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Opinion Editorials
July 3, 2017

Tech companies must commit to tackling extremism

Henry Jackson Society
By Nikita Malik Better late than never. The announcement that four major technology platforms — Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft — will create a new Global Internet Forum to counter terrorism has been a long time coming. Until recently, the onus ...
June 29, 2017

Ukraine’s Stalled Revolution

Henry Jackson Society
By Andrew Foxall and Lincoln Pigman More than three years have passed since Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution, in which protestors took to the streets and ousted their corrupt leader Viktor Yanukovych. But reform has been slow in coming. To be fair, President ...
June 23, 2017

Panama Has Ditched Taiwan. Here’s Why It Matters for America.

John Hemmings
Originally published in The National Interest, 22 June 2017 Last week’s sudden announcement by Panamanian president Juan Carlos Varela that Panama would henceforth be shifting its diplomatic relations from Taiwan to mainland China was not entirely unexpected in Taipei. Tsai Ing-wen ...
June 9, 2017

Blind, bovine hope will get us nowhere – it’s time to change our response to Islamic extremism

Henry Jackson Society
By Douglas Murray. This article originally appeared in The Daily Mail. Last Sunday, I appeared on the BBC’s Sunday Politics to discuss the aftermath of the Manchester attack. I said what I thought, and various Muslim groups promptly went bananas. This was not ...
June 7, 2017

Hate speech spreads too easily in online spaces – here’s how social media can stop it

Henry Jackson Society
By Nikita Malik. This article originally appeared in The Telegraph. The last few months have seen three tragic terrorist attacks occur in the United Kingdom in quick succession. The question we now find ourselves asking is what more could have been done to prevent ...
June 7, 2017

The Error of Arming the Syrian Kurds

Henry Jackson Society
By Kyle Orton. This article originally appeared in The New York Times. LONDON — The United States recently committed itself to arming the Kurdish People’s Protection Units, known as the Y.P.G., to help evict the Islamic State from its Syrian stronghold, Raqqa. ...
June 6, 2017

Why Trump’s wrong to obsess over terrorists’ nationality rather than developing a smart plan to defeat their ideology

Henry Jackson Society
This article originally appeared in the New York Daily News. By Nikita Malik. As the most recent terrorist attacks unfolded in London, President Trump took to Twitter to express anger and frustration towards the resistance to the travel bans he has sought ...
June 5, 2017

Why Russia (probably) isn’t hacking the general election

Henry Jackson Society
By Dr Andrew Foxall. This article originally appeared in CapX. Ever since 18 April, when Theresa May called the election, a key question has been whether Russia would interfere in the democratic process. In Whitehall, that question has been treated as a ...
June 4, 2017

The Terrorists Are Clear, It Isn’t About Foreign Policy

Henry Jackson Society
By Tom Wilson This article originally appeared in CapX. Today, Jeremy Corbyn gave a speech claiming that UK foreign policy “increases the threat” to this country, suggesting that this has been a cause of terrorism on British soil. The old debate about terrorist ...
June 4, 2017

Britain Must Ramp Up Its Fight Against Islamic Extremists

Henry Jackson Society
By Tom Wilson  This article originally appeared in The National Interest. Last week, the United Kingdom’s terror-threat level was deemed critical and armed forces were deployed on British streets. It is difficult to see what further security measures the government could put ...
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Key Publications
June 15, 2017

The Kings of State Procurement

Henry Jackson Society
That summer day in 2005 completely changed the life of Pavel Yakshis, an ordinary St Petersburg motorist moonlighting as a deliveryman. He was driving his Gazelle van along Tikhoretsky Prospekt in the northern capital when a concrete mixer in front ...
April 27, 2017

Spotting The Signs: Identifying Vulnerability To Radicalisation Among Students

Henry Jackson Society
A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Spotting The Signs: Identifying Vulnerability To Radicalisation Among Students, investigates students who have travelled from the United Kingdom to join terrorist organisations in Syria and Iraq. Those who have fought or trained abroad have been ...
April 19, 2017

From Metropole to the PEN Centre

Henry Jackson Society
The Metropole affair of 1979 made a special contribution to the struggle for the anti-censorship Article 29 of the Russian Constitution, which the current regime has gone to great lengths to reduce to the status of a stage prop. The ...
April 4, 2017

How the Press Elected the President

Henry Jackson Society
Boris Yeltsin won the 1996 presidential election in the second round after starting the campaign with an approval rating of 13 per cent. Almost twenty-one years ago, on 3 July 1996, the second round of the presidential election was held in ...
March 24, 2017

Foreign Terrorist Attacks By The Islamic State, 2002-2016

Henry Jackson Society
A new report from The Henry Jackson Society, Foreign Terrorist Attacks By The Islamic State, 2002-2016, documents 152 incidents of terrorism or attempted terrorism conducted in the name of the Islamic State and its predecessors, and assesses how directly the ...