Fox & Friends defends Trump's sexist Twitter tirade against MSNBC host

Steve Doocy: "When you're president of the United States you don't give up your First Amendment right"


From the June 30 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

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STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): If you missed it, that means you probably weren't watching television yesterday because the media seemed to melt down. The president of the United States commented about two people who make a living insulting him, pretty much, for three hours a day. And it seems like people either -- I was talking to a bunch of people yesterday. They either thought it was horrendous or hilarious. But the elite media, for the most part, thought it was horrendous.


PETE HEGSETH (CO-HOST): If you spend 10 seconds watching [MSNBC's Morning Joe], you're going to see factless insults. It's unhinged. Blinded by Trump-hatred. They're happy to use him for ratings before the election. And then once he changes or they don't like what he does, they turn on him like a petulant child and insult, insult, insult. And then they wonder why the world's best counter-puncher says, "You know what, it's about time I punch back."

AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): Yeah, well, you're exactly right. That's what [White House deputy press secretary] Sarah Huckabee Sanders was saying. I personally would have ignored it. I think it's probably wise to ignore all of that. But, she did make a good point. She said as president of the United States, he's a fighter. That's what he does. We know this about him. We know this is his personality. He's going to fight back if someone goes against him. You have Mika [Brzezinski] saying he's a narcissist, he's mentally ill. You do have to respect our leaders and do you have to respect the president of the united States.

DOOCY: Absolutely. Look, when you're president of the United States you don't give up your First Amendment right.


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