- published: 14 Oct 2011
- views: 35754
Projekt is a Portland, Oregon-based independent record label that specializes in darkwave, ambient and shoegaze, started by Sam Rosenthal in 1983. Projekt is also known for releases in the gothic rock, ethereal, dream-pop, and dark cabaret genres.
Prominent Projekt artists include Sam Rosenthal's own Black Tape for a Blue Girl, Steve Roach, Voltaire, Eric Wollo, Unto Ashes, Weep (Doc Hammer, co-writer of the Adult Swim show The Venture Bros.) Mira, and Android Lust.
Based over the years in South Florida, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Brooklyn, Projekt is now located in Portland. Projekt released 305 titles as of summer 2014, with an additional 25 physical CDs on the Projekt: Archive (formerly Relic) sub-label. Archive also is the home to an additional 85 digital-only titles.
Sam Rosenthal runs Projekt as an independent record label, privately owned and managed by Rosenthal. After many years of struggling with self-distribution, in 1997, Projekt secured exclusive distribution in The US with Ryko Distribution. Distribution was handled through Ryko and ADA (Alternative Distribution Alliance) throughout most of the 2000s and, as of 2012, is handled by E1 Entertainment Distribution. Digital Distribution is through E1 Entertainment Distribution.
Wave Music is an independent dance music record label founded in 1995 by François Kevorkian, headquartered in New York City.
Its catalog features a wide spectrum of musical styles by many different artists, as well as several compilation series, such as Body&SOUL-NYC, Deep&Sexy, Bossa Mundo, and Frequencies.
Over the years, Wave Music has launched a variety of imprints (sub-labels) such as Wavetec, clicktracks, Wave Classics, Streetwave, and Deep Space Media. As well, it distributes other independent labels such as Chez Music and Bombay Records.
Automatisches Raumspray - Arduino Projekt - DIY
The Witcher CD Projekt - Interview #12 - Tour du monde
Projekt Wasserfall | AFTER HUMANS #34 | Minecraft Modpack
Projekt MIG 21 (RC) Part-1
Bandish Projekt - Dakla - Feat. Aishwarya Joshi & Mc Todfod Music Video
Projekt Keshe Foundation Ein Genie oder ein Irrtum ? Teil 1.
In diesem Video zeige ich euch wie ihr eine Dose Raumspray mit Hilfe eines Mikrocontrollers (Arduino) automatisieren könnt. Arduino Sketch (Firmware): http://bit.ly/raumspray Falls Ihr Änderungen an dem Programmcode macht, die auch andere interessieren könnten, könnt ihr mir diese über github oder per Nachricht zukommen lassen. So kann ich diese mit aufnehmen und alle haben etwas davon. Musik: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Désolé pour le mini décalage sonore :) LIS LA DESCRIPTION Y'A DES INFOS IMPORTANTES : Interview réalisée dans le cadre du tour du monde que nous faisons avec la Coke TV Gaming, voici la vidéo originale que nous avons produit : LIEN DE LA VIDEO TMTC C'est un contenu BRUT que nous trouvions intéressants de vous montrer. Cette vidéo n'a pas pour but d'être "agréable à regarder", c'est plutôt une ITW brute pour apprendre des infos sur telle ou telle personne :) Merci à tous, n'hésitez pas à nous dire si ça vous a plu!
• After Humans Let's Play Playlist: https://goo.gl/Umgejz ✘ Shirt + Autogramm http://DebitorLP.de/Shop ✘ Minecraft After Humans Server? http://DebitorLP.de/Server ▬▬▬▬ LIVESTREAM • Livestream: http://DebitorLP.de/Livestream ▬▬▬▬ SOCIAL MEDIA • Twitter: http://DebitorLP.de/Twitter • Instagram: http://DebitorLP.de/Instagram • Facebook: http://DebitorLP.de/Facebook ▬▬▬▬ Minecraft After Humans • Technic Launcher: https://www.technicpack.net/download • After Humans: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/minecraft-after-humans.1060474 InstallationsVideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQSUbyMRcB0 Texture Package: Default Mitspieler: Gronkh: https://www.youtube.com/user/Gronkh Pandorya: https://www.youtube.com/user/PandoriumLP Tobi: https://www.youtube.com/user/TobinatorLetsPlay ...
Ist mein erstes flugmodel, ich hoffe es fliegt:-) Die MIG 21 wird 1200x600mm groß werden.
After Gondhal you need a heavier dose!!! For the world's longest traditional dance festival you need something to trip on and take you into trance. Here we bring you "Dakla". Purest form of Gujarati folk music . This is the first collaboration of Gujarati rap and Dakla. --------- FREE DOWNLOAD ----------- For the festival :) Download link : https://goo.gl/QNnSm3 Yet another download link for people who couldn't download from sound cloud on their phones Downlaod Link : http://bit.ly/2cZOMLk Get Katal Kalaa Ep - https://bhejafryrecords.bandcamp.com/album/katal-kalaa Director/Editor - Mayur Narvekar, Aishwarya Narvekar Vocals - Aishwarya Joshi, MC TOD FOD Intro - Maulik Jagdish Nayak Label - BHEJA FRY RECORDS Artwork - Xtrathin Design Pvt. Ltd.
Subscribe to Wave Music TV: https://goo.gl/uQXSdS Pretplati se Wave Music TV: https://goo.gl/uQXSdS Enjoy the Music & Share the Love! Label and copyright: Wave Music TV, a division of DH Digital™, ℗ & © 2017. All rights reserved. Subscribe to Wave Music TV: https://goo.gl/uQXSdS Booking IMPERO PRODUCTION: +381 63 7743275 Milos email: miloshantic@yahoo.com Label and copyright: Top manifest 011 / C4D Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projekatband2013/ ►Izvršni producent: Darko Popović ►Publisher: Top manifest 011 ►Music: Kyriakos Papadopoulos ►Lyrics: Darko Popović, Vasa Projekat ►Arr: Damir Handanovic i Marko Kon ►Muzička produkcija: DH Music ►Muzički studio: 3000 Beograd ►Truba: Miloš Nikolic ►Keyz i programing: Damir Handanović ►Bas gitara: Ivan Mirkovic Bambi ►Gitare: Mladen ...
Seid gegrüsst werte Besucher/innen Den kompletten Begleittext können Sie auf: http://www.selfhealingfield.ch/Dr%20Keshe%20Genie%20oder%20Irrtum.pdf lesen. Der Begleittext wurde am 28.01.2016 aktualisiert. You-Tube gestattet hier nur begrenzte Textgrössen, darum die Auslagerung des Begleittextes. Weitere Informationen über unsere Forschungsarbeit unter http://www.selfhealingfield.ch Eines sei im Voraus gesagt. Wenn ich an etwas glauben muss, damit es funktioniert. Dann funktioniert es nicht wirklich. Dann hat der Glaube funktioniert, aber nicht das Experiment. Nachtrag vom 10 März 2016 Leider muss ich sagen, dass keines unserer bisherigen Experimente die Aussagen von Herrn Keshe vollständig bejahen könnte. Wir befürchten, dass Herr Keshe sich geirrt hat. Unsere Experimente waren auf...
„Dokud odmítáš plnit příkazy, jsi člověkem.“ Lidskost je naší nejsilnější zbraní. Seznam se s PROJEKTEM: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/cs/featured/skins/project-2016
There's nothin' to say,
Hip-Hop has got is in chains,
It's got is locked in a cage,
As if am one of it's slaves,
Working day & night,
That's just me way of life.
There's nothin' to say,
Ah cannit stop, it's too late,
It's what av wanted for ages,
So am stoppin' up late.
Working day & night,
That's just me way of life.
Verse 1 (Yemm)
Am so depressed, ah hold hold me head,
Ah don't know meself, am no ones friend,
Ah get no respect, am owed the credit,
Am more or less, alone but bet,
That ah wont forget, when the shows ah get,
Are all the best, nd av sold like ten,
Thousand, n they're callin yemm, just shouting,
Ad walk to the end of the earth nd back,
Am not kidding I might,
I've been writing since I was 9,
This is all a can do,
This is all that I know,
It's mine nd it brings is to life,
I could do it in me sleep like a wet dream, this,
Musics what ah breathe till, am set free, till,
Am lying in a box, with me eyes like a cross,
In the sky like a sky with me memories,
Av selt me soul, like years ago,
It's set in stone, the devil knows,
Am raring to go, am destined to blow,
Am determined, av invented a flow,
That'll hurt you, like getting a blow,
To your, am at the end of me tether,
Am ready for war,
With any... Body that'll step to is,
So a suggest, that u go bang your head orr a wall,
Ah settle the score when ah kick up a fuss,
Tellin yous all, you can lick on me nuts,
Am pressing record nd am rippin it up,
From the second that ah talk till ah finish n put,
The headphones down n turn the mic off,
This life is hard, n ah write what ah feel,
At the time coz it's real,
But I might stop, right now coz,
Heres the chorus... Plus there's,
There's nothin' to say,
Hip-Hop has got is in chains,
It's got is locked in a cage,
As if am one of it's slaves,
Working day & night,
That's just me way of life.
There's nothin' to say,
Ah cannit stop, it's too late,
It's what av wanted for ages,
So am stoppin' up late.
Working day & night,
That's just me way of life.
Verse 2 (JP)
Me, meself and I,
Are always arguing all the time,
We walk the line, between insane n genious,
So man, ofcourse I'm wild,
Am out me face, so brighter days,
Are taken away by clouds n rain,
Nd when it comes down it pours,
So all that I know it is seems to go down the drain,
I hate it, But it is what it is,
N everything is what I make it,
Nowts changing, N I always make,
The bed that I've slept or laid in,
Am patient, n I'll wait me turn,
But beleive when I get it, I'll be eager as ever,
To make it work, n when I get a grip,
Al take the world n break it,
So brace yisel, while a take a breathe,
Am racing agen, am blazed agen,
But feeling amazin agen, I've went,
Way beyond gettin' wasted agen,
Am High as a kite, nd try as yi might,
Yi cannit pull is down from the height that am at,
On me way to space, on a flight to saturn,
Nd am drifting away n a might'nt come back,
Am feelin' out of this world,
Man it's insane, ah love the buzz,
It's just what music does,
I get way more from it,
Than what I do from drugs,
So who the f*ck is anyone else,
To tell is anything different,
Ah could make meself any more clearer,
If I was made from crystal, Coz...
There's nothin' to say,
Hip-Hop has got is in chains,
It's got is locked in a cage,
As if am one of it's slaves,
Working day & night,
That's just me way of life.
There's nothin' to say,
Ah cannit stop, it's too late,
It's what av wanted for ages,
So am stoppin' up late.
Working day & night,
That's just me way of life.
Verse 3 (Rekon)
Am alive! but don't believe am livin'
Everythings changed, but I don't feel the difference,
It's hard to dream with a sleep deficiency,
I don't know what's real or isnt,
Is it me, or has it always been this difficult before,
Am surrounded by people but I feel alone,
Gotta keep on goin',
Plant those seeds, nd see what grows,
But ends don't meet, am still depressed,
And ah get no sleep, Am an S.O.B on days like these,
Ah hate them all, ah Jus make the most,
It's the way it goes,
But sometimes life does faze me,
So sometimes ah might look crazy,
But it's just a phase, it gets brushed away,
It's not somethin ah fight through daily,
Just lately it's takin' it's toll so,
Forgive is if am stranger than normal,
But ah can't help feelin distant,
Guess the world am from is different than,
Yours that you all live in so,
You can keep on thinkin that am trippin,
Coz a probably am,
Av had four spliffs n a bottle of jack daniels,
Ah think am in search of companionship,
N this is the ship that has it,
This mic, this booth, this rappin',
It's like writing tunes is magic,
It calms is down like half an ounce in half an hour,
There's not a single beat that I can't devour,
It's like the meals on the plate, n am starving now!
There's nothin' to say,
Hip-Hop has got is in chains,
It's got is locked in a cage,
As if am one of it's slaves,
Working day & night,
That's just me way of life.
There's nothin' to say,
Ah cannit stop, it's too late,
It's what av wanted for ages,
So am stoppin' up late.
Working day & night,