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A mixed picture means governor Philip Lowe will likely hold the benchmark rate at a record low 1.5 per cent on Tuesday.

Will the RBA spring a 'July surprise?'

Economists are assessing whether the RBA will stay in tune with the marked global shift towards tighter global monetary policy settings and adopt a more hawkish tone this week.

Lachlan Murdoch and Bruce Gordon pulled financial support for the company last month, telling Ten they would not support ...

PPB trussing up Ten for sale for CBA

PPB Advisory will start spruiking Network Ten to potential buyers on behalf of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia after the lender officially appointed the firm as receivers on Saturday morning.

The ASX will have its bad years. For all we know, 2018 will be one of those periods. Or not.

Forget all predictions: History rhymes on the ASX

"They said you'd never make it," went the 80s beer ad, "but you finally came through". Which, while relevant almost every year, can certainly be said of the financial year which came to a close on Friday.

US President Donald Trump.

Money for power: Banker earns little to work under Trump

Money for power: Some of the business and finance executives who left multimillion-dollar jobs to work for President Donald Trump now earn less than the average school teacher, according to White House salary data released on Friday.

Illustration: Simon Bosch

Rate cut just as likely as a rate rise, economists predict

Australia is more likely to face an interest rate cut than an increase in the year ahead, a survey of 25 economists by Fairfax Media has revealed, as low wage growth, a high Australian dollar and a cooling housing market push the Reserve Bank towards a new record low cash rate.

Investors raised their euro zone equity holdings to 19.3 per cent, a near two-year high, in June. They also showed a ...

Global funds cut US stocks

Cautious global investors cut exposure to US stocks in June, and raised their euro zone equity holdings near a two-year high.