Serbia : Walls and fences [ENG] [SR]


Walls, walls …. fences, fences

This is the wall that is being constructed in this moment, in order to have a „Belgrade Waterfront“ advertisement hiding the view on the squatted warehouses.

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These walls on the people who got evicted from the parks and found themselves a shelter in these buildings behind the train station, this is where they are living self-organized.
For months now about 800 people live in these occupied houses. There are people who are excluded from traveling officially,  delegalized by the system they constantly have to fear police raids. The other threat is the bulldozers of “Waterfront“ that can appear in any moment and demolish the squats. This threat is the same for the house of the Timotijević-family.
This is the “frontline“ of a neoliberal attack called gentrification. The attack is lead by the Waterfront-investors and its obedient local politicians.
The conditions to live inside these squatted houses are tough. There is a lack of everything. People are coming (back) or are being deported (from Hungary or Croatia) with serious injuries from police-beatings and despite all there is the everyday struggle with the cold.

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The media – quoting employees of the commissariat against refugees and representatives of the serbian authorities – are spreading interesting news: they are saying that apparently migrants are manipulated by some „unusual activists who do not communicate with other organizations“ and who are persuading them to to stay in the parks instead of going to the camps „where they are being treated in the most possible human, most possible polite way“. Interesting. Of course these journalists do not ask people on the move themselves if they have ever been talked into anything or for what reason someone doesn’t want to go to a camp.
In addition to all that, there is more and more stories from people who got deported from the -so called secure place – camp, to Macedonia.
People decide for themselves to live under extreme conditions. They prefer to live in community with the autonomy to decide, more freedom to move instead of living under the pressure of a institution where people are often humiliated and locked up. The alternative offered by the authorities is Preševo – a closed camp, where from the only exit is deportation back to Macedonia. So, between coldness and incarceration – what would you choose?

We also don´t forget Gaza and Palestine and all militarized walls and fences (there are more than 30 of them) and the state violence they are serving.

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Zid, koji se gradi da bi se  reklamama za Waterfront zaklonio pogled na skladišta (migrantske skvotove)  i na ljude koji su nakon evikcije parkova našli sklonište u zgradama iza autobuske stanice i krenuli da se sami organizuju.

Već mesecima oko 800 ljudi živi u ovim skvotiranim zgradama. Ljudima čiji  se papiri ne priznaju (jer ih sistem ilegalizuje) stalno prete policijske racije, a i buldožeri Waterfronta se mogu pojaviti svakog trenutka da bi rušili zgrade.  Uključujući i kuću porodice Timotijević  ovo je zapravo „linija fronta“ jednog neoliberalnog napada „džentrifikacije“ koji vode Waterfront-investitori i njihovi posljušnici, lokalni političari.

Uslovi  u ovim skvotovima su veoma teški,  nedostatak  je svega, ljudi pristižu ili su deportovani (iz Mađarske i Hrvatske) sa teškim povredama,  pored svega svakodnevna je borba sa strašnom hladnoćom.

Mediji citirajući zaposlene Komesarijata protiv izbeglica i predstavnike mafijaške vlasti šire vesti da migrantima manipulišu neki “neuobičajeni aktivisti koji ne komuniciraju sa drugim organizacijama”  i koji migrante  nagovaraju da ostanu u parku, umesto da odu  u kampove “koji su obezbeđeni na najhumaniji, najpristojiniji mogući način”. Baš zanimljivo. Naravno novinari ne pitaju same migrante da li ih je neko ikada nagovarao na nešto i koji su razlozi zašto ne žele u kampove.

Ljudi se sami odlučuju da ostanu i borave u ekstremnim uslovima – ali ipak u zajednici sa više slobode kretanja i autonomije odlučivanja umesto institucija gde su često ponižavani i zatvarani. Alternativa koju im vlast nudi  je Preševo – zatvoreni kamp, odakle je jedini izlaz deportacija nazad u Makedoniju. Dakle između hladnoće i  zarobljeništva šta bi vi birali?

Kao dodatak pročitajte:

Ne zaboravljamo Gazu i Palestinu i sve militarizovane apartheidske zidove i ograde (kojih ima više od 30 na planeti ),   i državno nasilje kojem služe.

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