Advancing advertising, marketing, and digital media, and celebrating what digital has done for the media industry and for the world

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
  • Top New Media Companies Form Internet Advertising Council
    April 1996
    Representatives from more than 35 top commercial Web sites and prominent online services met on April 19 to identify goals, objectives and membership guidelines for the newly-formed Internet Advertising Council (IAC). To facilitate the growth of this industry, the IAC will promote the use and effectiveness of online advertising by educating the marketplace, establishing industry guidelines and forming a unified industry voice for companies involved with Internet marketing...
  • Internet Advertising Council Announces First General Meeting
    June 1996
    The Internet Advertising Council (IAC) announced that it would hold its first general meeting on June 21 at the McGraw-Hill Building in New York City. The meeting would address the status and goals of the IAC and the creation of its working committees. The focus of the IAC is to promote the use and effectiveness of the Internet as an advertising vehicle, educate the marketplace, establish industry guidelines and become the unified voice for companies involved in Internet advertising sales...
  • Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) Tops Seventy Member Mark
    August 1996
    The four-month-old Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced that it had enlisted more than 60 companies as charter members since its inaugural meeting in New York on June 21. According to the IAB, online advertising revenues generated by its current members accounted for at least two-thirds of Internet/online ad sales at that time.
  • First Internet Ad Revenue Report
    December 1996
    The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced first round results of its “Advertising Revenue Reporting Program,” with total spending reaching $157 million through the third quarter of 1996. The results represented the most accurate measurement of online advertising revenue, compiled from data collected directly from companies engaged in selling advertising on the Internet...
  • IAB UK Launched As First International IAB
    June 1997
    IAB UK Launched As First International IAB The Internet Advertising Bureau UK (IAB UK) is the trade association for online and mobile advertising in the United Kingdom, founded in 1997. It promotes growth and best practice for advertisers, agencies and media owners and creates the right environment for digital advertising to thrive.
  • Advisory Committee to Develop IAB Europe
    September 1997
    The Internet Advertising Bureau, the only major industry association in the United States devoted exclusively to promoting the use and effectiveness of advertising on the Internet, announced its intention to form a European Advisory Committee (EAC) to drive development of a pan-European IAB organisation, and individual chapters in countries across Europe...
  • Internet Advertising Bureau launches international member organizations
    December 1997
    The Internet Advertising Bureau, the leading Internet advertising industry association, announced that industry groups in Canada and Germany have agreed to form local IAB member organizations operating under the IAB name. The new organizations are part of the IAB’s drive to create an international network of groups dedicated to growth of advertising on the Internet...
  • Industry Leaders Launch the Internet Advertising Bureau of Canada
    December 1997
    Industry Leaders Launch the Internet Advertising Bureau of Canada Canada’s leading Internet advertising and marketing professionals announced the formation of the Internet Advertising Bureau of Canada (IAB Canada), a new organization dedicated to bringing structure and standards to an industry that until now, has had no collective voice or representative body...
  • IAB Defines the "Impression"
    January 1998
    The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced that it has initiated a broad-based industry effort to develop guideline standards for audience measurement of the Internet, and that a September target has been set for completing and publishing a final document, “IAB Online Audience Measurement Guidelines.”
  • Internet Media Professionals Forming the French Chapter of the Internet Advertising Bureau
    February 1998
    Internet Media Professionals Forming the French Chapter of the Internet Advertising Bureau France’s leading Internet advertising and marketing professionals announced the formation of the Internet Advertising Bureau France (IAB France). The IAB France would be part of an international organization dedicated to increasing the professionalism and acceptance of online advertising and marketing...
  • First IAB Privacy Guidelines Issued
    November 2000
    The Wireless Advertising Association (WAA) seeks to establish voluntary guidelines for member organizations that set acceptable standards for using PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and for responsible advertising, marketing, and mobile e-commerce (commonly referred to as “m-commerce”) in the emerging wireless medium...
  • IAB Universal Ad Package
    December 2002
    The IAB, the leading voice of the interactive advertising and marketing industry, via its Ad Sizes Committee which includes AOL, MSN, Yahoo! and CNET Networks Inc., among its members, announced the recommendation of a new larger sized unit which when integrated with three existing IAB recommended ad sizes, will create a Universal Ad Package...
  • First XMOS Study (Cross-Media Optimization)
    September 2003
    Tapping into one of the largest advertising verticals, the IAB announced that Ford Motor Company will be the newest Cross Media Optimization Study (XMOS) research participant. The groundbreaking research affords a marketer the ability to determine the optimal mix of interactive, TV, radio and print advertising drawn from real world, in-market results...
  • Final Universal Ad Standard Portfolio Released
    April 2003
    The IAB announced the new Universal Ad Package (UAP), a creative suite of four ad sizes that will enable advertisers to reach the majority of each online publisher’s audience. Designed in response to advertiser demand for more standard online advertising guidelines, this creative suite would ensure a greater consistency with online ads regardless of where they are published on the Web...
  • Impression Measurement Standards Released
    February 2004
    The Media Rating Council (MRC), the American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), and the IAB, announced their collaboration on the issuance of new, more detailed guidelines for interactive advertising campaign measurement. The new guidelines were a follow-up to initial parameters established in January 2002 by the IAB, the MRC, and the Advertising Research Foundation with support from the AAAA and the Association of National Advertisers (ANA)...
  • IAB MIXX Awards Celebrate Digital Creativity
    March 2005
    IAB MIXX Awards Celebrate Digital Creativity The IAB and Adweek Magazines will co-produce the first-ever MIXX Awards for Marketing and Interactive Excellence. The MIXX Awards is the only juried competition devoted solely to Interactive, recognizing and celebrating the teams and talent that push Interactive marketing and advertising to unprecedented levels...
  • Digital Video Measurement Guidelines Released
    May 2005
    The IAB and Adweek Magazines will co-produce the first-ever MIXX Awards for Marketing and Interactive Excellence. The MIXX Awards is the only juried competition devoted solely to Interactive, recognizing and celebrating the teams and talent that push Interactive marketing and advertising to unprecedented levels...
  • Video Ad Creative Guidelines Published
    November 2005
    The IAB, in conjunction with its Broadband Committee, announced the final advertising creative guidelines for Broadband Video Commercials online. These creative guidelines were set after an extensive review of industry feedback over the past few months. The IAB has developed a compliance program to assist advertisers in identifying those publishers and technology providers who are compliant with these guidelines...
  • Public Policy Office Opened
    February 2007
    The IAB, the leading trade association for the Interactive media industry, announced the opening of a Washington, D.C. office to oversee regulatory matters, legislative affairs, and public policy initiatives that affect the Interactive advertising industry...
  • IAB Launches Training Program
    April 2007
    The IAB announced the launch of its new Professional Development series focused on educating media, marketing and agency professionals on the latest Interactive platforms that reshaping the world of marketing. The IAB Professional Development series featured best-in-class experts who will provide training to those in the industry...
  • Video Ad Serving Template Released
    February 2008
    To meet the need for standardization in the expanding digital video landscape, the IAB announced the release of a “Digital Video Ad Serving Template” (VAST), designed to standardize communication protocol between video players and servers...
  • IAB Long Tail Alliance
    June 2009
    In a first-of-its-kind show of strength, Long Tail web publishers from 25 Congressional districts and 13 U.S. states converged in Washington, D.C., to explain the importance of the advertising-supported Internet empowering small business growth in America. The Congressional action was part of a two-day event, hosted by the IAB to showcase the importance of the ad-supported Internet to the U.S. economy...
  • IAB Published Mobile Buyers Guide
    July 2009
    The proliferation of smartphones and consumers’ ever-increasing appetite for mobile interactive experiences have created unique marketing opportunities for advertisers looking to reach people on the move. The IAB announced the release of its first Mobile Buyer’s Guide, a how-to primer for marketers and agencies who want a simple source that explains how to buy mobile advertising...
  • Privacy Matters, First Consumer Privacy Campaign Released
    December 2009
    To educate consumers and provide them with the resources to help them manage their privacy online, the IAB announced the launch of “Privacy Matters,” its first-ever consumer education campaign that would run across a broad cross section of top-tier online media outlets. While the digital media industry has done an extraordinary job of transforming the way consumers experience entertainment and information...
  • Ad Ops Council Releases QAG (Quality Assurance Guidelines)
    February 2010
    In a move that standardizes the information networks and exchanges provide to advertisers, enhances buyer control over placement and context, and builds brand safety, the IAB released “Networks & Exchanges Quality Assurance Guidelines” for public comment. These guidelines provide full understanding of the sources and types of inventory offered, and the context and content surrounding advertising...
  • Creation of MMCOE (Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence)
    December 2010
    In a move that highlights the growing importance of mobile advertising in the marketing-media ecosystem, the IAB announced the launch of the Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence, an independently funded and staffed unit inside the IAB, charged with driving the growth of the mobile marketing, advertising and media marketplace...
  • 3MS Initiative Launch (Making Measurement Make Sense)
    September 2011
    3MS Initiative Launch (Making Measurement Make Sense) The first phase of the Making Measurement Make Sense (3MS) initiative is complete, and has yielded a five-part digital marketing measurement framework. The 3MS Initiative, a joint venture of the ANA (Association of National Advertisers), the IAB (IAB), and the 4A’s (American Association of Advertising Agencies) announced this framework.
  • MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions) Released
    October 2011
    The IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence released the final version of “Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions,” or MRAID. This initiative defines a common API (Application Programming Interface) for mobile rich media advertisements, establishing a framework of principles and guidelines to help the mobile marketplace reach new levels of consistency, efficiency and effectiveness...
  • IAB Rising Stars Launched
    November 2011
    Launching its groundbreaking Rising Stars Display ad units this past February, the IAB pledged that it would drive a creative transformation of the interactive advertising space and boost marketers’ confidence that they could successfully build brands online. The early results from the Rising Stars, announced at the IAB MIXX Conference & Expo, proved that these brand canvases propel new heights of consumer interaction and engagement.
  • First Digital Media Sales Certification
    June 2012
    First Digital Media Sales Certification Advertising buyers and agencies told us that they wanted an industry benchmark to easily differentiate those professionals who are truly educated in selling digital media. We listened. In 2012, IAB gathered leaders in digital advertising to create the highest industry standard for digital advertising sales, the Digital Media Sales Certification.
  • IAB Mobile Rising Stars Launched
    July 2012
    The IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence today released the final version of “Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions,” or MRAID. This initiative defines a common API (Application Programming Interface) for mobile rich media advertisements, establishing a framework of principles and guidelines to help the mobile marketplace reach new levels of consistency, efficiency and effectiveness...
  • Creation of Ad Technology Council
    June 2012
    The IAB announced the selection of Jonathan Bellack, Product Management Director, Publisher Ad Platforms at Google, and Jay Sears, Senior Vice President, Demand at the Rubicon Project as Co-Chairs of its Advertising Technology Council. The news was released at the IAB Advertising Technology Marketplace “Beyond Acronyms and Algorithms…Defining Value in the Marketplace” conference in New York City...
  • SafeFrame Release
    March 2013
    The IAB unveiled SafeFrame 1.0, a specification that offers mechanisms to support the measurement of digital ad impression viewability. This was a foundational element of Making Measurement Make Sense (3MS), an industry-wide initiative of the ANA, 4A’s and IAB, currently managed by the Media Rating Council (MRC), to standardize digital media metrics and define advertising “currency” that will strengthen...
  • IAB Oversees Digital Content NewFronts
    August 2013
    One in three buy-side attendees of the 2013 Digital Content NewFronts say the internet ad industry marketplace positively impacted their plans for digital video advertising buys, with 78 percent stating that they walked away from the weeklong series of powerhouse presentations with at least one new opportunity for their company or a client...
  • IAB South Africa Joins IAB Global Network
    February 2014
    IAB South Africa Joins IAB Global Network Marking its first entry onto the African continent, the IAB announced that the Digital Media & Marketing Association (DMMA) had signed a license agreement to rebrand and establish itself as IAB South Africa. Based in Johannesburg and headed by Jarred Cinman, former Chair of the DMMA, the new IAB South Africa kicked off already representing more than 96 local online publishers and 93 creative, media and digital agencies...
  • IAB China Joins IAB Global Network
    February 2014
    IAB China Joins IAB Global Network With the number of web users in China reaching a staggering 618 million, the IAB has formally licensed the Interactive Internet Advertising Committee of China (IIACC) to launch IAB China, furthering its longstanding relationship with Chinese internet companies and the IIACC Secretary General, Chen Yong, a veteran of the Chinese internet marketplace...
  • Creation of IAB Tech Lab for Global Technology Standards & Solutions
    September 2014
    Creation of IAB Tech Lab for Global Technology Standards & Solutions The IAB announced the formation of the IAB Technical Laboratories, a nonprofit research and development consortium. Charged with producing and helping companies implement global industry technical standards and solutions, the goal of the consortium is to simplify and reduce the costs associated with the digital advertising and marketing supply chain – and for individual companies’ businesses...
  • IAB Education Foundation to Tackle Diversity
    November 2014
    IAB Education Foundation to Tackle Diversity The IAB announced the launch of the IAB Education Foundation, a new nonprofit organization to increase racial, ethnic, gender, and economic diversity and improve peoples’ skills in the digital media and advertising industries. Tim Armstrong, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AOL Inc., lead the IAB Education Foundation as Chairman of the Board...
  • IAB Portugal Launches
    January 2015
    IAB Portugal Launches The IAB announced that the Portuguese Advertisers Association, in cooperation with representatives from major publishers and media and communications agencies in the country had signed a licensing agreement to form IAB Portugal. Helmed by Bernardo Rodo, Managing Director of OMD Portugal, this new trade organization joined 26 other national IABs and 1 regional IAB in Europe to promote the growth and development...
  • Digital Data Solutions Certification Program
    May 2015
    Digital Data Solutions Certification Program The IAB launched the IAB Digital Data Solutions Certification Program, which aims to ensure that digital media and marketing professionals are proficient in data management—a critical area of expertise as the industry increases its dependence upon data-driven marketing techniques such as programmatic buying and selling. This would also address a current shortage of digital industry executives who are skilled in the latest digital data solutions...
  • First IAB Podcast Upfront Showcase
    August 2015
    First IAB Podcast Upfront Showcase The IAB announced that AdLarge, Midroll, NPR, Panoply, Podtrac, and WNYC had come on board to present at the first-ever “IAB Podcast Upfront Showcase.” This special one-day marketplace previewed for advertisers and media buyers the latest in innovative podcast programming from these powerhouses in the digital audio arena...
  • Creation of IAB Data Center of Excellence
    January 2016
    Creation of IAB Data Center of Excellence The IAB announced the launch of the IAB Data Center of Excellence, a new independently funded unit within IAB, founded to expand existing IAB resources and drive the “data agenda” for the digital media, marketing, and advertising industry. The Data Center’s mission is to help advertisers and marketers operationalize their data assets while maintaining quality, transparency, accountability, and consumer protection...
  • New 'DEAL' between Publishers and Consumers and LEAN Ad Principles
    April 2016
    New 'DEAL' between Publishers and Consumers and LEAN Ad Principles The IAB Tech Lab released a product roadmap for LEAN scoring, a vital tool for evaluating the user experience on digital properties. This scoring system — based on the LEAN principles (Light, Encrypted, AdChoice supported, and Non-invasive ads) — provides publishers, brands, and media buyers with the insights needed to support better ad experiences on digital screens, and combat the rise of ad blocking...
  • HTML5 for Digital Advertising Guide & Ad Validator
    June 2016
    The IAB Technology Laboratory released its HTML5 Ad Validator, a first-of-its-kind online tool that allows for quick and easy testing of mobile and desktop ad creative against the IAB Display Creative Guidelines. It offers critical analysis to help ad designers, developers, and ad operations teams build ad creative that delivers better user experience...