Blog June 30
Penney Kome | Republicans are experiencing a backlash of constituent anger over the proposed replacement for the Affordable Care Act.
Blog June 30
A Light Armoured Vehicle patrol on August 14, 2016 at Petawawa, On. Image: Flickr/4 Cdn Div / 4 Div CA - JTFC/FOIC
Yves Engler | The sober reality is Trudeau represents a continuation of his predecessor's foreign policy. I might need to redo my 2012 book "The Ugly Canadian," with the tagline "Justin Trudeau's foreign policy."
Columnists June 30
Toronto Western Hospital. Image: Flickr/Grant MacDonald
Rick Salutin | The symbols that would have the right to hang out proudly with other national symbols are all in decline. "O Canada" and the Maple Leaf are down, the Mounties and beaver, way down.
Blog June 30
Pipes for the Keystone Pipeline. Image: Wikimedia Commons/shannonpatrick17
Gordon Laxer | The rule obligates Canada to make available to the U.S. the same share of oil, natural gas and electricity as the previous three years. No other country has signed away access to its energy resources.
Blog June 30
Dixon Terbasket at the first billboard raising on IR #2 (Lower Similkameen Indian Band) Photo credit: Zeus Helios
Neil Nunn | An Okanagan-Syilx-led collaborative awareness project called Rethink 150: Indigenous Truth brings awareness to the work that Canada 150 does to erase and occlude current and historical injustices.
News June 30
Meagan Gillmore | A new report from CUPE details problems with scheduling, overwork, and patient care experienced by medical technicians.
Blog June 29
Doreen Nicoll | Spend July 1st watching Obomsawin's documentaries about Indigenous life and culture.
Blog June 30
Meg Borthwick | Arthur Manuel's book is required reading for Resistance 150.
Blog June 30
rabble staff | On the 16th anniversary of, we're pleased to announce our new board of directors.
News June 30
Photo of walk participants courtesy of Albert Dumont
Albert Dumont | On June 23, Algonquin elders took part in the Faith is Peace walk from Victoria Island to Parliament Hill, joined by the region's faith leaders in support of the struggle for sacred Akikodjiwan.
Blog June 30
Image: Flickr/European Parliament. Syrian refugee camp in Turkey.
Dennis Gruending | According to the United Nations there are 65 million forcibly displaced people in the world. Canada can do more to help.
Blog June 30
Image: Anti-Canada 150 Poster Pack
Doreen Nicoll | As a white settler enjoying life on stolen land and broken promises, I'm unable to join in this celebration. We must work towards meaningful reconciliation with the true founding nations of this land.