LRB Cover
Volume 39 Number 13
29 June 2017

LRB blog 30 June 2017

Tom Sperlinger
Children of Men

29 June 2017

Mark Olden
‘I can taste the smoke’

28 June 2017

William Atkins
Hostile Territory


20 April 2017

James Meek
Somerdale to Skarbimierz

5 July 2007

Sheila Fitzpatrick

20 November 2008

Steven Shapin
Joseph Hooker and the Dead Foreign Weeds

In the next issue, which will be dated 13 July, Steven Shapin on Yuval Harari; Anne Stillman on Cocteau.

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Greg Grandin

What Happened to Venezuela?

Chávez came to adopt all the attributes political scientists associate with authoritarianism. He sacrificed institutional checks and balances for political expediency, demonised his opponents both at home and in Washington with colourful bombast, was buoyed at rallies by emotional call-and-response repartee with his red-shirted supporters, and governed as if he were running an extended political campaign. In this sense, Chávez could be placed squarely within Latin America’s long populist tradition. What made him unique, and his long rule so unusual for a populist, is that he never deviated. More

Colin Kidd and Malcolm Petrie

Our National Hodgepodge

Unacknowledged both by Leavers and Remainers, EU membership has served to disguise the messy contradictions of Britain’s multinational state. The uninhibited restoration of parliamentary sovereignty – in this context, the brute expression of English dominance – is no solution. In recent decades, the EU has helped to ease tensions at national borders as well as serving as a safety net for devolution. Some kind of substitute – or, more likely, an array of alternatives – will be required, if Brexit is not to bring about the disintegration of our anomalous early modern hodgepodge. More

Long Ling

Death at the Banquet

Although the events described here occurred only about three months ago, the man’s name escapes me. I’m not at all certain my memory is correct, and of course no one will confirm my recollections. Who wants to remember what happened? Like me, everyone wants to forget. At the time I was working in the western part of a remote province in China, under an arrangement intended to allow government officials from developed areas to work in economically backward regions. I was frequently invited to banquets. More

Rosemary Hill

Ida John

Among her fellow students at the Slade School were some of the 14 children of the wealthy Salaman family whose father had made a fortune in the ‘feather boom’ of the 1880s when fabulous prices were paid for ostrich plumes. Ida became engaged to Clement Salaman. She liked him perfectly well. He was reliable, suitable and fond of her. They might have been happy enough had not her ‘beautiful warm face’ caught the eye of Augustus John. Then she knew what it was to have a grand passion and to be on the horns of a dilemma. More

At New Hall
Eleanor Birne

Short Cuts
Tom Crewe

Havana, 1968
Andrew Sinclair


AUDIO Dacre’s Paper

Andrew O'Hagan

Andrew O’Hagan reads the Daily Mail. Listen »

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VIDEO Against herbs

Jonathan Meades

Jonathan Meades talks to John Mitchinson about cooking. Watch »

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