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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Live: 13th Floor Elevators ~1968~

I don't really have to explain myself this time. If you haven't heard of this band then you need to download it and get yourself an education in musical history.

Or maybe I am just too damn tired to go into it.
Some review that was eh?
Please do enjoy this though, I think its farkin' brilliant.
Prepare yourself for a bad quality sounding, at times just plain horrible assault on the ears, mindless and sanity-defying album!
Hehe. Hope that has helped you.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

This disco is a bit shit...not really. Actually it's damn good.

Hello once again.
No updates for long time I see.
One Word: Illness.
OK that's that dealt with, let's Moooove ON!

I have been furtively (!!) uploading in preparation for todays grand update. Well OK, it isn't that 'grand' but let's face it: and more than two albums a week around here is pretty grand isn't it?
(Oh by the way, feel free to help pout by uploading your favourite albums to rapidshare or somewhere and sending the links to me!)
Let me kick off this belated weekend post with a band who are, surprise surprise, NEW to me, maybe even new to you? either way I find them hard to describe with much of a degree of accuracy for some reason...When I suggested they reminded me of 'a typical yet not too typical 80's sounding band'(and I don't mean like all the other shit you hear nowadays a-la kaiser chiefs etc etc), anyway yes, where was I.
Oh yes, when I suggested to my dear woman that they sounded like something that was verging on 'Depeche Mode-meets erm,-something-else-that-isn't-quite-as-crap' She told me to shut up talking shit.
You probably will too.
Obviously none of you were privy to the EXCLUSIVE Depeche Mode material that I had back in the day.
Either that or I'm just talking crap.
As always...YOU DECIDE!
Let your ears do the work for you...ignore me and have a good ol' listen to
Shitdisco and their recent album, ..Kingdom of Fear.

Before I go..
Wikipedia Says this.
But we all know you can't trust anything you read on there, It is either; written by some teenager angst-ridden masturbator who vandalises pages just to 'annoy the world', or it's been studiously created by those pedants known in the Latin as Nerdicus Extremis. These cnuts know so much it's sick.
Too much knowledge is a dangerous thing. Look at Einstein.
Look at OJ Simpson. (oh no he got away with it didn't he?)
Well just look at hat Russian guy who drank Polonium for afternoon tea.
His name, Alexander Litvinenko in case you cared.


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Enjoy it won't you. I kind of forgot to say...I really like the album and it's bloody brilliant an all that.

Right. I have got loads of stuff here to post(all the stuff I uploaded!) and I really have no bloody energy to sit here right now. I'm fucking sorry people but, going for a rest. I will TRY my best to post more tonight even though it's just turned 1am here...

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Against Me! - Reinventing Axl Rose [2002] & Acoustic EP [2001]

Hello my friends.
Well, I say friends but what kind of friends leave you talking to yourself in a corner with little inspiration above the cold wind howling through the cheap plastic window frames; coffee & cigarettes; pain and nausea with an urge to fall into a pit of self indulgent self pity?
So today I bring you a great band. I see they are classed as punk and for good reason as you will hear..
However, I heard the 'Acoustic EP' first and I am more into that one than the album. There is a great sound to it. It's quite raw but very melodic and definitely has soul. Although you can hear it is a group of guys almost messing around, they really do have something there and I wish they had more of the acoustic stuff. I plan to find out if they do so I'll keep you informed!

For that reason I recommend that you hear the Acoustic EP first too. Then, when you are suitably impressed you are more able to appreciate the punk sound that they are also very good at!
I mean, they are a bit more accomplished than The Pistols or a more modern so called punk band like erm, Green *cough-cough* Day *cough* Yeuurk!
They do the punk thing for sure but you can feel the melodies, the ability not just to play the instruments but to really fuckin' play them. Note this when you hear it.
If this seems a bit rushed it is because I just wrote it out and upped pictures etc then suddenly fucking Internet Explorer just disappeared in front of me! Gone!
fucking thing.
I knew there was a reason I don't use it much!

Acoustic EP [2001]
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Reinventing Axl Rose [2002]
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Maybe tomorrow.
Well I just got an album by Ryan Adams by a request and I am loving it so look out for it tomorrow or sooner!
Very Dylanesque!

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine

I kind of missed this band first time around.
I If remember rightly I used to say they were 'a bunch of vacuous morons' but ... well, I must have changed. Am I now a vacuous moron? Possibly.
Anyway, maybe it's a reflection of where I am in my life at the moment but I've been listening to them a lot and they rock, with attitude.
I got a few of their albums but the their self-titled is a great one so I bring it to you.
If you were, like me, dismissive of them in their day, I urge you to give them a try now. You might just like them. Their lyrics are surprisingly quite accurate at times! and even more surprisingly a bit more intellectually competent than I ever imagined. Don't get me wrong here I'm not saying they should enter any poetry contests or even apply to MENSA but they do make some cutting remarks in their songs now and then, especially in these war torn times.
Heavy rock and electric guitar sound, Thrash, American punk-rap. (That's for anyone who has never heard of them)
To be played LOUD.


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Have a good one.
I went to check out the Bob Dylan Theme Time Radio on BBC Radio 2 to see if they would be putting me out of a job but no..seems they are providing the show but starting it from Episode 1...
Oh well..Episode 40 soon!


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Friday, January 26, 2007

The Cramps - Songs The Lord Taught Us [1998]

Hello again.
Not quite as cold today but the snow is still hovering and threatening a return so not out of the woods yet!
I am losing count of the amount of times I've had to write things like 'I don't know anything about this band' or 'this artist seems to have passed me by' or words to that effect. Which would probably make you think 'what exactly does this so-called self-proclaimed musiclover know about music??'
Good question my friend. Good fucking question.
We are all from different backgrounds, cultures and generations. When I was growing up, in the place I lived which is relevant for sure, it was seen as 'cool' to like some things in life and er..'gay' to like other things. If you liked anything that way 'gay' you obviously didn't value your life or your face very much is all I will say.
I think you get the picture.
Onwards to todays music then!

The Cramps.
A band that have no doubt reached all corners of the planet in their long career and yet - I really haven't listened to them at all! (see what I was leading to?).
It was a case of: Those gays in 'The Rocky Horror Show' were just not to be liked. That included the bands and anyone or anything to do with it. There were many many things not to be liked and I learned them as I went along.
To my detriment I now realise, I never seemed to find the time to go and check out 'The Cramps'.
Well today I thought I would request the help of my woman or 'she who must never be named', my future wife. I asked her for some musical suggestions for todays offering, told her I wanted to post something different from my choice and could she offer any ideas.
The Cramps was her first idea and so I got this album and, after listening, decided to go with it.
They really R-O-C-K!
I have to say she had some brilliant ideas for future offerings too -half of whch I already went and downloaded today. Nice to know my woman has a great taste in music. (and men too)
Maybe she should do the blog instead eh?
Don't answer that.

As I said, I know nothing of The Cramps.
I want to let people know, people who might also never have taken the time to listen to them: You must do the right thing and give this great band a chance.
They are really tight as far as musical timing and skill goes, the music carries you upward from the first note. Full of energy and a lot of fun that comes across.
They call this genre 'Psychobilly'. A term I am not familiar with. I would have called it a bit of Rock, Punk and good old rock 'n' roll!
Of course, being the band on The Rocky Horror Show they do have that kind of horror or spooky sound thrown in here and there but I saw it more as a punky but surprisingly catchy album!
They do a version of that old jazz classic 'Fever' which is just brilliant and a MUST-HEAR!
So you must hear it.


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Enjoy it won't you and leave a comment, especially if you decided to hear them for the first ever time.

I'd be interested to hear what you made of it!



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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Me First & The Gimme Gimme's Ruin Jonny's Bar Mitzvah

I thought this album deserved a little more than an added mention tacked onto the bottom of yesterdays post.
It's a bit unusual for a couple of reasons.
The first obvious reason is what I already said yesterday...a punk band playing songs like this?
It's just weird.
The second being that this album is one long take from start to finish, seemingly (unless I am mistaken) an unedited recording of a real gig at a bar mitzvah where the band, even during their break, keep the tapes running. This means that on the album there is indeed a spot where there is no sound until they come back and carry on playing!
I don't seem to take too well to their er..'jokes' in between tracks but well..humour is subjective right.
So is music.
Oh fuckit.

TRACKLISTING (copied right from THIS PAGE)
1. "Jonny's Blessing"
2. "Stairway to Heaven" – (Jimmy Page, Robert Plant)
3. "Heart of Glass" – (Debbie Harry, Chris Stein)
4. "Delta Dawn" – (Larry Collins)
5. "Come Sail Away" – (Dennis DeYoung)
6. "O Sole Mio" – (Traditional)
7. "Strawberry Fields Forever" – (Lennon-McCartney)
8. "Auld Lang Syne" – (Traditional)
9. "The Longest Time" – (Billy Joel)
10. "Always on My Mind" – (Johnny Christopher, Mark James, Wayne Carson Thompson)
11. "Take It on the Run" – (Gary Richrath)
12. "Superstar" – (Bonnie Bramlett, Leon Russell)
13. "Hava Nagila" – (Traditional)
14. "Hava Nagila (Christmas Arrangement)" – (Traditional)
15. "Seasons in the Sun" (Jacques Brel, Rod McKuen)
16. "Sloop John B" (Traditional, Brian Wilson)

I have to say I always liked that verging-on-the-wrong-side-of-irritating song Sloop John B by The Beach Boys but this version wakes it up a little and breathes some life into the old tune!
You have to hear it.

I also have to love the auld Lang Syne cover they do. Brilliant stuff.
Found it on Youtube so here is the link if you want to see it.

I didn't know(until now) the same party was filmed. It really was just your average bar mitzvah.
Well, if you can call it average with this band playing at it.

This is the last of the collection of albums I grabbed by this band. I'll get on to something else now but don't bypass these.
They really are worth hearing!


Download Me Please.



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Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Sex Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks Singles

Hey Guys! I'm gonna start posting stuff out of my Sex Pistols collection, I've started off with something pretty basic, the four singles and their B-Sides from Never Mind The Bollocks. Lemme know in the comments if you wan't more, and I'll move on to some better, rarer stuff! Also, soon I should be getting a copy of Rockin' In Ramallah, a CD by an Isrealean punk band, it's never been posted anywhere else, so look out for an MP3@3pm exclusive post! Enjoy the singles!

Anarchy In The U.K.
God Save The Queen
Pretty Vacant
Holidays In The Sun



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