Development & Advice



Behaviour and Discipline


Why you have to pick your parenting battles

Every morning is the same in our house. I battle with my son about him taking a shower. We then battle about him getting dressed. Following this come the battles to clean his teeth, pack his bag and put on his shoes.

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Special Needs

Canberra's educational disadvantage hotspots have been revealed.

One nation does not equal two classrooms

My daughter celebrated her 14th birthday at the weekend. Around the table for dinner were four of her closest friends and former classmates through many years of primary school.

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As an adult on the autism spectrum who spent time in both integrated and segregated systems, Mitchell Adams feels ...

Bringing the outsiders in

In a brightly lit space in one of the school's newer buildings a group of teenage boys is sitting in a rough circle playing a get-to-know you game that's a mix of musical chairs and guess who. There's the usual jokey exchanges and awkward adolescent shuffling, but nothing that sets this group apart from the norm.

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