- published: 13 Jun 2016
- views: 49925
Greece (i/ɡriːs/ GREESS; Greek: Ελλάδα, Elláda [eˈlaða]), officially the Hellenic Republic (Greek: Ελληνική Δημοκρατία, Ellīnikī́ Dīmokratía [eliniˈci ðimokraˈti.a]) and known since ancient times as Hellas (/ˈhɛləs/; Greek: Ελλάς, Ellás), is a country located in southeastern Europe. According to the 2011 census, Greece's population is around 10.8 million. Athens is the nation's capital and largest city, followed by Thessaloniki, which is commonly referred to as the co-capital.
Greece is strategically located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Situated on the southern tip of the Balkan peninsula, it shares land borders with Albania to the northwest, the Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria to the north and Turkey to the northeast. Greece consists of nine geographic regions: Macedonia, Central Greece, the Peloponnese, Thessaly, Epirus, the Aegean Islands (including the Dodecanese and Cyclades), Thrace, Crete, and the Ionian Islands. The Aegean Sea lies to the east of the mainland, the Ionian Sea to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. Greece has the longest coastline on the Mediterranean Basin and the 11th longest coastline in the world at 13,676 km (8,498 mi) in length, featuring a vast number of islands, of which 227 are inhabited. Eighty percent of Greece is mountainous, with Mount Olympus being the highest peak at 2,918 metres (9,573 ft).
Irrèsistible Grèce - Echappées belles Aux commandes de l'émission cette semaine, Jérôme Pitorin découvre la Grèce. Partant de l'île d'Hydra, qui cherche à rester préservée, il se rend à Athènes, dont la jeunesse énergique se réapproprie les quartiers et les traditions dans une atmosphère de débrouille créative. Puis il remonte jusqu'aux villages du Péloponnèse, à la rencontre d'une Grèce authentique qui n'oublie pas de se renouveler, et de Grecs qui ont choisi de vivre un retour aux racines créatif, vivant et gai, malgré la crise qui frappe le pays. Au sommaire : Plus forts que la crise Les voiles de Spetzes Fous de Grèce antique 24 heures dans le canal de Corinthe Le Péloponnèse, terre orthodoxe Le retour de la moussaka Episode 2 : Le plus haut, le plus mythique et le plus sacré des ...
J'espère que vous avez aimé mon premier travel diary! Est-ce que vous en voulez d'autre? dites-moi dans les commentaires des idées d'endroits ou aller! Je vous aime! xxxx -Emma PS : j'ai aussi posté plein de photos de mon voyage sur Instagram!!! instagram - http://instagram.com/emmaverdeyt/ facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Emma-Verde/1417771981770313 twitter - https://twitter.com/emmmaverde snapchat - emmaverde email professionel - emma@leslingshot.com Salut! Je m'appelle Emma Verde et je suis une YouTubeuse Québécoise. Je fais des vidéos sur youtube de DIY, cuisine, décoration, mode, humour et tout ce qui peut me passer par la tête hehe! Je publie une vidéo tous les dimanches, donc abonne-toi pour ne pas en rater une! -Emma
Fred Chesneau se rend cette fois en Grèce pour un voyage qui s’apparente à un retour aux sources. Son credo : explorer la cuisine du pays berceau de notre civilisation et de la culture européenne. Ici sont nés la philosophie, la démocratie et les Jeux olympiques, mais aussi la première école de cuisine, créée par Alexandre le Grand au 4e siècle, et le premier ouvrage de cuisine. Pour les Grecs, cette cuisine doit être simple, fraîche, multicolore et riche, et cela depuis l'Antiquité. En effet, les Grecs anciens mélangeaient déjà les ingrédients familiers avec ceux qu'ils découvraient, essayant de combiner les préparations à l'infini. Des techniques raffinées, alliées à un savoir très ancien, les Grecs inventaient la cuisine la plus saine d'Europe. Pour cette nouvelle odyssée culinaire, F...
Une maison sur une île en Méditerranée, un rêve qui vous semble inaccessible. Et pourtant, avec la crise économique, des centaines de maisons sont à vendre dans les Cyclades. Les grecs bradent leurs maisons jusqu'à la moitié de leur valeur parfois. Une aubaine pour des Européens qui cherchent des maisons de vacances au soleil. Mais attention aux pièges "à la grec" ! Actes de vente non conformes, dessous de table que l'acheteur n'imaginait pas, ou maison construite sans permis : les mauvaises surprises ne sont pas rares. Comment les éviter ? À qui profite ce business de l'immobilier au soleil ? Voyage dans les coulisses des îles de rêve. Réalisé par Stéphane Girard Montage de Nathalie Masson-Cartier Capital, M6 RETROUVEZ : - Tous nos documentaires Investigations et enquêtes https://www....
POUR VENIR VOIR MON SPECTACLE → http://tiny.cc/0t10gx :) En partant en vacances en Grèce je ne pouvais pas ne pas faire une vidéo sur la Grèce et ses clichés. MON FACEBOOK: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/NormanFaitDesVideos MON INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/normanthavaud MON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NormanDesVideos
Le grand Tour - Grèce Patrick de Carolis parcourt la Grèce, dont il retrace l'histoire à travers ses figures emblématiques, sa mythologie et les événements marquants qui ont jalonné les siècles. Le journaliste débute son périple à Athènes, aux innombrables richesses historiques et architecturales, et poursuit par le Péloponnèse, le site archéologique d'Olympie et Thessalonique, avant de rejoindre la Crète et l'île de Minos, ou encore les Cyclades. Patrick de Carolis achève son voyage à Delphes, où il retrouve l'écrivaine et philosophe Eliette Abecassis, qui dévoile les secrets de l'oracle, la célèbre Pythie. Faire de la culture un grand voyage ! Patrick de Carolis s'inspire de la démarche des artistes et jeunes aristocrates du XVIIIe siècle et part à la rencontre de personnages emblématiq...
Salut salut !!! J'espère que ce petit aperçu de mes vacances en Grèce vous plaira ^^ ABONNE TOI A MA CHAINE & REJOINS MOI SUR : ► Facebook: Capucine Cine ► Instagram: @capucine_cine ► Snapchat: capucine-cine DEVIENS UNE BEAUTY : ► http://bit.ly/beautytime CODES PROMOS : ► Natural Mojo 15% : capucinecine15 ► Hello Body 10% : capucinecine ► FitTea 10% : cine10 ► Natura Force : capucine10 ► Nakd 10% : capucine10
Toutes les informations sont juste là dessous ! ↘ Tu peux t'abonner à ma chaîne en cliquant ici : http://bit.ly/AlexPgs Yoooo les amis, j'ai décidé de vous parler un peu de mes vacances en Grèce à Rhodes ! Bons plans et adresses, je vous dis tout ! Sans oublier le petit best of de mes story Snapchat que j'ai faites là-bas ! ;-) Merci beaucoup d'avoir regardé cette vidéo. Pouce bleu si t'as aimé ! N'hésite surtout pas à t'abonner à ma chaîne ! Ah ouiiiiii, tu peux commenter et partager la vidéo aussi ! ✐ Les lieux dont je parle dans cette vidéo : - Notre hôtel à Rhodes : Esperos Palace - Cocktails pas cher : Colossus Bar à Faliraki - Afandou Beach : Plage de gros galets, eau transparente - Lindos : Magnifique ville avec pleins de petits magasins, produits locaux etc. - La Crique de L...
Grace's debut album 'FMA' out now! iTunes: http://smarturl.it/GraceFMA?IQid=yt Spotify: http://smarturl.it/StreamFMA?IQid=yt Amazon: http://smarturl.it/FMAmz?IQid=yt Google Play: http://smarturl.it/FMAGP?IQid=yt Physical copies available at FYE: http://smarturl.it/FMAFYE?IQid=yt Amazon: http://smarturl.it/FMAmz?IQid=yt Target: http://smarturl.it/TargetFMA?IQid=yt Barnes & Noble: http://smarturl.it/FMAbn?IQid=yt Best Buy: http://smarturl.it/BestBuyFMA?IQid=yt Newbury Comics: http://smarturl.it/FMANewburyComics?IQid=yt Follow Grace - Twitter: https://twitter.com/officialgrace Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamgrace Instagram: https://instagram.com/iamgrace Snapchat: official-grace Official Site: http://official-grace.com Music video byGrace performing You Don't Own Me. (C) 2015 RCA...
Plus de 1500 plans de caméras, une dizaine d'endroits incroyables, 3 catamarans, 20 jours d'aventures, ça donne ça. Voici le petit film de mon voyage en Grèce. C'était fou. »ABONNE-TOI pour suivre mes vidéos! Mes aventures quotidiennes: »SNAPCHAT: emilio_roy »INSTAGRAM: emileroymtl »FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/1Np3lVf »TWITTER: @emilioroy25 // Musique utilisée: -Riptide - Vance Joy (FlicFlac Edit) -Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye (Kygo Remix) -Don't let me down - The Chainsmokers (Illenium Remix) -Summertime - Trevor Guthrie (Tep No Remix) -Ocean Drive - Duke Dumont -Electric Love - Borns
Echappées belles : Grèce C'est en Grèce que nous retrouvons Sophie en compagnie d'Alexia journaliste pour la cérémonie quotidienne de l'Armée pour le changement de drapeau au dessus de l'Acropole. Elle assistera à un concert de bouzouki, elle fera une halte dans le village de pêcheurs de Trikeri. Toujours en compagnie d'Alexia elle fera une randonnée jusqu'au Pic des Météores qu'elle survolera en paramoteur au terme de l'émission. Rejoignez-nous https://www.facebook.com/EchappeesBellesF5 http://www.france5.fr/emissions/echappees-belles Sophie Jovillard, Raphaël de Casabianca et Jérôme Pitorin se relayent le samedi à 20h35 sur france5 pour vous faire découvrir des échappées aussi belles que lointaines.
Greece vs Belgium Éliminatoires coupe du monde Europe 2018 Russia By VIVONS FOOTBALL Greece vs Belgium 1-2 Greece 1-2 Belgium Grèce vs Belgique 1-2 Grèce 1-2 Belgique BUTEURS : 0-1 Jan Vertonghen 1-1 Zeca 1-2 Romelu Lukaku RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX : TWITTER : https://twitter.com/VivonsFoot PAGE FAN FACEBOOK : https://web.facebook.com/NousVivonsFoot/ PROFIL FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/Vivons.Footbal
Documentaire Grèce Années Chaos - La crise grecque, de la colère à l’espoir Réalisation Christian Lorre - production-triton Depuis 7 ans, la Grèce est un pays ruiné, avec un peuple épuisé et une démocratie bafouée... De janvier à juillet 2015, le réalisateur a regardé la Grèce se débattre dans une guerre où le peuple grec paye les errements de sa vieille classe politique et le dogmatisme de l’Europe néo libérale. La Grèce est devenue un pays du tiers monde mais elle n'est pas un épiphénomène car ici l’Europe teste la résistance des peuples. Alors, Comment cette crise s’est construite et où sont les responsabilités ? Pourquoi la Grèce est un miroir grossissant pour l’Europe du sud ? Une alternative à cette politique d’austérité est-elle autorisée ? Ou est l’espoir ?
( merci de noter la vidéo ) ABONNEZ-VOUS pour suivre l'évolution de mes vidéos sur YouTube,cordialement Claude Aven Akrotiri Santorin: La ville d'Akrotiri se situe prés de la plage Rouge à proximité d'un site archéologique. Akrotiri a été une des colonies de la civilisation Minoenne et les divers objets et fresques appartenant à cette civilisation, ont été très bien conservés.Tout comme pour Pompéi, la masse de cendres volcaniques a permis de conserver les ruines à l'abri du temps. La ville antique d'Akrotiri a été découverte dans les années 30 par l'archéologue grec Spyridon Marinatos.La belle fresque d'Akrotiri a été transférée au Musée archéologique d'Athènes. Akrotiri possède de ravissantes peti...
A bien des égards, la civilisation de la Grèce antique a influencé les sociétés occidentales. Par les arts, la philosophie, la morale et les sciences, la Grèce, dont . La ville d'Athènes est connue pour être le berceau de la démocratie mais aussi pour ses monuments colossaux, véritables prouesses architecturales. Périclès .
Uhem Mesut, notre renaissance: http://uhem-mesut.com/
Explore the most popular destinations in Greece (Athens, Mykonos, and Santorini) in this quick 3 minute overview. Whether your clients want to experience luxury accommodations and spa’s, or prefer to dive into the authentic countryside, Greece is a paradise for everyone. Find out more about planning Greek itineraries in this Webinar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUbOwnlZw0M
Though our visit was brief, Audrey and I still made it our mission to see as many sights and attractions as possible around Athens, Greece. We set out to visit temples and ruins steeped in history, but along the way we also discovered that the Greek capital is a city with a pretty cool vibe, lots of art, and great food. This video guide will showcase 20 things to do in Athens, Greece: GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ facebook: ...
Here are 10 travel tips if you're planning on visiting Greece in the near future. Make sure you click that subscribe button before you leave http://www.youtube.com/greekinthecityny Greece Travel Guide http://www.greektravel.com Check prices for ferries and purchase them here http://www.greekferries.gr How To Conquer Greece Without Launching 1000 Ships 1. Learning to Love a Malaka Although the word Malaka isn’t “nice” sometimes it’s meant to be friendly. Malaka means “jerkoff” but in Greece we use it as a term of endearment. People might say, “Hey jerkoff,” but don’t worry. You’ll be able to tell if they mean it by their tone of voice. Use your better judgment and go with the flow. 2. Most everything closes at noon for a few hours. No soup for you. In Spain its called “s...
An awesome travel guide to Greece, in a vlog style video! I'm going to bring you guys with me on a trip to Greece! I am half Greek, so I am well positioned to help you organize your next trip to that wonderful country! Come with me as we take a boat and sail of to the most popular islands! - We'll have a romantic getaway and experience the amazing sunsets on Santorini island, in the village of Oia. - We'll sail to the island of Crete where we'll swim in two of the most beautiful beaches in the world: Balos and Elafonissi. - We'll move on to the quiet and serene island of Milos where we'll have some of the best and freshest seafood. - We'll go back to the mainland to visit Greece's capital: Athens. - We'll visit the old theater and the Parthenon, two monuments of Greek architec...
✱ 17.119 Hotels in Greece - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/xSu5yt Travel video about destination Greece. Although Greece is the home of ancient gods, birthplace of European civilisation and a country of great warriors and philosophers it is also a country of many islands with tiny villages and white houses, a deep blue sea and almost constant sunshine.Athens is a lively city set in historic surroundings. Unique among all other Greek temples is the Acropolis whose imposing appearance and artistic decoration signified the great influence and power of ancient Athens. Six female figures, the Karyatides, support the southern hall of the Ionic Temple of Erechtheion that stands on sacred ground close to the main temple. The imposing Mitrópolis is the main Greek Orthodox cathedral in Athe...
10 Best Places to Visit in Greece Known for its plethora of ancient ruins, whitewashed villages, sunny beaches, tasty cuisine and friendly atmosphere, it is no wonder that Greece ranks among Europe’s top travel destinations. Greece is made up of a mountainous mainland and hundreds of islands where each one offers its own share of stunning landscapes, historic sites, nightlife scenes and cultural delights. An overview of the best places to visit in Greece: 10. Cape Sounion 9. Thessaloniki 8. Zagori 7. Halkidiki 6. Peloponnese 5. Delphi 4. Meteora 3. Crete 2. Athens 1. Greek Islands Music: NCS DEAF KEV - Invincible [NCS Release] goo.gl/7yNTNB Ahrix – Nova Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0kXCdaJ7C5MD27jXxzvHsa Facebook: http://bit.ly/1wFWvyM Youtube Channel: http://bit.ly/2mUBTD2 Yo...
You'll find romance in the many things to do in Santorini, such as Red Sand beach, Fira, the volcano, Oia, the donkeys and much more. I was there for three days-- here's 15 Best Things to Do in Santorini... especially if you're a solo traveler! Top Attractions in Santorini http://grrrltraveler.com/europe/greece/15-things-to-do-in-santorini/ Audio: YouTube Commons Water Lily by The 126ers My Other Travel Guides: New York Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide Coney Island Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Coney-Island-Guide Los Angeles Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Los-Angeles-Travel-Guide Venice Beach Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Venice-Beach-Guide Athens Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Athens-Travel-Guide Yangon Travel Guide ✈ bit.ly/Yangon-Travel-Guide Cappadocia Travel Gu...
This video for Santorini Vacation Travel Guide is one of our older productions, but we wanted to share it with you to get some feedback on how these older clips compare to the more recent travel guides we’ve shot. Below are some links to those recent videos. Feel free to compare with this clip and comment below to let us know which ones you prefer, and what else you’d love to see from Expedia on YouTube! St. Petersburg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3ISUUO0CSo Kyoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd1wzlwtKJ0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The island of Santorini has a pretty explosive past. It’s perched over the remains of a much larger land mass that sank almost 4,000 years ago when a volcano blew its top, leaving the blue ...
10 Things To Do In Santorini - We Saw Santorini In 1 Day! Santorini Greece Travel Vlog | Travel Guide | Greece 2016 Vacation More videos from Greece: http://bit.ly/29qFtyq More travel vlogs: http://bit.ly/29qFtyq ►Subscribe to my channel here: https://goo.gl/jjxGDR Santorini Secret: http://www.santorini-secret.com/en Things to do in Santorini: 1. A stroll down Oia. Enjoy the sunset and Amoudi Bay and have dinner there 2. A stroll down Fira. Enjoy the magnificent view of the glistening caldera. We don't recommend the cable car. Try lunch at Mama's House 3. Wine Museum. Santorini has a selection of wine museum that you can chose from and enjoy. 4. Kamari beach. Buy a beer from the local market and enjoy this beautiful black beach 5. Picnic at Pyrgos. Pyrgos is the highest point of the i...
To the Rhythm of Bouzoukis In addition to quite exceptional archaeological wealth, Athens is also a modern city. Proud of their beauty and a lifestyle protected, amongst other factors, by distance, the Greek islands each have their own personality. Crossing the Aegean sea, the film takes the viewer deep inside a lifestyle of exceptional quality. Brushing aside the clichés, Pierre Brouwers and his superb camerawork give a wonderful insight into eternal Greece, a fascinating backdrop to the country’s evolution into the modern era. Geography of the islands. Economy. Population. Traditions. Everyday Life. Tourism. ATHENS: the Ancient and Modern city. the Acropolis and major landmarks. Museum. Nightlife. Piraeus. ISLANDS: Hydra. Poros. Aegina. Euboea. Mykonos. Ios. Santorini. Feast of Pentecost...
In this video I document my expenses on the island of Santorini, Greece and show how to travel super cheap. PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info. And it's just $10 on Amazon! For more info, CLICK HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/ Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world. Available on Amazon.com here: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/ Support my videos on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gabrieltraveler?ty=h Gabriel's travel page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Explore-the-World/226239094115...
In this video I explore the Greek island of Corfu and show how much things cost. PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info. Just $10 on Amazon! For more info, CLICK HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/ Or feel like reading something else that's fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" features 26 exciting travel stories from around the world. Also available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/ Support Gabriel's videos on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/gabrieltraveler Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabrieltraveler Join Gabriel's Facebook travel group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2249858075...
Travel video about destination Athens in Greece. Athens is a lively city set in historic surroundings.Likavittós is a two hundred and seventy-seven metre high limestone rock that dominates the city. It towers up above several buildings and on its summit there’s a small chapel. The capital of Greece has a long history. It was founded three thousand five hundred years ago and had its golden age during Greek Antiquity under the democratic rule of Perikles. At that time the symbol of one Europe’s most influential cultures was created, Greek’s national sanctuary, the Acropolis. It took nine years to build the great temple of the goddess Athene, The Parthenon, that was completed in 438 B.C. Unique among all other Greek temples, with its imposing appearance and artistic decoration this temple sig...
✖For $100 OFF my EF College Break Greece trip → http://bit.ly/AdrienneGreece OR use 'Adrienne100' at checkout for $100 OFF any trip with EF College Break! Morgan Yates Travel Hacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi8zO-ALTPY Adams Youtube Channel! https://youtu.be/Tpjtrj6COsc → LET'S BE FRIENDS! ← ✖ INSTAGRAM - @adriennefinch ✖ TWITTER - @adrienne_wf ✖ FACEBOOK - facebook.com/adriennefinchvlogs ✖ SNAPCHAT - adriennewifi ✖ MUSICAL.LY - adriennefinch ✖ YOUNOW - adriennefinch ✖ PINTEREST- pinterest.com/adriennewfinch ✖ SUBSCRIBE TO MY VLOG CHANNEL ✖ https://goo.gl/EC2ed5 HEY GUYS! My Ultimate Greek Islands Travel Guide is finally here! I went on an amazing trip with EF College Break to the Greek Islands for 17 days. During the trip, we went to Athens, Crete, Santorini, Ios, Paros, Mykon...
In this video I explore Athens, Greece and show how much things cost. Need TRAVEL INSURANCE? Here's the company I use: https://www.worldnomads.com/?affiliate=Gtravel&subId;=&affiliateTrackingId;=865ad93577c34a26baf9b91f1cbc49a9&utm;_source=Gtravel&utm;_medium=affiliate&utm;_campaign=Affiliate&utm;_content=link PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info. And it's just $10 on Amazon! For more info, CLICK HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/ Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world. Available on Amazon.com here: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Ga...
The Greek islands: jewels thrown into the Aegean Sea. History and nature: Romans and Byzantines, sun worshippers and swimmers, gentle bays, sea as blue as the sky, sky as blue as the sea, and golden sand. Old cities, monasteries built on cliffs, mosaics shining with gold, the scent of the orange orchards, waving, silvery olive trees, taverns and cafes, windmills and idyllic, white walled villages, crowded bays… The 12 most beautiful and most visited islands in one movie! -------------- Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p Be our fan on Facebook ► http://goo.gl/0xmbQk Follow us on Twitter ► http://goo.gl/334ln5 -------------- Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! Please: respec...
Greece is the cradle of the European civilization, a quarry of mythology and ancient relics. On the Chalkidiki Peninsula we can visit the city of Thessalonica, the beaches of Katerini and Paralia, and from the boat we can take a look at the mystical monastery republic, Athos. Near the legendary Olympus Mountain we can take a look at the ‘rocks of gods’, the Meteora monasteries built on the sky-high cliffs. Athens’s well known building is the Acropolis, which is garlanded by the golden pillars of the Parthenon. The Agora was the marketplace of the ancient Athens, while the Plaka is a current, full of life eastern bazaar. From the capital the visitors can take journeys to the canal of Corinth and to the beaches of the Attican Riviera. From the dock of Pireus it is easy to take a boat and vis...
This video for Mykonos is one of our older productions, but we wanted to share it with you to get some feedback on how these older clips compare to the more recent travel guides we’ve shot. Below are some links to those recent videos. Feel free to compare with this clip and comment below to let us know which ones you prefer, and what else you’d love to see from Expedia on YouTube! St. Petersburg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3ISUUO0CSo Kyoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd1wzlwtKJ0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History, legend, and beauty are what Mykonos, Greece, is all about. Even its name is drawn from myth: Mykon, the first ruler of Mykonos, was purportedly the son of Apollo. You don’t need to be fully versed in Gre...
Athens is one of Europe's most overlooked cities, despite its strong history. So I'm going to share my 23 best things to do in Athens, Greece. As a traveler, there's many top attractions of Athens. Like any capital city, the list can be endless. What were my top highlights of this city? Let's see... http://wp.me/pNFhP-bY8 23 Best Things to Do in Athens | Top Attractions of Athens 1. Acropolis Hill 0:32 2. New Acropolis Museum 0:46 3. Plaka 0:49 4. Anafiotika :057 5. Greek Coffee 1:22 6. Temple of Zeus 7. Handrian's Arch 8. Greek Street foods and snack. 1:37 9. Hop on Hop off bus 10. Funicular 11. Mount Lycabettus 12. Mount Lycabettus Church 2:09 13. Syntagma Square 14. Parliament Building: Tomb of the Uknown Soldier 2:29 15. Evzone Guards 2:39 16. Omonia Square 17. Cent...
Stupid little fucker from outer space
I don't wanna see your ugly face
Lame ass shit go to the show
Shut your mouth what do you know
Oi!!(yeah whatever)
Follow every fucking trend
Timmy Armstrong's your best friend
I don't wanna see you puke
I'm sick of your friends and you
You're a rancid motherfucker and I don't