Making government & politics more accountable & transparent


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Our Projects

What Works Cities

Through the generous support of Bloomberg Philanthropies, Sunlight’s Open Cities team provides direct technical assistance to dozens of mid-sized American cities participating in the What Works Cities Initiative, helping improve public information disclosure and reuse.

Tracking Trump’s Conflicts of Interest

On November 28, Sunlight began maintaining an ongoing list of confirmed reports of conflicts of interest, where Trump business has clearly mixed with public business. [Read more]

Tracking U.S. Government Data Takedowns

Sunlight and our open government allies are tracking confirmed news reports of the Trump administration removing open government data from the Internet and links to where data has been archived. [Read more]

Tracking Trump’s Attacks on Transparency

In March, Sunlight joined C-SPAN to make sense of the Trump administration’s record on open government during Sunshine Week. We continue to add to a long list of examples that offer insight. [Read more]

Our Mission

The Sunlight Foundation is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that uses the tools of civic tech, open data, policy analysis and journalism to make our government and politics more accountable and transparent to all. Our vision is to use technology to enable more complete, equitable and effective democratic participation. Our overarching goal is to achieve changes in the law to require real-time, online transparency for government information. And, our work focuses on the local, state, federal and international levels.

These efforts have produced real results. To date, we have served more than 4.2 billion API calls (and counting), indicating how much the data we liberate is needed. Our reporting is frequently cited by the world’s preeminent journalists. Our research has led to congressional hearings, and our tools have stripped problematic measures from bills. And we recently won a major victory when, at our urging, the federal government agreed to begin the process of releasing all data sets held by federal agencies.

As government grows ever-more complex, and as the flow of political money becomes more perverse, we will all need better and more creative tools to ensure that democracy thrives.