Out of the swamp... or into the shadows?

People change jobs all the time, but what does that mean in the lobbying world? Our research found that nearly a third of the lobbyists who stayed at the same organization, but did not report any lobbying activity in the first quarter, have titles that indicate they are still working on influencing U.S. federal policy. Was the swamp drained, or are they simply trying to circumvent the rules?

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Blog Post

Happy 4th of July!

By OpenSecrets.org June 30, 2017

We will be closed until July 5th. If you are a reporter with an urgent press question, please email press@crp.org. Happy Independence Day from OpenSecrets.org!

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Data Feature

Senate GOP leaders yank health care bill ... for now

June 28, 2017

Senate leaders have delayed a vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act until after the July 4 recess when they hope to rally enough votes to pass the bill. Check out how much money your Senator has received from health care interests over their career.

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Data Feature

President Trump's 2017 Financial Disclosure

June 20, 2017

On June 16th, 2017 the U.S. Office of Government Ethics released President Trump's 2017 personal financial disclosure. The form sheds the first real light on the steps the president has taken to disentangle himself from his business interests after assuming office.

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Ruth Marcus, columnist, The Washington Post

The Center for Responsive Politics has made itself into an essential Washington — actually, make that an essential national — institution. Now more than ever, with the proliferation of super PACs and 501(c)(4) groups pouring huge sums into campaigns, it's critical to have a reliable and handy source of information on money and politics. Opensecrets.org is the go-to site for this data — trustworthy, accessible and well-presented.

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