Explore new UI effects and controls that add depth, movement, and perspective to your app (included in prerelease builds of Windows 10).

Create UWP games for Windows 10 devices - PC, Xbox, Mixed Reality, or use Azure services. Compete and showcase your game to the world. More than $200,000 in prize money to be given away.

Quickly build a UWP app that has the pages, framework and features that you want backed by a friendly wizard that gets your app running in no time! Design guidance and industry standard patterns and practices are baked right in.

Be among the first to explore this exciting new technology and create immersive experiences for your users.

Build for Windows 10

Get the latest bits and build your best apps ever.

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How fast is fast? Converting with Desktop Bridge (02:53)

The Desktop Bridge helps you quickly convert your software and publish to the Windows Store. Learn more about the Desktop Bridge, including what it is, why to consider using Windows Store to distribute your desktop app, and why to consider developing for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).

Latest news – Building Apps for Windows

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