26506c86cb⋯.jpg (363.97 KB, 1099x963, 1099:963, and fall.jpg)


How the heck is this a pin? There's being a hack and then being completely incompetent.

This comic became super worse with these Dean/Sasha issues, I mean the Rollins ones were bad but there was something about it.



I don't get this jhon comic at all. Gets hit with the styles clash, the ref counts to 10 for some reason, then Cena just pops back up ready to fight with a smile.




Hopeless is terrible but so is WWE booking, so who to blame is a mystery.

And yeah, Rollins at least had silly faces and seemed to be developing super powers amidst other stupidity. This on the other hand has no redeeming qualities.

File: 62aa547f4c76d6c⋯.webm (11.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, G1 CLIMAX26 OPENING VTR A….webm)


post god tier video promos

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nothing will ever top this…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a modern classic


File: 37948cfb4276fb4⋯.gif (6.67 MB, 655x480, 131:96, TIS.gif)


>and it's the big *pow* *pow*

>that voice over

>degenerate me

Vintage kliq goon HHH




Has he ever talked about this angle in a podcast?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The best feud related to Taker's streak.


Bo Dallas appreciation thread. Talk about

>Bo Dallas promos

>Bo Dallas matches

>Bo Dallas feuds

>Bo Dallas moments

>Bo Dallas Ring gear

>Bo Dallas pictures

>Bo Dallas nudes (coming soon)

>Future Bo Dallas angles

>Why Bo Dallas deserves to be the current champ

>Why Bo Dallas is going to be the next WWE universal champion

>Potential Bo Dallas match ups in the future

>Bo Dallas' amazing smile

>What makes Bo Dallas the man he is

>Why vince is a gay for not handing Bo Dallas the belt right away

>WWE Divas Bo Dallas has dicked

>Bo Dallas and his wrestlemania 40 main event with his less talented brother

>Bo Dallas single-handedly saving Professional Wrestling

>Bo Dallas potentially leaving for NJPW or TNA

>Why Bo Dallas is your favorite wrestler

>Who Bo Dallas is going to squash next

>What year will Bo Dallas go into the hall of fame

54 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: b62fd64d8448924⋯.jpg (182.55 KB, 900x400, 9:4, bearlieve.jpg)


File: 787cb0bad1158fc⋯.png (367.76 KB, 437x387, 437:387, 787cb0bad1158fc8f23fdca98c….png)

>Bo gets to be on TV

>it's to push him as a Kevin Owens-tier angry REEEEEEEEEEEEEing heel


File: 2f02244cbc55164⋯.jpg (9.86 KB, 190x200, 19:20, 1449869426645s.jpg)

File: aef1dc2c89c81c4⋯.jpg (78.69 KB, 640x364, 160:91, 1449943709300.jpg)


A Boliever who stands his ground.



it looks like he's giving Miz a handjob


File: a65cd95e982a874⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 256x189, 256:189, 2f062797e62175aeca2e393107….gif)

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