Editors' Choice

It Takes A Village – VNV Tuesday: Today We Remember The Resistance (1776) 7/4/17

“May the foundation of our new constitution, be justice, Truth and Righteousness. Like the wise Mans house may it be founded upon those Rocks and then neither storms or tempests will overthrow it.” — Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, July 13, 1776 “Do you recollect the pensive and awful silence which pervaded the house when we were called up, one after another, to the table of the President of Congress to subscribe what was believed by many at that time to be our own death warrants?” — Benjamin Rush “I have said that the Declaration of Independence is the ring-bolt to the chain of your nation’s destiny; so, indeed, I regard it. The principles contained in that instrument are saving principles. Stand by those principles, be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost.” — Frederick Douglass “Let the annual…

More Editors' Choices

Fighting Back: – Joe Kennedy: “You deserve a country that will pick you up, not leave you to fight alone.”

The weekly Fighting Back post is also an Open News Thread. Feel free to share other news stories in the comments. Found on the Internets … The Weekly Democratic Party Address was delivered by Rep. Joe Kennedy of Massachusetts. Rep. Kennedy [The Republican plan] means that the biggest, strongest, boldest nation in the world doesn’t…

Fighting Back: Sen. Mazie Hirono – “If you’re poor, old, or sick? Well, you’re screwed.”

The weekly Fighting Back post is also an Open News Thread. Feel free to share other news stories in the comments. Found on the Internets … Weekly Democratic Party Address by Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii: Senator Hirono For the past few months, 13 Republican male senators have been sequestered away somewhere, literally plotting in…

Barack Obama: “No tweaks can change the fundamental meanness at the core of this legislation.”

President Barack Obama took to Facebook yesterday to weigh in on the Republican Party’s legislation to repeal healthcare: “Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today. I recognize…

It Takes A Village – HNV Tuesday: We are Democrats, and That Means Something 6/20/19

It’s often said, probably with a great degree of accuracy, that a party platform is forgotten soon after a convention is over.  For the next few weeks, I intend to turn conventional wisdom on its head and will be exploring, comparing, and contrasting elements of our platform with the Republican Party platform. Because the platforms…

Motley Megaphone

Call the Whaaambulance!

Call the Whaaambulance! Harvard Republicans refuse to endorse Trump.

Here, I will save you having to click on that link:

“What happened to our beautiful party … the one built on the Southern Strategy, whistled to in Philadelphia MS, powered by the hateful racist rhetoric of Lee Atwater, and dedicated to crushing the poor, women, people of color, and the elderly??? We must reclaim it from the racist misogynist so that we can get back to the noble task of granny-killing, poor-starving, and sick-kicking Ryanism!”

Our World in Images

A Hike Through our 100 Aker Wood*

Hoag’s Pond, – a place of reflection adjacent to the 100 acre Woods. *With apologies to A. A. Milne and Christopher Robin.   June, 2017, Bellingham WA, Pacific Northwest   This is a short story with a bunch of photos about our 100 Acre Wood that, like Milne’s is loaded with critters scurrying about and singing. This wood is…

Just Grazin'

Summer Sunning!

Today marks the Summer Solstice. Astronomically, it looks like this: The Summer Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is most inclined towards the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. The seasonal significance of the Summer Solstice is in the reversal of the gradual shortening of nights and lengthening of days. That will…

April Showers are Bringing May Flowers!

At Winter Solstice, the light begins to return – gradually, the memory of the long nights fades until the light and dark are equal on Spring Equinox. From that point on,  the light returns more rapidly and on May 1st we arrive at the midpoint between equinox and Summer Solstice. Today, my sunrise was at…

Springing into Spring – No Kidding!

Today at 10:28 UTC (5:28pm CDT), the Spring Equinox will occur. An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 September), when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth’s equator. The name…


Breathing Deeply at Beltane

Celibate since Yule, red-haired Passionata breaks out on May Eve!     Oh, do not tell the priests of our art For they would call it sin But we shall be in the woods all night A-conjuring summer in. Gerald Gardner’s version of a Rudyard Kipling poem. Emerging from the shower with the towel wrapped…

Jolyon–Part II

Flung back in time to the Minoan Crete of 1450 BC, can Fiona adjust to such a different world? “Put your arms around me and hold on as tightly as you can,” Jolyon said. He stepped closer until just a breath separated us. I did as he instructed. A vast shudder rippled through us, after…


After graduation a visit to Knossos beckoned Fiona—but little did she guess where it would lead!   I noticed him because he was always alone. And in a country where most people are dark-haired and dark-eyed, he stood out because of his blond ponytail and gray eyes. Only the shape of his eyes belonged to…

Recent Posts

It Takes A Village – VNV Tuesday: Today We Remember The Resistance (1776) 7/4/17

“May the foundation of our new constitution, be justice, Truth and Righteousness. Like the wise Mans house may it be founded upon those Rocks and then neither storms or tempests will overthrow it.” — Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, July 13, 1776 “Do you recollect the pensive and awful silence which pervaded the…

Fighting Back: – Joe Kennedy: “You deserve a country that will pick you up, not leave you to fight alone.”

The weekly Fighting Back post is also an Open News Thread. Feel free to share other news stories in the comments. Found on the Internets … The Weekly Democratic Party Address was delivered by Rep. Joe Kennedy of Massachusetts. Rep. Kennedy [The Republican plan] means that the biggest, strongest, boldest nation in the world doesn’t…


Morning Meese…Another week with more problems that we have to meet head on…Grating on the nerves, and totally disarming to the psyche. It’s what Trump and the Deplorables want though. They think we are just going to give up at a certain point…Not gonna happen…Fight on we must! Wish more people had listened…Thank you Michelle..You…

“Take your hands off our stuff!

I want to thank each and every one of you… FOR GETTING IN TROUBLE! – @repjohnlewis pic.twitter.com/ijxFkdnM6o — Ben Wikler (@benwikler) June 28, 2017   When you're on the right side of history, @repjohnlewis is near pic.twitter.com/z99uncJ8yW — Ben Wikler (@benwikler) June 28, 2017     The arc of the moral history is long. But…

It Takes A Village – VNV Tuesday: We Are Dems, and That Means We Want to Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class 6/27/17

Before I start today’s look at the Democratic and Republican Party platforms, your Resistance reminder to call, call, and call again. Yes, even if you have Dem senators and even if you know your senator is a jerk who is in favor of #Abomnicare: Information for contacting those senators on the [allegedly] wavering list… Have…

Albanian Breakfast and Euro-comment

Today is election day in Albania. I spent some time digging around to try and come up with some useful coverage, but I didn’t do very well. They’re obviously aware that almost nobody speaks Albanian, and there are at least four English-language Albanian news sites, but unfortunately all of them are paywalled. Struggling with GoogleTranslate…

Fighting Back: Sen. Mazie Hirono – “If you’re poor, old, or sick? Well, you’re screwed.”

The weekly Fighting Back post is also an Open News Thread. Feel free to share other news stories in the comments. Found on the Internets … Weekly Democratic Party Address by Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii: Senator Hirono For the past few months, 13 Republican male senators have been sequestered away somewhere, literally plotting in…


Let the Record Show https://t.co/0m8VnKS276 #notmypresident — John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) June 23, 2017 I do not believe this man’s actions are normal. I do not believe he is emotionally stable. I do not believe he cares about the full, beautiful diversity of America. I do not believe he respects women. I do not believe he is…

Barack Obama: “No tweaks can change the fundamental meanness at the core of this legislation.”

President Barack Obama took to Facebook yesterday to weigh in on the Republican Party’s legislation to repeal healthcare: “Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today. I recognize…

Summer Sunning!

Today marks the Summer Solstice. Astronomically, it looks like this: The Summer Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is most inclined towards the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. The seasonal significance of the Summer Solstice is in the reversal of the gradual shortening of nights and lengthening of days. That will…