For Clinicians

Join thousands of other clinicians from across the country and become a CardioSmart Practice!

CardioSmart delivers FREE tools and resources designed to educate and empower your patients at each stage of their heart health journey.  

CardioSmart infographic posters are vibrant, visual representations of important health topics that can be displayed in waiting rooms and exam rooms. Practices can order up to three of each poster in our library free of charge. We create a new poster on a different topic each month, so our library is continually growing. Place your order now!

CardioSmart brochures mimic the look and feel of our ever-popular infographic posters but are printed in a size perfect for your patients to take home. Brochures are a NEW addition to our family of clinician resources. Email to find out what topics are available and to place an order.

CardioSmart fact sheets can be downloaded as PDFs, printed right in your office and distributed to patients.  We have over 200 topics in our library, and many are also available in Spanish.

CardioSmart Media Package engages patients with a free, 32-inch digital flat-screen monitor pre-loaded with the latest cardiovascular news, a wallboard and brochure rack, which deliver messages on prevention, as well as information on heart disease and procedures. Email if you would like to set up a CardioSmartTV installation in your practice or learn more.

CardioSmart Heart Explorer App for iPhone and iPad utilizes high-resolution cardiac graphics and animations for clinicians to use at the point of care. With the app, health care providers can effectively review and discuss common heart problems and treatment options with their patients.

Non-members can download the version for the public for $3.99. 

CardioSmart webinars are free and open to clinicians and patients. Each month, CardioSmart hosts a 60-minute webinar on a pertinent heart-health topic. Participants are encouraged to engage in a Q&A session at the end of each program and have their questions answered by a clinical professional. All webinars are recorded and available for on-demand viewing.

CardioSmart OnCall is an affordable, evidence-based, CV risk-reduction and lifestyle health coaching program. The use of telephone and internet makes the one-on-one coaching accessible and convenient for patients.

We encourage our clinicians to email us to request a CardioSmart vanity URL for their websites. This provides an easy-to-remember web address to point patients to educational and peer support. In addition to a vanity URL, you can also place the CardioSmart logo and links to our content throughout your practice’s website. Email to learn more.

Patient Guide on Cholesterol

CardioSmart has created a new tool to help educate your patients about abnormal cholesterol levels and the associated health risks. Learn more.