Fun toys to inspire young girls

In recent years there have been inroads made in producing a greater variety of gender neutral toys, and toys for boys and girls that aren't reliant on gender stereotypes for their appeal.

In honour of International Women's Day, we've put together a great gallery of toys that young girls might find inspiring, just to balance out the proliferation of gendered ones.

While there's absolutely nothing wrong with pretty fashion dolls and the colour pink, making those things the only options available for girls to play with is not ideal. Imaginative play goes a long way to forming those first pathways to future work and hobbies, so a wide variety of options is ideal for all children.

Click through the gallery above to see a range of fabulous female superheroes in Lego form, scientist dolls, and other great role models for girls in toy form. You 'll also find construction and tech toys great for building skills and confidence.